Here’s a quick update for you… The first rank of my IG Unit, all finished with the exception of Weapon/Banner/Drum and sticks depending on model.
I’ve tried to keep the armour simple with some basic highlighted patches to give the appearance of light and also some very subtle edge highlighting of the armour plates. Overall I am quite happy with the depth of colours and the way everything is tying in together.
Thanks all for the feedback, I am glad you like the colours. I wanted to go with a fairly standard scheme but I decided to give darker shades of red to give stark contrast to my various other armies many of which are quite bright, and I think this also suits CD’s as a race.
In this, the final photo so far, I have added one of Grimstonefire’s fantastic head and have started scuplting a large hat
A nice conversion…and naturally Grimstonefire’s head is all the better with a Big Hat
(Sorry, more of my Big Hat propaganda) :cheers
Fuggit Khan
I love Grimstonefire’s head, but I can’t live without a few big hats in my army, and while buying the old models is well outside of my grasp, this will have to do for now. Oh and no need to apologise for the big hat propoganda. I am a big hat man myself.
Super nice update you did there!
I really like that conversion - and we see too little FW conversions.
Great guy!
Thanks I wanted to tie in the existing feel of the IG into my Dark Castellan so I could keep a sense of Uniformity (if thats even a word) between him and the basic soldier. Although I am considering attempting to sculpt additional armour plates like those on the knee area of the command group, although feel this is probably a little bit beyond my skill with green stuff.
The latest work on my BSB, I have now sculpted a banner and the sculpted some detailing on the hat.
I have also almost finished 2 of my Centaur Renders. Here they are with my Taur’ruk:
I have also written the fluff so far although I will probably add to it. It can be read along with viewing Pics of the Finished models, in my Army Showcase Blog
Let me know what you all think, I always love to hear ideas on how to improve.
Well the army is coming along very nicely. I have progressed quite far with the painting, (photos coming later today hopefully).
I could however do with advice. I am now starting to think of basing, but unsure what to do with them. Especially to keep the same technique and this to look effective on both small (IG) bases and larger ones (BC).
Any ideas? If anyone would like to either photos or their army blog/showcase with inspiration for me, that would be a great help.
Well my apologies for the lack of recent updates. but here we are, nearing the end of my second month so I though I would give a quick review of hobby work and also tabletop action. (This is an army blog afterall, not just a hooby blog!)
But I still have yet to finish my Iron Daemon and BSB as well as hobgoblins, which I have yet to even start. So without further addo,
The Iron Daemon
So on the tabletop I have been pleased overall. Weeks after starting CD’s, my local GW began an Albion campaign, (run from the old Albion book, with later add-in’s for SoM games, and force advancements from Blood in the Badlands.)
This began with an 800pt force then expanding to 1200pts before finally 1600pts.
My 800pts consisted of
Dark Castellen with enchanted shield & talisman of endurance.
24 IG with full command & shields
4 BC with GW
Magman cannon.
After 2 weeks and 4 games, I came out with a 75% success rate, and with the points expanding from Saturday, I look forward to, hopefully, expanding my success.
The two main thorns in my side have been firstly, O&G Doomdivers. This nearly always manages to wipeout my MC before I even get to fire it, if not, very soon after I fire it. The second major issue was a Lizardman all skink army. Saddly with so many blowpipes, my IG and BC quickly fell victim to being out manovered and out shot, eventually leaving only my Hero to survive the battle.
The highlights have definately been my BCs being selected by my opponent as the most influential unit and made a Regiment of Renown for the campaign, with the bonus of the Always Strikes First special rule. And also receiving the bonus for my army of the special and rare caps being raised allowing me to drop some IG and try out my Deathshrieker. Boy do I love this guy. Thinking I may well need to invest in a second rocket launcher, as while this is considered by my opponents as perfectly fine unlike the MC which they all believe is completely broken, I have found this both great fun, and really effective if used correctly.
So there we have it. 4 Fun weeks, 4 Games and a whole lot of learning.
While visiting family in Nottinghamshire. A brief detour was required which resulting in parting with a large amount of cash ( or more precisely plastic) and a vast host of reinforcements joining my merry throng of evil stunties.
Having just assembled a few bits for a selection of games I will be playing, I thought I would give you a quick sneak-peak of what is to come on my blog when I return to the sunny south…
My finished models, I have been posting in my showcase thread. (Link in my signature)
I also have a selection of other models which I will assemble a post up when I return home at the end of the week.
The force pictured above is for a triumph and treachery game of 1600 pts a side, bringing a campaign I have been involved in to an end, so need to paint it all up by the 22nd.
Well, home at least. With another victory under the belt I might add. Although it must be said, it was more by the luck of his Wizard and gernal being sucked into the abyss after attempting a high level amber spear on the first turn. Sadly the dice gods were not on my side.
Anyway, photos to follow but I thought I would give a brief summary of the reinforcements obtained on my way past Warhammer World.
So we begin with what you’ve already seen,
the Dreadquake Mortar,
another Death shrieker (just love these guys)
and a total of another 20 fireglaives (bringing my total to 30)
so the other purchases include,
a second Magma Cannon (I got this as part of the artillery train bundle)
another 10 Infernal Guard with Shields,
another Infernal Guard Command,
a hell cannon
and finally the Chaos seige giant.
In total, once all painted up, this will bring my grand total of points to somewhere just over 5000 pts. Half way to my ultimate goal…
On a side note, I have decided on a basing technique and have my first unit all based. Photos on my showcase thread will be updated tomorrow, along with WiP photos of my Mortar, and maybe a few other bits.