Legion of Jaskorh [2025-01-08]

Thanks so much, pal! The work itself wasn’t actually that much, but dreading it took me a looooong time :slight_smile: I was always one to stay away from ambitious projects or just painting my most valuable models because of the “I’m not there yet, first I have to get better at painting/converting/whatever” thing. And that’s really just nonsense. Still struggling with it though, but at least now I know how foolish that is.

In the meantime I took a second swing at the Overseer and fixed the parts I wasn’t happy with.


Surely it was a lot of work.

Glad you’ve beaten up in yourself that “I’m not ready, not good enough” nonsense. :slight_smile:


I can’t believe Belthasar Gelt is dead!
great job


Hahahaha, serves him right for his role in the End Times if you ask me :wink:
(to be honest it was just a bit I had lying around and zero other use for, I don’t want it to be seen as a not-so-subtle punch at AoS or so)

Thanks mate!


A few more pictures of the Tower of Jaskorh ambassador to the Court of the Lizard King


Really like this idea! Where did you get all the conversion parts from?

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Thanks mate, much appreciated! I had the great weapon arms lying around from my Dwarf army and the Wood Elf weapon blades came from a bitz-trader. I cleared the market for them in Germany :sweat_smile:

I’ve found the great weapon shafts but can’t find the glaives anywhere!

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Yeah I can imagine, I was genuinely surprised that I could find that many. There could be coming new ones to the market once Wood Elves are released for TOW!

Yeah I mean I can wait as it’s not up there on this list of to do jobs yet…

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Haha, I hear you, I had mine for over 5 years before I finally made the conversion :joy: