Alienbaltan's Hats and Helms of Albion

A large fleet of military and supply ships originating from the ports of Uzkulak have docked at the Isle of Albion, albeit in many more pieces than expected because of the heavy mists guarding the island. But despite the setbacks the sorcerer-prophet Hastack is determined in accomplishing his mission of “reuniting the long lost chaos dwarfs and overthrowing the island” given to him by Astrogoth himself. This task was really just an attempt at humor and a funny way to get Hastack killed but through extreme luck the sorcerer-prophet has already achieved many goals.

I started this army about April last after getting pretty excited from reading the blogs here, playing the games and procrastinating on lots of possible kitbashs. I’ve stolen many ideas and colourschemes here, not gonna lie.

Picture of the main army so far.

Macrocosm hobgoblins


oldschoolminiature’s asscannon

Blunderbus unit and bolt thrower

Main force. I haven’t fully painted my command sets for the warriors and blunderbus yet but should be pretty soon.

This is my Iron Daemon that I kitbashed from gunpla parts and my childhood Thomas the train engine toy, I greenstuffed the beard and eyebrow on.

The Chaos Dwarfs incharge of the Helm forces, their army is currently on vacation at the beach and can’t be seen at the moment but they’re definitely around.

I’ll eventually tidy this blog up and take pictures that aren’t on my bedside table but I felt I aught to get off my butt and repay the forum after months of perusing the blogs and discord.


Wow, what a reveal. The variety of ranges alone make this such a treat, to say nothing if their brushwork. Can’t wait to see more.


Love the army so far. So many different colour schemes including a couple i might try use in the future!

I really like the hobbos, you did a great job with them. Looking forward to more updates.

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Thanks guys

More reinforcements have arrived.