@Deebo : Ask away! And do check out Scibor’s wonderful tutorials as well (they’re on old CDO too): Tutorials
Nice to hear you’ve come to look on the bright side of life! I’m on EEFL mainly because I’m a known spamlord, but it’s is nice forum in and of itself as well.
I’ve got handy linklist documents for all manner of project logs, Admiralty Miniature releases, tutorial spreading, art projects (T9A culture concepts, 40k doodles, Chaos Dwarf stories to come later on) and the like, to be spammed on a slew of forums and even some subreddits and facebook groups. But I have also tossed them some EEFL specific advice on contests and pointed to CDO’s 8th edition Daemonsmith’s Handbook and told them to copy it over (a couple of lads have started to do so, and incorporated tactica points raised in thread discussions). I would have done much the same had I ever found an AoS forum; spam everything I do and find in relevant subforums by the power of copy-paste, respond to replies, tip them off on CDO AoS creations such as @thommyh 's fine Warscrolls, @Uther.the.unhinged 's great stories etcetera, and if I see something that would be an advantage to them (such as running contests, CDO style, or whatever), chuck in some advice of interest to them as an AoS site.
8th edition was great fun, actually the most tournament fun in my book starting with 6th and including 9th Age (the default tournament game around here; it’s also fun and has unprecedented balance, but lack many of the wacky mad stuff and characterful rules because of overzealous competitive balancing). I think you should sign up to EEFL, it’s a nice site.
After the End Times, one concern of mine has been to keep hobbyists connected as they’ve always been on old army forums. If I find anything of interest to, say, Kings of War, 8th edition, Oldhammer crew or Age of Sigmar players, I’ll run off and tip them off, and often find CDO members scattered in the various split group after the End Times. I’ve seen various familiar CDO members on EEFL and Oldhammer, and others on the Ninth Age’s website. And told them about new Discourse CDO, with shameless fishing for old members to return.
I’ve also told a lot of sour people over on T9A to relax and stop holding a grudge, and stop being silly by comparing Games Workshop to an ex-girlfriend, and instead build something positive of their own without all that toxic baggage (not many liked being told that, hehe). I love Warhammer, but I’m not married to Games Workshop’s company line; headcanon rules supreme at the end of the day, so I quickly shrugged my shoulders at End Times since I didn’t buy into the idea of actually executing the doomsday of a gloriously detailed, humorous and historically based fantasy world. So I continued writing Chaos Dwarf stories, business as usual, as if nothing had happened.
I’m into classical historically based fantasy and don’t find weird magitech settings (Warmachine, increasingly Warcraft and the like - do see Disney’s Treasure Planet for a good and charming example of this kind of setting) much interesting at all, so sticking with Warhammer Fantasy’s setting and dabbling in Ninth Age brainstorming has been my path after the community split after End Times. But I do like quite a number of AoS designs, and it’s clear that GW is better at doing weird magitech fantasy designs than others out there.
I’m just happy that the worst anger after End Times has subsided and we’ve got a lot of old members back and new members onboard Discourse without trampling each others’ toes. As someone interested in raw fantasy concepts, it doesn’t matter much what setting Chaos Dwarf equivalents happen to live in, as long as companies or hobbyists come up with wacky, fun and interesting concepts for it. Even in CDO’s most membership number-shrunk years of decline (2017-2019), I had heaps of fun brainstorming all manner of concepts together with @Uther.the.unhinged in particular. We tossed ideas at each other’s stuff (him mostly, he’s greatly imaginative) even though we didn’t know much about the setting the other was into, and it was all good fun freewheeling creativity. Where many were disheartened after End Times, we saw refreshed opportunities for all manner of mad brainstorming, especially since AoS and T9A were still young settings with a lot of blank slate element to them, ready for a flurry of mad new ideas.
It’s so great seeing CDO thriving with member numbers and activity and initiative again. Discourse with its software has been one big boon, it was just what we had been looking for. It was our good fortune that @tjub saw Discourse on Mantic’s Kings of War forum.
This became a very long reply, but I needed to eventually unload my above post-End Times experience somewhere. It’s been a long voyage, but we’re finally back in harbour again.
@MichaelX : As noted above, I do keep spamlists to quickly update threads on all manner of sites.
Yep, adding some extra realism details or some more ornaments or trophies can do a lot to a model! It’s fine to leave a project half done, and then return to it some years later.
Oh, also: if you use GW’s very good older style sculpting tool, then sharpen it. It will let you do sharper details. I carefully sharpened my sculpting tool on an electrical whetstone at my father’s carpentry workshop.