Its a good start my (personal) changes would be as follows
1: get a bigger unit of blunderbusses - I use 15 with a standard - that gives me strength 5 shooting a static combat res of 3 - plus usually people charge them with soft things like fast cav or flyers - so you often out number as well
2: Drop a load of stuff from the hobgoblins - currently they are costing you 260 points - I would go for 2 units of 20 naked and 1 unit of 10 with bows for a new total of 130. With those extra points you can get in an earthshaker.
3: Warriors - I would take this unit up to 25 to maintain your static combat res
I agree with Ubertechie, but he can’t have an ES, as he has the BCs.
Also, what’s the deal with your general? Gauntlets, but no Great Weapon? If your Hero is going into a unit, which he should, drop the Gauntlets, and pick up a GW, or the Black Hammer. I’d also drop the Death Rocket. It’s not going to hit much in a 1500 point game.
Also, I am not sure you need that banner of slavery.
I’d use the points you save to beef up your Blunderbuss. The smallest I ever would field them is 14 (with a sorcerer) or 15. I’m even thinking of going to 18 these days. The extra numbers will make them harder to panic, and make them deadlier for longer.
I agree: another unit of Hobgoblin archers would be nice.
If you end up with the spare points, I’d consider keeping the musician on the Hobgoblins, but only if you can afford the points. Having that +1 to rally or winning ties (or not losing ties) due to musician is nice.
Well there’s definitly lots of stuff to cut out. Here’s what I’d change.
1) General - Drop the gautlets and pick up a great weapon. Alternatively you can give the armour to the bsb. This then would let you take the ultimate defence option for the general (black gem/enchanted shield combo).
2) BSB - no need for the banner of salvery. Your units should be close enough to the general anyways. Pick up some offence for the bsb. I’d go with a sword of might and the 1+ armour.
3) Hobgoblins don’t need all the goodies. Just take units of 20 naked ones with a musician.
4) As others have said the blunderbusses need to be a little bigger to be effective.
5) Drop the command options off the centaurs. Not sure the points for the command in my opinion. They shouldn’t need the warbanner as they come in with lots of high S attacks. The warbanner would be better off in the warrior unit.
I’d at least keep the musician on the BC. That +1 on ties (which is not unusual) and +1 to rally is huge.
The banner + warbanner is very risky on BC. While it gives them that extra oomf, and combined with killing power and if maneuvered well it goes a long ways to helping win that combat and breaking the opponent on the charge. On the other hand, if used right (read: flank charge) your killing power should negate the soft res… and if used in tandem with an infantry block then you should win. Plus if you lose and flee you’re giving 100 VP to the opponent. So it’s a big gamble either way, though it does have a potential payoff… and banner on BC is only worth it with warbanner.
I currently run my BC with just musician. Makes them a lot more affordable, and if I whiff and lose and get broken up… it’s not as a big of a hit. I tried the banner + warbanner route and wasn’t impressed personally.
I agree with ToM that Warbanner on Warriors is a much better choice. BSB in one, Warbanner in the other is what I do. Gives as much soft res as to two units as I easily can do.
I’d drop the banner and champion on the BC. THe banner as if they bounce off a unit, you’re giving 100vps to the opponent, which would be a huge hit. I’d drop champion so character who are on monsters (IE dragons, griffons, etc) or character who are monsters (Freaking Treemen ancients who also are likely using Annoyance of Netlings) can’t challenge and basically render the rest of the unit useless.
I’m incline to drop the banner of the Orcs, but that is me.
Yore core choices look solid. Though if you make the changes I suggested above you might want to beef up the Blunderbuss a bit so you can be 6 wide. You’d be surprised how devestating that extra width can be. Then maybe a couple more Orcs if you still have points… as running Orcs 6 wide is nice as you’ll be killing a little bit more.
Overall, this list is pretty close to being fairly decent. Try it out, and tweak as needed.