Pyro's Continuing Blog: Unreleased Chaos Dwarf

I’m hoping for a 3rd addition to the war machine range but I guess it would be even better if it had compatible parts. Just means I’ll have to get two so my army is even :sweat_smile:

I’m already regretting mixing the knights haha. I thought the morningstars would be raised above their heads. If i put those ones on the outsides of the unit it shouldn’t look too bad. Otherwise they need to be bent a lot so they don’t look like they are trying to flail down the ponys beside them. One of the bear knights is going to need a sculpted booster seat or something because he doesn’t sit properly at all. Looks like he’s trying to fly away. They wouldn’t be old school models if they were easy though

Theres a few close ups of the army in my old blog here: [Archive] Pyro's Chaos Dwarf Collection: Square to Round Base Adapters - #463 by PyroStick

Oooft I didn’t realise it took me 7 years to finish the asscannon. 8 years since that last photo was taken as well.