Age of Sigmar Horde of the Hobgrot Khan army project

Hello there! I was invited to join the group by @Loidrial months ago and finally I have the time to share my AoS project! I’ve always been a fan of chaos dwarfs since 4th edition, owned to big full painted armies that were sold ( sigh), made lore studies and a video for an Italian YouTube channel and recently came back with a project involving everyone’s favourite greenskins! The Hobgoblins! Well Hobrots as they’re called now in AoS. This project is based on the Gloomspite gitz armybook which gave me a variety of units and rules to create a unique full Hobgrot army. I also have fluff matching the models so I hope you enjoy it!
The models you’ll see in this topic are mostly conversions and this list will summarize roughly my units:
Hobgrot Khan on Unluck dragon
Hobgrot queen
Chaos dwarf Shroomlchemist
Hobgrot slave merchant
Troggoth king
Pig daemons
Hobgrot spearmen
Hobgrot raiders on hobdogs
Hobgrot squig herders

I’ll also share some pics of my few chaos dwarfs models that remain into my collection.

So, just as an appetizer, here a pic of my Hobgrot Hornblower!


Very nice painting on that musician! Intriguing army plans. I look forward to see your Hobgrot horde unfold.

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Thank you! The 20 spearmen are almost finished and include also 3 hobgrot netters. Next on the painting desk is the chaos Dwarf Shroomlchemist! Today I’ll post the conversion of the Hobgrot queen with also some fluff about the army!


Oh wow I’m looking forward to this!

Some really intriguing unit types in there and those first hobbos are looking amazing, I’m predicting a fanatic army when your done here :hatoff:

Welcome aboard!


Excellent work so far, can’t wait to see more.

Thanks to everyone! I’ve got the time to take a couple of pics of my Hobgrot queen. Game wise she is played as Skragrot the Looking:

“No one knows when the Hobgrot queen arrived nor from where. On a night of Full Moon, after the citizens of Khanbulak killed each other driven mad by the light of th Bad Moon,Tengrot, self-proclaimed mother of Hobgrots, rose from the ruins. While her cackling echoed in the void of the rubbles, Mother Tengrot moved forward, leaning on her Moonshroom she uses as staff and the Hobgrots followed her. Empowered by the light of the Bad Moon, she proclaimed her kin to be the true children of the Bad Moon. Under her guide and the rule of the almighty Hobodai Khan, she would’ve teached Skragrot who’s the true herald of the Bad Moon. No chaos dwarfs masters for her children, the realms are for the Hobgrot empire to enslave.” ( My English is rusted, sorry of any grammar mistake) The name of the character it’s a fusion of the name grot with the Mongolian sky kin name, Tengri. Tell me what you think!


Awesome stuff!


Great concept, lovely work! :slight_smile:

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Aaaaand the queen is finished! I’m so pleased with how it turned out. Can you see a strange advisor in the family picture? :smile:



Truly lovely work there…need to see more of that advisor though :exploding_head:

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Really original and and really well executed stuff. Well done!

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Him? :smile:

He’s Solomoth the Tuskless, Shroomlchemist.

“Once a daemonsmith, Solomoth Cinderbrow was fascinated by the miconid aspect of the Bad Moon light, while he was trying to dechiper her moviments in the sky for scientific matters. No one knows if this mad interest for everything mushroom was genuine or a side effect of the light of the Bad Moon, but he soon became addicted. He started to use the influence and the growth properties of the mushrooms into his daemonic experiments and also begin to consume them, in order to " better understand their effects on the body and mind”. Soon enough madness engulfed his mind so much that he was persecuted by his fellow chaos Duardin. Having lost his tusks along with his sanity, Solomoth escaped his forge and traveled into the realms searching for all the strange types of miconids. One day, he came across the Hobgrot empire of Hobodai Khan, and bowed before the power of Mother Tengrot. He asked the almighty queen to become his apprentice into the arts of mushroom and dank magic and Tengrot agreed. While studying, he also became tactical advisor and slave master for the Hobgrot horde. It was his powers of daemonsmiting combined with the magic of Mother Tengrot that created the Danklord Crown, a magic trinket offered to King Trogghannes. The crown gave the troggboss enough intelligence to give himself a name and to seal an alliance with the horde."


Oh man, that Daemonsmith is so cool, nice background as well. :boom:


Thanks! I was amazed at how good are the new gloomspite kits for converting deranged and hunckback dwarfs. I could convert some mushroom addicted dwarfs to use as fanatics!

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Love it, love everything about it and it’s going to be very hard not to dive into all the gloomspite bits I have and not do the same…you may well have started a cult here :cd1991gif:


How did I miss this?! Awesome work!!!


Thank you! I’m so enjoying this project, while I wait for a proper AoS chaos duardins. Hobgrots are so fun to convert and paint!


Great project! Looking forward to more. Reading strong Dathomir vibes, keep it up!


@Oxymandias i now realized that you are the maker of the wolves of WoE project!!! It was your project that also inspired me into doing the army! My Hobgrot riders are inspired by yours!!!


The bases where indeed inspired by Dathomir and the character of Mother Tengrot is indeed inspired by Mother Talzin! You’ve got a keen eye!