Antenor's Evil Dwarves [2024-01-31]



That pun afforded me more amusement than I am quite comfortable with confessing :smiley:


This sounds like a Chaos Dwarfs carnival game where you hop in a cart that takes you along a track where you have to spot and shoot all the bulls disguised as various other things that pop up before time runs out.


Lovely! Especially the bull-nozzle hand mortar. He came out beautifully, well done @Antenor ! :beer:

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Oh, he is looking great. Napoleonic uniforms and CDs? Please sign me up. I also see great conversion potential for a well… not so loyal squat regiment.


Oh, thats great! He looks superb, give us more… :hatoff:


Thanks for your kind words, guys!

@Admiral It does me good to hear that you like the bull’s head nozzle. As I said, I was not at all sure if it had come out alright, so thank you very much - and thank you especially for your friendly and ready advice on all sculpting-related matters. :hatoff:

@Anzu Yeah, I’ve been thinking too that he might be used for this purpose. Some wires might do the trick :smile: If I ever get into 40k, a Napoleonic-styled IG Kill Team would probably be my route. I’ve already seen some cool stuff having been done in that direction.

@tjub Will do! The problem is my tempo. This guy is literally the entirety of my hobby work in 2021. But then again, he is sort of a prototype, with many design choices being made along the way, getting scrapped and redone, and so forth… so maybe now that I’ve got a style established, the next one will come along more swiftly. Maybe. :tongue:


Sorry @chitzkoi, I forgot to address that! That’s actually an important point. Although I don’t have any of their dwarves in my collection (which I hope to change soon), I think you’re right, he would probably not fit in with them proportion-wise and quite certainly not stylistically. Just to clarify: I did not make him with use in Flintloque specifically in mind; discovering that setting just gave me the bout of motivation I needed to sit down and realise the Napoleonic evil-dwarfy ideas that had been brewing in my head. :slight_smile:

I also took the liberty of editing my original post to prevent misunderstandings in that regard.



Love all the creativity in here. Great job¡¡


Your picture was all the answer I needed. Sod flintloque, and their weird scale. This isn’t a flintloque board and it needn’t be. You’ve made a compelling 28mm and just as with @Admiral 's storefront and @tjub 's sculpts, we will all line up round the bloque to buy it if we can!


I placed an order for a few of their dwarves and dogmen just today, so I’ll soon be able to have a look myself! :smile: From the pictures, I really like their style. Of late, I’ve been having a lot of fun reading Flintloque lore, and also started scribbling some ideas for characters and scenarios myself - and in the end, I just had to get some of those miniatures, my pile of shame be damned!

Thanks for the flattery, mate. :blush:


Look, @Zoddtheimmortal! I’m getting my act together! :tongue:

For all who may not know or might have forgotten: I started converting a regiment of Mantic’s Abyssal Halfbreeds into big-hatted Bull Centaurs a little less than a year ago, but the project soon got bogged down because it was around that time that I also began to focus on sculpting and/or making silly one-off conversions instead of building my army (I blame you, CDO! :tonguewink:). But I decided that now would be a good time to at least get the conversions done (the paintjob will be another matter entirely, I’m afraid).

I already got the tedious work out of the way, i.e. clearing mould lines, gluing the bodies together, and filling the worst gaps. Now, the main job will be to sculpt five heads, which I think I’ll try doing assembly-line style.

Together with the two BCs I’ve already converted (here and here), that’ll make a total of seven for my KoW regiment. I won’t use all ten models of the Abyssal Halfbreed box because firstly, there are seven different Admiralty hats and I’ve decided that I don’t want to mix them with others; secondly, model count is irrelevant in KoW anyway as long as the unit base has the appropriate size; and lastly, it’ll leave me with three more bodies that I can use for other stuff. Or perhaps they will join the club after the next hat pack has been released. :cd1991gif:

Now let’s see what I can make out of these guys!


Good job antenor. These will turn out great when they are sculpted and painted (the 1st 2 were really good). Definitely very unique looking unit it will be. I just hope i havent turned to stone before i get to see them haha :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :head3:

I definitely recommend filling in their mid sections a bit, im sure you will anyway


These are going to be stunning!

Keep going they will definitely be worth the wait.


Five bull centaur heads done! Some better than others, but overall I’m content with the result.

Edit: Just saw that these five heads took me 12 days. Believe it or not, that’s a very good pace for my standards. :tongue:


They are fantastic! I have to say no. 3 is my favourite. I love his sneer.
12 days seems quite rapid for such quality, by the way.


Look great. I save days painting by doing small tasks in the morning before work like applying a wash , pva glue the base etc. Maybe small sculpting tasks can be split up like that idk. Keep up the good work :hashut:

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Thanks a lot, Uther! Might be my favourite too. That face actually has a backstory, which will be posted along with the finished conversion. :hatoff:

Thank you! I’m indeed always sculpting in baby steps scattered over the course of the day and letting each bit cure before continuing. E.g. sculpt the moustache, wait, sculpt the lips, wait, sculpt the nose, wait, sculpt the tusks. Doing anything in the morning before work, however, is completely out of the question for me. I have a hard time getting up as it is, I’m glad if I manage to get some coffee into my belly before heading off :smile:

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Really beautiful conversions on the bull centaurs. Looking forward to seeing them painted!

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I hereby declare this conversion done!

Standard Troopers:

Command Group:

Regarding the musician’s curious face, @Uther.the.unhinged: The poor guy actually used to play the trumpet. However, he had to switch to drums after losing half of his teeth because the unit champion behaved awkwardly with that maul of his in some battle. That is the reason both for the single tusk and the expression of perpetual hatred. :tonguewink:

Dwarven Bucklers to cover the transition between dwarf and bull torso are an idea I stole from @Iceman, so thanks for that :hatoff:

I freely admit that I went cheap on the shields: instead of scultping the devices myself, I just cut up some GW skulls and only added flames to create the flaming skull icon, as I’ve already done a number of times. But I think that the hats and faces are doing most of the optical heavy lifting in this conversion, so that should be fine.

The task of getting these things painted seems a bit daunting to me right now, but I will get around to it some day. :smile:

Edit: In retrospect, I’m glad that I did only seven of them, because they do not rank up well at all. It will be just about possible to arrange these on a KoW cavalry regiment base, I think.