It’s time to transfer my stuff to the new forum! I’m going to re-photograph some of the units, so it may take a bit of time until all the placeholders below are filled.
I started with Chaos Dwarfs about one and a half years ago, and they are my first serious project in this hobby. I’ve dabbled in different styles of conversion and shall continue to do so, but I’d like to focus mainly on Big Hats in the future. My army is a mixed bag from different manufacturers with a good deal of conversion and kitbashing, but I try to maintain a slight degree of uniformity via paintjob. In my old army blog, I used to drop a bit of exposition along with each finished unit. I’d like to change that around a bit by occasionally doing some dedicated fluff posts instead.
For gaming purposes, this is a Kings of War army, although it should work just as well for any system using square bases. Right now, I have about 1000 points of standard units ready to go. I’m going to add new units as the fancy takes me, without too much thought on gaming efficiency.
Now that the placeholders for my “old” units are filled, it occurs to me that this gittle guy (the “Hoblite”) should, in fairness, also get a place in the new blog:
This wraps up the transfer of my existing army. From now on, it’s going to be either new stuff or - in the case of one war machine - old stuff that I haven’t painted yet. Hopefully, I’ll be able to post some WIP of my next CD project soon.
Of course, this is a beginner’s work in many ways, but considering it as such, I’m happy with it. It certainly was useful practice. All feedback, criticism, and advice for future sculpting adventures would be most welcome!