[Archive] HoC list in White Dwarf


It has apparently been confirmed that a HoC list will be printed in WD when the Daemon army book comes out. This suggests that there will still be some interaction between the Chaos books, otherwise they could easily have treated the new book in the same way as when the Daemonic Legions list came out (i.e. no difference, it was a self-contained list once you picked out the units from the HoC book) and armies made from HoC remained completely legal.

I can’t help but wonder why people are thinking that the armies will be completely separate, and that they would have had to strike out the daemonic units from the HoC book if this WD list wasn’t printed. This also shows that GW aren’t quite as adverse to printing army lists in WD any more.

It should be a confusing time for Chaos players on the tournament scene, do you playtest your tournament army in the weeks before the tourny or have a go with the new lists that you won’t be playing and risk confusing the new rules with the old rules in the critical games.


ah… you need to read the 'Ard Boyz tournament rules… they make the transition clear…


HoC will be legal for the Qualifications and Semis…

then the Daemon Book and the WD list will forever (in this edition) sunder mortals and daemons…

they will only use their respective lists for the finals…

Beasts only have access to the HoC for the qualifications…

tho i can’t see why they can’t have access during the semis…


That is just silly. Hardly any time to even practice, and work out strategies to win. I guess you can change your list between each round then.

At least CDs are on that.


Weird. CDs get the nod here. Is seems that GW as a whole can’t seem to come to agreement on our army?!


I dunno GWUS had us legal for the season and changes their tune midway…

can other tourney’s be expected to keep up?

from what I can tell 'Ard Boyz has a sort of “Fantasy Apocolapyse” feel to it…

Not supporting SoC though… poor cult of slaanesh…

Whats interesting is that the CD list is unaffected by the Daemon and WD lists…

not suprising… as I would expect GW to release rules for any new models in November…

I expect the WD list to include the hellcannon tho…


I expect the WD list to include the hellcannon tho...

Wouldn't count on it. After all the new Empire list left out Valten and apparently the hellcannon moulds are deteriorating. I just want to know what affect this will have on my army. Seeing as pretty much all my core choices are warriors, knights and chariots, if they get moved in the new list I'd have to buy about 12 new core to make my army legal

my theories (no more than that) for the new mortals list:
1. Choices from the special and rare sections of the BoC book which aren't specifically beastmen (Ogres, DOs Trolls etc) will still be available
2. Chosen will move to special, probablly along with Chaos Knights.
3. We'll probablly still have some damon choices, but I hope they're God specific unlike 40k
4. Beastmen will be able to take our magic items - they can't nerf the whole army... can they...?


well i expect no moving of chosen… its just a unit upgrade…
and most new books are not making unit upgrades a special choice (long beards, Big 'Uns)…
You can expect chariots to move tho… and you can expect generic daemons… furies are all you need…

'Ard boyz lays out that BoC cannot use mortals… i would expect the reverse to be no different…
personally i find the magic item sharing to cause more problems than it solves…
but this is a result of the poorly worded BoC book…
I’m sure they’ll be fine with less magic items… we’re doing ok and we got less than 10…


See that’s the beauty of our puny pdf list… less is more I say!


t’was fine list…


and you can expect generic daemons... furies are all you need...

They might just add harpies to the HoC list and take off furies to kept the HoC daemon free.


Should be interesting to see what comes this summer.


Well I’m gutted. My chaos army is 20,000pts atm and apart from anything else that gives me bragging rights for largest legal army in our group. No chariots as core, no daemons and no beasts wrecks that one…

…Ah well, as long as we get some new units it gives me a reason to get the horde painted before the daemons come along


Check what Revlid posted on Warseer:


Basically nothing new for CD. Only thing included (that we know of) is the Hellcannon.


Keep fingers crossed for our own list next year…


Nice rumours the mention of hellcannon and CD  fluff means we are swimming around in the sea of suggestions gestating in the warped mind of GW cool:hat


It’s good to know the Hellcannon will be sticking around. Sounds like the Chaos Dwarfs will be seeing a little white dwarf action in the near future. :slight_smile:


I dunno GWUS had us legal for the season and changes their tune midway...
can other tourney's be expected to keep up?
from what I can tell 'Ard Boyz has a sort of "Fantasy Apocolapyse" feel to it...
Not supporting SoC though... poor cult of slaanesh...

The armies allowed are decided by whichever group is running it, not the higher ups in GW. Generally this means tournament staff are the ones deciding on what gets play time and what doesn't. Which is why the armies allowed changes from tournament to tournament and country to country.


I notice in the Warseer thread there was no mention of a CD unit in the special slots (unfortunately).


Consensus seems to be Hellcannon and that’s it…


well of course… the warseer thread is for the WD list…
the WD list will be dealing with existing models during the transition…
and GW doesn’t sell rules without models… so no CD unit…

CDs as specials would appear in the Mortal list in November… if they appear at all…
when GW has made models to sell with the rules…