Plunder for the Ironclad Fleet [Feb 7 2025 - That 70's Crow]

So many very very cool models, great to see them all in one big pic

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A great looking army you have there. The plethora of conversions make for a stunning group of models!

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Thanks all for the kind words, makes me want to keep churning out models in Hashut’s name. I’m excited put hammer to anvil on some new (and old) conversions that are thus far piles of bits and percolating ideas.

For now, here’s a decidedly not converted magma cannon that finally has a base to call home (took me long enough). I will say that Forgeworld graciously left me with some arduous heat gun work to straighten out the chassis. Worth it in the end.


Lava effects are gorgeous in this.

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Both the magma cannon and the lava base look phenomenal!

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And here’s the first of two Iron Daemons. Nothing new or converted but happy to give it a dais to sit on and more formally post it. Again, a lot of work to clean up and assemble. Painted the wheels, crew, and hubcaps of death separately but everything else was one satisfyingly large piece.

Ordered straight from Forgeworld (which I usually never do) but caught a stroke of luck… it arrived with slightly smaller Dreadquake wheels. FW sent me a whole second Iron Daemon kit for free since they had to make a new mold and it took forever. Happy to wait for free stuff!

I like this model without converting but having a guilt free second copy to hack up with a dremel… That’s more like it.


Beautiful work as always. Can’t wait to see what you make of the second one.

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By the blessing of Hashut, here is the Iron Daemon I converted using parts from my free kit. Chassis is one of the 40k Servohaulers with a widened wheelbase (treadbase?) to make it more squat looking. Drilled out the main engine of the resin Iron Daemon to create the stack and salvaged a few lower bodies for conversions (see Sorcerer of Hashut). The front flag-dwarf is a Mage Knight mini with added periscope hat and beard. There are still a lot of parts leftover from the FW kit including two crew that will find a home soon enough… Not to mention the 2 remaining servohaulers to continue sprinkling Mechanicus bits amongst my war machines.


Awesome conversion and executed beautifully! A really great use of parts. The guy coming out of the boiler (what I would normally expect to be a boiler) is hilarious in part because of the fit, but wonderfully characterful. A beautiful little CD steam tank. Well done!


Thanks! I’ll leave it up to the imagination how he gets his stout self and large hat up to the lookout position. Hilarity admittedly outweighs practicality from time to time… Perhaps a steam powered lift or maybe a pile of slaves, regardless it must be a tight squeeze :upside_down_face:

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Another great conversion, and I do love me some pin hats! :smiley:
Very well done…


Amazing work, sir. Beautifully thought out and brilliantly executed.


Very impressive conversion! Love your painting, the metallics on this machine are perfect. Also, great work on the transition to the purple tentacle-things in the prow (some poor imprisoned daemon of Tzeentch, perhaps? :smile:) Their colour is a nice contrast to the rest of the miniature while not popping out too aggressively. Awesome.


Thanks, I really appreciate it! Good eye, I’m glad you picked out the purple. I’ve tried to introduce it in subtle(ish) places around the army to represent imprisoned daemons or related magic. This warm scheme is not what I would consider to be my traditional wheelhouse so I still feel like I’m learning how to make the colors work. I’m much more used to blue Tyranids and blue/green/teal Tzeentch & Thousand Sons.


Great work! I keep seeing so many imaginative things done with that service hauler model!

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Really nice iron daemon. Those servo haulers really work.

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This mad dwarf was an eBay score from a good while ago, sitting idle waiting for a purpose. I’ve taken apart a few decorative clocks and have since been putting cool bits and watch movements aside, eventually merging projects with this awesome old dwarf mini. Don’t know exactly why but it seemed to make sense, maybe partly the catharsis of tearing apart old clocks that drove me mad? I did a little converting on him and sculpted his shield, making sure to preserve his hilariously pompous helm-hat.

Eventually I was able to justify another eBay purchase by severing the priggish elven scribe for a friend and claiming a fantastic octopus for myself. Naturally, I glued a hat on it to cement its newfound place among the Reavers of Uzkulak. A few steampunk mods and a hook hand were sufficient to disguise any previous attachment points to the model that once was. Had a blast cobbling these two models together for the Golden Hat.

Thanks @Admiral for adding some inspirational comments to include in my lore page.


Always loved that old mini, particularly his helm decoration being a tiny version of him, in the exact same pose. I always liked to imagine that it was animated and moved to copy whatever he was doing.
Beautiful composition, your hard work really paid off. One of the coolest things I’ve seen in my life.


Great conversion work and admirable painting as always, especially the various shades of purple on the octopus. The artwork on the lore page is also very inspired and atmospheric - as one would expect, having seen the stuff you’ve already produced in that line! :smiley: Kudos to you for this project.


Arrrh. Tis be gorgeous to behold.