Jackswifts - Red Queen's Army - GH XL Entry Gargantuan Bull Centaur Render Musician

Thank you, Sir. Only took me 3 months to paint from when I built it (never mind that I’ve had some of those models for 10+ years).

Devolving intentions is how previous attempts have gone mostly. Definitely possible it’s all wishful thinking, but going to try to keep the momentum of the last few months going.


Now that the GH XL contest is over, presenting my entry. The idea was to build a larger than average Bull Centaur Render/KoW Greater Abyssal Halfbreed playing an instrument that is a mashup of sax, bagpipe, and euphonium with a gramophone horn.

Warning - pic heavy. A shot of the model, in the PIP unit it will be a part of, is at the bottom of this post, and gives the scale versus a standard FW Bull Centaur Render

I had been toying with various versions of a gargantuan bull centaur for more than a year now using bits from an extra FW winged Taurus as the base. I considered entering a version of this idea for multiple recent contests, but nothing I looked at for the torso seemed to quite be in scale.


The musician version of the idea started for this contest as a bagpipe and mutated from there to what you see here.

Body build out bits used (beyond the Taurus body) include the body and head from a Reaper bones hill giant, arms and hand from a totally different hill giant (the torso was right, but the original arms were oversize), wih teeth from a Reaper bones Great Maw as the horns. The hands and arms were cut and reposed to play the instrument. I sliced and shaped bones material from the left over hill giant pieces, and mixed them with super glue to fill in between the taurus body and the hill giant torso. The original beard was very short. The updated beard is actual twisted wire clamped with flattened aluminum rod, and fashioned in the style of the FW Bull Centaurs. Original giant minis:



The drum platform was a mix of styrene sheet and rod, over structural supports built from chopped Bionicle parts. The drum cradle, instrument body, and gramophone horn-end were built from engine exhaust bits from a dreamforge Leviathan, styrene, and brass or aluminum rod. The rest of the horn was a tapered super glue bottle cone sliced at angles to curve around the back of the brute. The drum canister itself is a light from an old gi joe toy I think, and the drum cover is a lightly textured round base.

Armor was added including the shoulder pad front the other hill giant, and a plethora of shields from all over the place, I can probably ID most of them if anyone is curious. The chains are from the hell cannon, the instrument keys are paper-clip wire and round bits from a thin metal sheet for detailing mechs, and the bolts are model train bits. The axe head comes from that Titan Forge infernal golem. Torches are from click pen workings, and the flames are random curvy pieces from bones models.

The drummer is a Reaper metal female dwarf with the top of the head sliced off and a big hat from Admiral’s awesome priestess model (on backwards). The weapons/tools were replaced with rod and pin heads for the drum mallets. The brace arms (that hold her onboard the platform) are resin bow arms from a random model. Original model:

Was a fun build to do and I look forward to using the model on the table-top. Enjoy. Build pics:

And the final painted model:

The drummer by herself. Her base is magnetized so she can be removed from the platform:

And finally a shot of the model with the unit it will join (which is paint in progress):

Hope you enjoy seeing the detail behind this build. Cheers, JR


Complete utter madness. Another iconic Jackswift bash! Your bits sourcing and greeble-trash pillaging always make the post contest WIPs a thing to behold. Looks imposing in the unit too!

Always good bits inside click pens! Especially perfect use for them here.


Wow! I loved this one. Now I am even more impressed. Amazing skills and insane imagination. Hashut will be proud.


Beautiful work as ever, and what a mad, jolly build it is! So happy to see the priestess you designed in concept drawing make it onto such a grand converted monster. The magnetized base was cleverly hidden with the side details. I actually didn’t spot the ordinary base at first because it fit so seamlessly into the rest of the platform. Clever and creative and high quality all around! Among the largest musician models on here.

Exquisite work, Jackswift! :hatoff:


Fantastic work! I’m beginning to wonder if your bitz box is comprised of a bottomless pit… You “just happened” to have one of the rarer CD releases, the rider free Bale Taurus, as a spare and decided to chop it up for a conversion?!

  • Brilliant! :taurus1:

All, Thanks very much for the comments! This model was a fun one to make for certain. I think the thing I enjoy most about the hobby is chopping up random models, and hunting bits, greebles, and odds and ends for just the right pieces to build something entirely different than what it started as.

@denelian5 my bits box is quite extensive, but not that deep, just alot that I have collected over many years, but never built. It was a Drazhaoth the Ashen on winged Taurus. :eye: :smile:

Now I have a bull head, some nice wings, a rider, and more bits for future conversions, too! :cd1990gif:

I crossed the bridge of being willing to chop up and convert even costly/rare models a long time ago. Sometimes those bits are just what is needed to get the result right. Especially when I consider the model has been languishing on a shelf for years, and using those parts means I buy nothing else. The final model is entirely unique, and to me worth what goes into it.



This was an absolutely insane and amazing build! It had an almost ILM level of greeblies in it, that clearly made us all stop and stare for waaay too long at the insane amount of details. Excellent build, my friend.


Oh man this is why I couldn’t wrap my head around your entry! I was looking at it intensively trying to understand where that torso was coming from, and I didn’t even realise that the bottom part was a Taurus!
DAMN!!! :shed: the amount of work behind this is huuuge!! And it shows, now with WIP even more!!

Excellent work man!! :eggplant: