[Archive] [09-27-2007] When good monkeys go bad - A cautionary plog


Haha! It only took me three months to get an update up. :~ I’m so sorry guys.

Anyway, 3 months has given me 1000 points constructed, one painted model and a LOT of ideas. Please forgive the shoddy nature of the pics, but photography just ain’t my strength. I’ll get light box and what not set up when more are painted. Just wanted to give you guys an idea of what I’ve done.

Going through the lot -

The two heroes were great fun to put together. The general was inspired by Kytes’ mancer. Cheers man! The back and cloak were massively lifted from Grim’s model.

The sorcerer was just an experiment in playing around with plastic/gs and interesting things I found in a second hand shop in town. Think he came out well.

The CD warriors were obviously inspired by Xander (bless you lad) and the helmet variety from Snot. The unit filling ogre is just my way to give the unit some interest and height and also save me more work. The cog shields are made by my friend who is MUCH better at GS than me.

The BB are meant to be a bit weedier than the warriors. That explains the dwarf vs marauder arms at least. The metal cogs were a great find from a local model train shop. Cheap as chips and twice as tasty. The unit filler was pretty much for the same reasons as above.

Here’s a close up of a BB and CD:

Now - the big change to my army from most CD forces - the hobbos. I just don’t like the look of the goblins. That’s me though, I can totally see why others use them. Once I saw the flagellent box set I knew what I had to do. Buy and paint up some human slaves! Bedraggled, under-fed and crazed you say? That’ll do nicely thank you very much.

Each unit had a CD slaver at the back.

The earthshaker is the standard Hellcannon counts as. Nothing new there. The bolt throwers are simply leadblechers with spears in barrels:

I liked this idea at the start, but more and more I’m not sure about it. So I’ve got an alternative, but we’ll have to see if that pans out first. I’m keeping schtum till I have completed models.

Finally the painted guy:

Whilst I tried to avoid the usual red/ gold I couldn’t find a scheme I was happy with. So I toned down the red to make it more brooding and went with NMM gold. Now my NMM skills are non-existent to say the least. So this will be a great opportunity to learn more.

I still need to decide on my third real colour and use it to paint my as yet-non existent shield design. Probably white, but I’m open to suggestions.

So there we go - I’d love to hear everyone’s feedback. It’s been great fun doing these guys and I can’t wait to get my teeth into the rest.

I’m going to try to take these guys to the Battle for Albion camaign weekend (see Battle for Albion)

So with the 3 T’s of painting (a Target, a Timetable, Tea) I’m going to get to action with these guys. Who knows, you might even receive an update before March.

Cheers! :cheers