Antenor's Evil Dwarves [2024-01-31]

Chaos Dwarf Marine

Here are some pictures of my entry for the naval-themed Golden Hat, along with a little backstory.

When I was thinking about the concept of sea-going warriors wearing big hats, an image that readily presented itself to my mind was that of a Nelsonic-era Royal Marine:

As soon as I had had the idea, I knew that this was going to be my project for the GH. I generally have a predilection for combinations of medieval-style fantasy and Napoleonic aesthetics, such as in Joe Abercrombie’s First Law series, or the Albionnicans of Arcworlde.

So I opened my bits box, grabbed my sculpting putty, and set to work. At the start, I intended to do an entire landing party - a marine, an officer, a tar, perhaps a greenskin deckhand - but it quickly became clear that, if I wanted the result to look the way I wanted, I had to devote my time to this single miniature. (I may still make some more navy-themed Chaos dwarfs, put them all together onto a mini-diorama-style Troop base, and perhaps play them as Decimators or even Berserkers.)

Being my lazy self, I neglected to take WIP pictures, but I think the bits I used are more or less easy to recognise, most prominently the arms from the GW Thunderer sprue. The uniformed torso, hat, and the Napoleonic-looking features in general have been sculpted by myself.

I’m no great hand with a brush, and sometimes painting my minis does feel like a bit of a chore to me. So my paintjobs are generally more along the lines of colour, wash, and maybe drybrush. However, for this project I consciously tried playing around with layers and highlights for the first time, both because I felt that I owed it to the chap after spending so many hours assembling him, and also because I basically had to in order to make the white parts look decent. And I was surprised to find it positively fun at times! :grin:

All in all, I had a great time working on this project, and am very happy with the result. Thanks for taking a look!