Russian Alternative asking for help and suggestions

Oh, random thought but something else that would be AMAZING for a new sculpt would be a sorceror-prophet being carried on a palanquin. I don’t think I’ve found a single example of this model online that wasn’t going to need a LOT of conversion, and there’s a very tempting option in the WAP 9th edition army book to take one. Based on the quality of all of the other RA character sculpts, I’d love to see one!

Just a thought.




Is this the wishlisting thread for what we’d like RA to make?

I’d be in for an upgrade on the hobgoblin wolf riders in the style of the more recent archers and spear goblins.

Also, I’m not quite sure which rules system is mostly being used amongst CD players, but CDs with crossbows would be a niche and of interest for me as a WCE player. But I prefer the Rozmax CD infantry designs, not sure if is working still.

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