Plunder for the Ironclad Fleet [Feb 7 2025 - That 70's Crow]

Tinkered away at this one for a while now. Got this ol’ metal model used and it needed serious help. Not to mention the base required extra work to make places for the crew to be magnetized and recessed within the rock and also to pin the monstrosity securely through the base. Ended up not using some of the bits since I kind of like it slightly stripped down, great pieces for future conversions too. Opted for this scheme to differentiate the purple daemonic soul magic from the lore of fire. Not much here in the conversion department but I’m happy to have this classic ready for the table.


First wargaming related piece off of my Prusa 3D printer, and oh does it make me feel like a young daemonsmith again. Big hats off to Dancing Yak Miniatures for the awesome broken statue file download. Lots to learn I still have but the idea engine is whirring. Gave it a quick and dirty paint job just to test. Looking forward to figuring out the limits of this printer, as others have said terrain seems to be a good niche for the fidelity of FDM printers.


Wow. That came out really well. Need to get my printer up and running. Nice work on the cannon too! I especially like the basing setup to include the crew.

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Thanks! @Jackswift That cannon base was a piece of work, especially faking the rock around the crew to look like the rest of the rocks while still having the nice cutouts.

Great work with the terrain, 3D printing looks very much to be the future of a lot of wargaming goodness but I’ve got to say the mix of Skaven and AdMech is genius and blew my mind, great job

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Thanks! I can’t take full credit for that mashup. Ever since the Necron vs Admech box set came out that priest has been cheap conversion fodder. I’ve seen a couple Skaven folks use it in different ways. Always been partial to Skryre tek

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Glorious as ever. Nice to see this great log up and running so quickly on new CDO!

Oh, and it’s great to see the DYM ruined statue being put to good use. Keep it up.

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Golden Hat XXXIII entry. The Runemaster’s staff was just begging to become a pyromancer’s hat and I had been tossing around concepts to incorporate Fyreslayers in conversions. When the flaming bull endless spell was released I had a bit more of an idea formulated but struggled with indecision for a while. The Golden Hat motivated me to make some choices and move forward. I didn’t have any faces that I liked so I went ahead and hacked one together with green stuff. Took a leap of faith with the flowing lava texture on his base too.

PSA: Highly recommend Warcolours paints especially those looking to experiment with wet blending. The consistency and working time is perfect for applications like fire, lava, wavy water, etc. I snagged the speciality fire set and had a blast working with them. I’ve also had some good luck mixing them with Vallejo paints to hit a middle ground of opacity and working time.


This post should bring me up to date with my old CDO blog. Now onward to uncharted waters!

Second half of my Golden Hat entry with a few WIP pictures. Received these 6 K’Daai in used condition and decided to make my own heads and swap weapons to create some variety. Put a little extra work into the Manburner and gave him a hat to top it off. Pulled in a few bits from the Fyreslayer Pyromancer conversion to tie them together.


I absolutely loved the bull. The lava effect was brilliant. As for the k’daii, well they are the most K’daii ish of any K’daii I have seen . Fantastic.

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Great stuff. Beautiful conversions on the K’daii and Bull rider. Lovely pieces, with one thought. The paint on the bull and rider is well done, but the brown coat of the bull itself spans a large surface. Perhaps this is exactly what you were going for as it makes the eye go to the rider. Some minor detail such as tattos or sigils on the bull might add additional visual interest. Love the basing again, really striking!

Beautiful additions to your army, not a criticism, just food for thought. Cheers!

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That’s a good idea, now that I’m not up against a contest deadline could definitely revisit, maybe some seared brands or something. I like the way you think.

Thanks @Jackswift for the idea/feedback. Had some time to work on this real quick and gave me an excuse to try out the convenience of mobile upload since I’ve been migrating from imgur thus far.


Wow, even better. Great freehand there

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That was quick! And of top quality. Great painting, Reaver, and good eye there, Jackswift!

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Looks amazing, and makes the model even more striking without taking away from the paint job on the rider. Well done!

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l loved the daemonsmith kitbash and its drawings

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Probably one of my favorite character models that I’ve ever finished and one of those cases where the bits just fell into place (perhaps by Hashut’s will).

This looks awesome, loving the base too!

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Been a while since last update so here’s a WIP sorcerer of Hashut. Really a mosh of parts and sculpting but I’m pleased so far, been wanting to use that pipe for a while. Idea ended up being reminiscent of an ogre firebelly except forming sorcerous energy by blowing smoke and ash.