The first 2000 points are always the hardest (Big Hats) [2025-01-27]

I really enjoyed this write-up, thanks for putting out up! What a fantastic ending to the second game. Pure scorched earth! So in -character for chaos dwarfs

It was awesome.

I’m not even ashamed to admit that I, a grown man, jumped up and shouted"boom!!!" while making finger-guns.

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So, it’s been a while.

This is in no way because I’ve stopped painting, or even because I’ve stopped painting Chorfs, but rather my own mismanagement of the available hobby time.

As mentioned previously, I’m doing the “Gathering of Mighty Painters” painting challenge, which generally takes up about half my painting time each month.

My intention is to use the other half on my Chorf army, and that has generally been the case. I started out on ten warriors back in November, but then got side-tracked by an upcoming 1500-point 7th ed tournament on December 27th.

Thing is, at 1500 points, my Ravening Hordes list can only take one rare choice, which comes down to choosing between an Earthshaker or a unit of Bull Centaurs. I really wanted the Bull Centaurs for their mobility, but that left me with only a Death Rocket for long range firepower (I’m not really counting my 12 hobgoblin archers here, as their damage dealing ability is fairly negligible).

To compensate, I decided to paint up two bolt throwers to bring as a special choice. They don’t hit quite as hard as the Earthshaker, but they are cheaper and can help threaten expensive targets, such as knights, at range.

As it happened, I didn’t manage to entirely finish the bolt throwers in time for the tournament, but I did get a base layer on them, which had to be good enough.

All of this meant that two months of painting netted me two half-finished units rather than one complete one.

Anyway, the bolt throwers are done now. I like the machines themselves well enough, but I’m frankly not happy with the crew. I tried to paint their tunics in a more natural color than my earlier Hobgoblins, but it just came out muddy, and not as yellow-tinted as I’d have liked.

I don’t really want to spend more time on them, however, so they get to stay this way for now. I’m currently assembling my Great Taurus, but before I get to paint that, I really want to finish the last ten warriors.


Excellent read and lots of cool stuff. Some classic minis here and much love for the hobby.