[Archive] [02/04/14] -AndyG's Might of Uzkulak� � [IG with GW's WiP]


Greetings all.

It is with all the thoughts of New Years resolutions and such like ringing through our minds that I turn my eyes to something which has been dear to me since I first began the hobby.

With the new year now begun, I turn my attentions to the call of Hashut at last. Sadly having started my hobby life a mere 6 months after the discontinuation of Chaos Dwarfs and of the big hat era, and being a rather young hobbiest at the time, the lofty heights of the big hats of Babylon were something far beyond my reach through second hand internet transactions and so forth, and so, disgraced, I was forced to settle for the distant delusional kin and their lack of ambition in scraping the very sky with their helms. But no more

For the second of January a little something arrived at my door…


So with my Forge World Open Day Daemonsmith painted up on the 1st of Jan, I decided to blog my armys progress through the next few months. I will attempt to add photos of additional models as they are assembled and then when painted, along with a few of my thoughts.


The Models

FW Open Day Daemonsmith

Hope you enjoy.


[align=center]2017 Image Salvage



Day 1: January 1st

Daemonsmith painted up, and egarly awaiting my order.

I was pleasantly surprised at how affordable a CD army from Warhammer Forge could be. Having located a website that the complete Tamurkhan is viewable on, I set about writing the army list and found out a 2000pt army is just over £300, which considering GW model prices, is reasonably comparable to the total cost of a number of average 2000pt armys for WFB.

I will upload some pics of paint models and link them to the initial post, alongside my armylist.


Here is a poorer quality photo ust for reference. I have yet to get out the big camera.


Day 2: 2nd Jan

Bull Centaur Renders

Well with my lovely box of goodies arriving, I set about work on my first unit.

Sadly with exceptionally poor weather conditions on the UK South Coast, undercoating seemed unlikely which will delay painting, but I revealed in the beauty of the new models none the less.


Day 3: 3rd Jan

Well today’s little project is the 4th member of my Renders unit. Being the champion and no champion model currently avaliable, I purchased the Taur’ruk.

Once again the size of the model is still amazing me, but also the extra details really set this model apart. While the pose is less dynamic, you really get the feel of a seasoned veteran ordering his comrades into the fray, using his experience and knowledge to assist in the battle.

Anyway, on to assembling. Picture to follow.

Also, with a small break in the rain, I will hopefully get some undercoating done.


Great start on a blog AndyG!

Especially your intro about your days as a fallen dwarf only player. An the reaching for the sky with a big hat of Babylon part!

Looking forward to som painted images and some army fluff writing - because you obviously have the words to do it.

And those Bull Centaurs are truly monstrous beast - gigantic. The Taur’ruk even more so! I really makes their statline seem like a joke. The models and their base size deserves harder and better stats.

Keep us posted.


Great start, get som nice pics up:). And nice writing as well…:slight_smile:

And yes, the BC are just fantastic models, and ofc the Taur’ruk to - amazing. Probably the cooles CD FW models imo, if not the cooles in the whole Warhammer world;)


Taur’ruk is now assembled and I have even got the 4 all undercoats, so hopefully will start painting him later, my aim is to paint each model in under 5 days, Although, for some like Taur’ruk, I see this realistically taking about a week or maybe two.

I want to devote a nice chunk of time to each model as the beauty of the models deserve that extra attention.

Anyway, my model today:


Time of Madness:

The stuff is looking good! You’ve made some amazing progress in 3 days!

Time of Madness


Nice! Will follow this blog. Best of luck to you!


Jan 4th

Todays models are the k’Daai Fireborn.


Pictures please;) LF to see some;):slight_smile:


The K’daii Fireborns are some of the best CD models out there - very cool dudes.

Many in this community have made there own - but very few get near as cool as those FW fireborn. I’m gonna try myself of cause.

Thanks for the updates, I enjoy the fact that you bring your thoughts into the post. It’s great - a blog should be more than just picture updates. Thanks for that.

Now - more painted stuff pleaase.


By popular demand, I have made the decision to take some time off assembling to devote greater time to painting. Unfortunately at the moment it is turning out to be one or the other with family situations, work and a friends funeral getting in the way of hobby.

Will post a photo update later on with my work so far on Taur’ruk. I am hoping to get the flesh done and at least a few other parts with a base colour on.


As promised:

WIP Taur’ruk

The skin on the torso is about finished, the armour is nearly there with a light wash and couple of highlights still to go.

Otherwise other areas of the model are simply basecoated or undercoated only.


Well my decision to stop assembling in aid of painting failed misserably.

I just couldn’t resist the lure of my Death Shreiker Rocket.


Well what can you say. WF really do a fantastic job. Model after model after model. The level of detail is so good you could almost believe it would work, until you remember it is just resin. Then again maybe if I buy myself an IronDaemon then it actually will work, but the is something for another discussion at another time in another thread.

I am really pleased with two of the crew, very dynamic active poses operating the war machine. My only critisism (my first of the WF CD range) would be the crew member with Big hat. I am not sure I like the way he is holding the telescope like he is playing a flute; but this is personal preference and takes nothing away from my enjoyment of the model, set and range as a whole.

Not wanting to let my painting suffer, I have pressed on with some more work on Taur’ruk.

I have now got a couple of layers of highlighting on the hide, with another 3 or 4 to do, and I have begun more of the areas of Gold trim to the armour. While the progress maybe small and subtle, he is starting to take shape and I hope to have him done by the end of this coming weekend.

Does anyone know if we can link videos from sites such as Photobucket into our posts like we can photos. I plan on doing a 360* view of each model/unit once it is done. If it can’t be done I will just have to link to the page.

Fuggit Khan:

Nice! I love your choice of colors…while I admit I am biased in that red/black/copper are some of my most favorite colors, you have done a great job of balancing them out on this guy. Perfect :hat off


Very nice colors, looks great!


Well, Sorry for yesterday, but is with all good creation story, every deity needs a day off when creating a new people group.

While I may not have posted an update, this was not to say the work stopped as more painting was done bringing my Taur’ruk to a stage very near completion, so I hope to get him done and then post some pics of him up. In the mean while, I have assembled another little something…

Looking for suitable models, I simply fell in love with these wolf models.

Due to my lack of willing to convert myself 2 units of 40 hobogoblins, I have opted for just using Gnoblars for the time being at least, and these seem to work quite well at riding the wolves although maybe a touch small.

I should add these models aren’t finished yet, I am planning filling the gaps under legs by sculpting a saddle, and also scultp reins.

I will keep you updated but I would really value thoughts one them so far.

Thanks a lot all.


Well here we are 1 day away from my army blog reaching double figures.
Unfortunately I have misplaced my greenstuff so Wolf Raiders have been put on hold temporarily.

So what news do I have for you I hear someone ask.
Well today heralded me making a start on the army fluff. Sadly with my dubious writing ability, thanks to my dylexia, and lack of creative imagination, I have been dreading starting this more than a frustrated businessman who is late for an important meeting dreads getting stuck behind an eldarly priest driving a 30 year old skoda car.
This is, sadly, likely to take some time to reach a conclusion, much like the forementioned car journey.

On a more positive note:

Chaos Dwarfs!!!

Yes thats right I have finally got round to assembling my Infernal Guard unit number 1 (although in this photo the back 5 are headless, this has now been rectified.) So my thoughts on the models…

Firstly, once again, outstanding detail. However, I have encounted a major flaw with these models. Their inability to easily rank up. After much patients, I have finally managed to get 20 Dwarfs standing shoulder to shoulder (or at least, as close as possible). Maybe I am missing something? The command models are, as always, a great asset to the range and the increased level of detail, even over and above the other IG is truely awesome with the fine runes cut into the reverse of the shoulder armour plates on the champion.

I have also taken one of the models displaced by the command group and begun conversion work towards my ABSB. I hope to post a few intial photos tomorrow, but there is extensive conversion work to do, a head from Grimstonefire which I am awaiting, as well as my first attempt to delve into free-hand sculpting. So lots to be going on with.

I think in the next few days, there will be lots of pictures…

So until then.


So two weeks on from my forces of Hashut rising from the dust…

… of a Forge World mailing box; and I have a few picture updates for you, so first and foremost, here is my 2000pts of Hashut’s finest…

I should add, the two characters in the centre of the table are not part of the army, yet at least.

So quite a bit has been added to the army since my last post.

So, to continue my thoughts on the models:


I love this pack. While I am personally a fan of big hats and would have prefered to have seen bigger hats on two of the heroes. (The pointy hatted is a fantastic hat) They are, all three, very characterful models. My only regret is that only one can find its way into my 2000pt list.

Magma Cannon:

This is another one of those, “wow thats a big model” for me. I was expecting something comparable to the Death Shrieker, but this is substantially bigger and bulkier, not that I mind. The detailing is fantastic, although I did find with my model that the top of the structure needs to be squished slightly at the top as the cannon appears to be narrow than the gap it is suposed to rest in. Maybe it was just my kit that this was the case.

However this is no real probably and detracts nothing from the model.

Last thing to mention, the Hobgoblins.

As I hope to eventually have 2 hoards of 40, I decided against conversions as this would be very time consuming a part of the army I have little interest in. So I opted to use Gnoblars. They have a characterful appearance in large units, having scavenge armour and weapons from the battlefield, as I would imagine hobgoblins would. So I now have the first unit assembled, and have painted around half of them.

So in a little more detail, we have 4 of of my IG all with their basecoats done and awaiting painting.

I have opted to stay with the bulk of the armour plate on my troops in Red to tie in with the Hellsmith and Taur’ruk. This however will end up a lot darker, and the gold will turn a lot more brassy.

The next big thing to update on is my BSB. I failed miserably at getting photos up before, due to a friends funeral, so I have photos from a few stages for you.

Stage 1:

I used one of the IG who was replaced by one of the command group for the body, as already mentions. Having swapped the weapon hand to be at rest on the left hand side, I carefully filled down the thumb (which was upside down for a left hand)

Stage 2:

Here I have added the thumb to his left hand and used a Lizardman Saurus warrior hand as the right hand, carefully trimming away the weapon and drilling a paper clip through the hand to support the banner pole. I then filed the fingers of the hand slightly to reduce their profile and am going to paint over the fingers with liquid greenstuff before sculpting the plate armour detail.

As a side note, the banner is a temporary banner which I have rested on top just to see how things may look.

Stage 3:

In this, the final photo so far, I have added one of Grimstonefire’s fantastic head and have started scuplting a large hat, this now needs to be filed smooth and the detailed, this will for a complete hat and integral mask for my Castellan.

I used a banner pole trimmed from the old skaven warrior box set to create the top part of the pole, and I have sculpted around the paper clip to ensure the pole is the same size throughout.

I have greenstuffed over the Saurus hand and this is awaiting the plate detail.

Finally the banner pole topper was cut away from the mark of Khorne and was taken from a bloodletters of Khorne box. I am going to sculpt a banner hanging from this, but this will also given a solid base for any ornamental deatiling as a banner topper.

Finally, I have done the last few details to both my Hellsmith and Taur’ruk and so will probably be creating a thread in the Showcase forum at some point when the army fluff is finished.

So there we have my progress so far. Only two weeks and it feels like I have been here a lot long, flying the flag for Hashut.

I would appreciate any feedback as I love reading comments, especially constructive critism and advice on how to improve.

