The first 2000 points are always the hardest (Big Hats) [2024-08-23]]

I also felt like I went too yellow with mine. Also going for a classically inspired scheme, but more desaturated and with less unique colors (only 4 colors, aamof, including black and white, and then as an exception green for the skin)


The guys on the left are the first batch - I’m also rushing a bit cause I have a small tournament on the horizon. Unfortunately I rushed too much on the guys on the left :cry: Had to try to rectify my bad choices, and when I then painted the three stragglers on the right, I was so sad I didn’t just paint all of them in that way. It was both easier and faster. Meh. That’s what you get for rushing to commit to a paint scheme.


Those look very nice.

I personally don’t mind the yellow tunics (on my own or your hobgoblins), but it does make it a bit more difficult to use the color for other details (caps for example), so I think I’ll do a few more passes of highlights to give mine a slightly more washed-out appearance.

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The last of my hobgoblin archers are done. I also did the champion, even though I don’t plan on using him immediately, but it felt foolish not to.

These are decidedly tabletop standard, but I didn’t want to get bogged down on them. I did go back and add a bit more highlighting to the tunics on the entire unit, in order to get them a bit closer to a linen color. This does mean that they are getting three layers of highlights, which is more time consuming than I’d like, but there you have it.

I felt like I couldn’t leave the banner as just a red cloth, but I also wanted to do it quickly, so I opted for a fairly basic free-hand symbol. It is my small homage to the original banner.

Half of my plastic warriors are still getting cleaned (some uncooperative old paint there), so I’m turning to the characters, earthshaker crewman(/dwarf) and final blunderbuss. I do want to give the characters the time and attention they deserve, but at present I’m about half a week ahead of schedule, so I’m hopeful I’ll be able to do a good job on them.


My command group, crewman and final blunderbuss are (finally) done.

They were quite a challenge and I just barely managed to finish them Sunday evening. The sculpts aren’t all that much more detailed than ordinary troopers, but their color schemes are somewhat more varied, which makes them more time consuming to paint (I’m still trying to stick to the original paint scheme).

Just to take one example, the blue on the hats on the earthshaker crew is slightly different from the rest of the army, though this might simply be because they were painted by a different studio painter.

I also painted the shield freehand, as I don’t have any transfers, but the banner is a printout.

Originally, I tried to paint my sorcerer in the same lot, but I quickly gave up on that idea. This sculpt is a lot more detailed than normal, and I really didn’t feel I could do it justice this way, so I left it at this stage:

I’m going to paint him by himself, when I get an opening.

Next up is a batch of 10 mono-pose warriors. If I can get them done by Sunday, I’ll be a full week-and-change ahead of schedule, which would feel good.


So I did very much not manage to paint all ten monopose warriors in a single week. Partially, this was due to the simple fact that my hobby time was very limited last week (lots of family activities going on), but it also turned out that it simply wasn’t all that much faster than painting two lots of five.

Anyway, here they are:

They are supposed to be using two-handed weapons, so I didn’t need to paint any shields, which at least saved some time.

I also wanted to add some more color to the unit, so, rather than the dark gray of the first batch, I painted the ax-handles blue and yellow in keeping with the original ‘eavy metal Chorf warriors.

Interestingly (for a certain level of “interesting”) this might be the first full 20-man unit I’ve ever completely painted and based. When I originally started playing Warhammer in my teens, I was always more of a gamer than a painter. I did make some effort to paint my figures, but never had any qualms about fielding half-done stuff either, and a full infantry unit is a bit of a commitment.

I’m currently working on the sorcerer and after that I’m doing the hobgoblin wolf riders. There are three more weeks until the tournament, so that should be feasible. I can stop after that and include a champion in the archer unit to make up the final points, but if I find the time, I’ll paint the death rocket instead. I have some time off this week, so I’m hopeful I can make some good progress over the coming days.


Awesome stuff here. So much nostalgia :heart_eyes:

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As mentioned in the last post, I’ve had a couple of days off work this week. This still doesn’t mean that I have unlimited hobby time (small children, house maintenance, visiting relatives and so on), but I have been able to grab an extra half an hour here and there.

The first order of business was to finish my sorcerer. As he’s also going to be the army general, I painted him to a slightly higher standard than the rest of the army.

I really want to try out the magic system in the upcoming tournament (Warhammer Renaissance is basically a mix of the 4th and 5th ed magic systems with some small adjustments), so I’m bringing him as a level 3. This means that I won’t be able to afford a hero level fighting character, which might be a bit of a tactical mistake, but I probably wouldn’t have the time to paint the figure anyway, so I guess it’s a moot point.

I’m currently painting the hobgoblin wolf riders, which are just a couple of days away from completion. After that, I basically just need to paint the Death Rocket, so I’m very confident I’ll be able to make it in time, though I also really want to find a couple of hours to touch up the (not very good) paint job on the earthshaker.


This is a great old school how to step by step. This is the look I’ve been looking for, coming from an old school. Thanks

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Looking forward to the slaughter you bring to our enemies at the tournament on the 15th? Dying to know.

Oh, I’ll absolutely give it my best try, but I won’t lie: this will be the first time since the early days of 6th edition that I’ll play a full rank-and-flank game (as opposed to epic or a skirmish game), and some of these guys literally helped write the rules, so I’ll really be taking a dive in the deep end here :grimacing:

Anyway, I’ll certainly try to take some pictures so that I can show how it went.

Please do, cant wait to see them.
At least you are getting out there trying, I applaud you. I’ve been locked in my basement bunker [tower] for ages.

Would mind sharing the procedure for there skin tone? Love it.

I finished the wolf riders over the weekend. The paint scheme is basically the same as the other hobgoblins, so no surprises there.

The wolves are identical to save time. At some point I’ll paint the remaining seven wolf riders, and I can add some variation to those wolves.

You’ll notice that I chose to include the musician. One of the more unique things about Warhammer Renaissance is that most units get the standard and musician, or just the musician in the case of light cavalry, for free.

The standard adds to combat resolution as in other editions, while the musician in stead gives the unit more movement options - including a free pivot before and after normal movement. That’s really huge, but it also puts me in a bit of a dilemma. Thing is, I don’t currently have a command group for the blunderbusses. I can probably do without the standard, but the reduced movement hurts.

Now, you might argue (as I will try to) that since they get it for free, it shouldn’t matter whether there is an actual model is present or not, but this is a “hobby-centric” event, so there’s a good chance that the ruling will be WYSIWYG.

Consequently I’ve added this guy to the painting queue as a possible stand-in. Heresy, I know.


Lovely technicolour wolfriders. Give the dwarf a hat and itll work!

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Thanks. To be fair though, they are under som very bright lights for that photo, so they look a little more muted under more natural conditions.

As for the musician, I’ll at least paint him to match the other troops. He’s going back into my dwarf army afterwards (already have some Fabelzel command sculpts underway), so I might simply create some kind of actual paper hat for him to wear. Going for maximum derpyness here.


It’s really simple. I’m going for a very pale complexion, so the basic troopers get a base layer of Vallejo Game Color “Elfic flesh” Followed by a wash of Citadel “Reikland Fleshshade”. I then hightlight using Elfic flesh and use a little Reikland Fleshshade as a sort of glaze on the areas where I think the transition from shade to hightlight has become a bit too abrupt.

This really doesn’t stand up to close inspection, but it’s quick and passes the “3 foot test” decently.

The sorcerer got a bit more attention. Same base of Elfic flesh, but I then gave him a wash of Reikland Fleshshade mixed with Elfic flesh followed by another wash of pure fleshshade. I highlighted with the fleshwash and progressively more Elfic flesh. This gives a much better transition between dark and light areas, but takes somewhat longer.


Thanks so much, will give it a try. LLCD

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I decided to shuffle things around a bit and do the earthshaker before finishing the Death Rocket.

There was no way I’d have the time to completely strip and repaint the cannon and two remaining crew, so I simply did a little touch-up on some of the linework and added a bit shading and highlights.



As you can see, it’s still far from perfect, but at least it won’t stand out as much from the rest of the army.

I’m hard at work on the Death Rocket and crew, which should be finished early next week.


Here’s the roster for the army I’m planning to bring.

Most of my offensive capability is centered around the two war machines and the sorcerer. The rest of the army is basically there to hold the enemy off and grab objectives. Time will tell if this is a good plan.

I really debated whether or not to take a dispel scroll. I could switch out the Claw of Nagash and maybe use the leftover points for a cheap magic standard for the Hobgoblins or something. The reason I didn’t is because I expect my sorcerer will be one of the more potent magic users in the tournament - especially with the Book of Secrets handy to optimize magic card draw.

One of the things I’m a bit worried about is flyers going for my war machines. I plan to place the sorcerer with the blunderbusses and rely on the Orb of thunder to hold them off, but if necessary, I’ll leave him at the backfield - especially if the enemy flyer seems to be a juicy target for the Claw of Nagash.

Here’s my basic setup.

The Hobgoblin archers act as a sacrificial screen while the warriors and blunderbusses advance up the board. There will be scenarios for each game and a lot of these involve capturing some kind of feature outside of your deployment zone, so I’ll have to move my troops.

The artillery provides covering fire and attempts to kill off and stall the enemy (earthshaker is good for this).

The Wolf riders either cover the flank of the blunderbusses or harass enemy warmachines.

So, what do y’all think: Does this seem like a sound plan?

How do you get your minis to float in the sky when you take your pictures? Everything looks awesome here.

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