Golden Hat XXXIX: Bull/Boar Centaurs

Why not a hobgoblin centaur???


A new competition?
Wicked cool, luckily I looked in there today.
Let’s see how quickly I can find my miniatures.

I hope I find time to participate


Hmm… hobby time has been… truncated… of late, but will see if I have time to enter… something.


F. Just sat down to FIX my KoW regiments because some idiot dropped a box on the completed ones, and now the Task Masters do this to me.

Well, I do only have 16 or so BC in progress all ready plus a few BB ones somewhere


I had a day off yesterday and built something for this. It’s a kit-bash that shouldn’t work…and probably doesn’t work…but by Satan’s grace I’ll make work.


Now that sounds like a mad Daemonsmith furiously at work on demented schemes in his laboratory!


I’ll toss my big hat in this ring


Way to go… Helms and Masks to Rule.

Oooops, you said “Ring” not “Bin”


As always, i had started work on an idea, now i’ve had a different idea and have to start again!
Also wishing i’d saved my Astragoth-bull centaur conversion for from the last Golden Hat for this


As my 3d printer broke, I have to see if I can make it in time this time.
I have a backup plan, although isn’t as exciting as the dumb idea I have in mind.
Let’s wait and see

Bought a elegoo Saturn btw


Lamarckdromia beagle
A new species of crab found in Australia:

Made me think of a crab centaur. Being furry all over I thought perfect for a half Dwarf half crab. Can’t let the Walrus have all the fun. Still brainstorming though.


I want one of these!



That is just a real close-up pic and the treatments have eliminated the problem.

Jees! I thought they said it was all “Medical-in-Confidence”




Ah my Lords. Once again we find ourselves commanded by those High Priests that steer the ships of Hashut’s Empire to provide new forces. Centaurs this time. I do hope you had a better response than I received when I spoke with Igor. He became quite animated, wittering on about breeding programs, jestational periods (women’s problems I think, I must confess I was not really listening) and generally being very negative about the deadline. ‘Why centaurs!’. He insisted on asking. Eventually I had to intervene. I was starting to worry about the poor souls blood pressure. I felt the need to help him and was moved to poetry.

Look. I said.

‘When there are. Problems,
Problems to the left of us,
Problems to the right of us,
Problems in front of us,
That grow and multiply.

Ours is not to reason why,
Ours is but to do or sacrifice annoying underlings who whinge about the simplest tasks, questioning their betters and who will be lucky if any shred of skin or flesh is left intact after the questioners get their flensing tools into them’

Admittedly it does not quite scan perfectly yet, but it did seem to energise and enthuse Igor.

In retrospect he does seem to be getting a little big for his boots. No matter. I usually find that tightening the bolts 2-3 turns usually helps in the footwear department.


I swear, later on I have to trawl through contest threads and compile @Uther.the.unhinged 's marvellous tales of toil and the travails of Igor Igorssons into one epic of poetry. :smiley:


My Dear Lord Admiral, it is gratifying to know that you enjoy my little missives, but the ‘travails of Igor’? What about the travails of Uther? It is after all, I, who have to deal with his constant complaints, whingeing and general negativity. Worse still, sometimes it is not just Igor. These negative outlooks can spread through an entire design team like a cancer. Why only yesterday, Igor approached me with a list of ‘insolvable’ problems regarding the centaur project that had been raised by members of the team. In fairness to Igor he was the conduit for the views of others. Whilst it is always satisfying to kill the messenger it can be quite wasteful of chief engineers, who are hard to replace in these difficult times. Really, something must be done to encourage more of the youth to choose an engineering career. Perhaps adjusting the syllabus or more flogging. Anyway, I digress. In this case it was clear the entire team needed one of my legendary ‘Motivational Seminars’. So it was this morning that I found myself saying a few words to the collected team on the subject of goals, teamwork and motivation. This was very well received, if I say so myself, with quite the appropriate amount of clapping. The feedback slates were also encouraging (100% positive responses). Then they were shown some informative etchings and given some written information as well (I come across even better in multi-media). Well, following refreshments for myself several members of the team were split up in the workshops to illustrate, elucidate and experience the points I had had made for them earlier. Finally we met up for a final Q&A session. Well, by the time my staff had finally cleared up all those with questions the mood in the team was very different. They were full of ideas and ‘work-around s’ (No, I have no idea what that means either but apparently they will make future seminars unnecessary).

Now I had to organise all this. ‘Poor’ Igor does not have to worry about team morale and motivation, workplace attitude, health and safety, staff wastage and how all these impact on Production Schedules. No, these worries rest upon my broad shoulders alone. All Igor has to worry about, when it comes to these enterprises, is his parts. Really the pressure is all on me. But, as you know, I am not one to complain.

I am reliably informed that the centaur project is now proceeding at pace. So it seems my hard work and suffering has not gone to waste.


Okay, so this will be the first time I have entered a painting/conversion contest EVER…

I’ve only recently handled myself to start painting again and so thought, why not?

I swear that if nothing else YouTube’s contribution to painting instructional videos is absolutely fantastic, has completely changed the way I paint.


You and me both first timers this one round


Nice one!