[Archive] 1994 armybook


is it worth buying or can i find it on the web?

anything  in it worth seeing/reading?

thank you in advance


Yep it is indeed from the background perspective, just be careful how much you pay for it.


ok thanks

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I’d suggest it if you can manage to get it.


Tbh, I was a little bit disappointed with WDP:CD. The background info in it is fairly sparse (although still interesting to read).

Thommy H:

Well, you know, it’s all there is. It’s not like it’s a supplement to a bunch of other stuff that already exists: it’s pretty much the only source of background information for the army.

Ancient History:

It’s a collection of the original articles from White Dwarf, not a complete armybook from scratch like others of that era.


the rulebook is on the net, if I remember correctly you can download it via emule


found ed:5 at ******

Edited out by grim.  Anyone reading this who wants it can pm jolpis directly, he can give you the link.


I do not think the file is legal… I would strongly advise against it.

I’d recommend getting it via e-bay or trade.

I wouldn’t pay more then a normal army book these days. $15 US seems like an ideal price, or a decent blister or a monster. I traded a minotaur for mine, and I have no regrets.


Tbh, I was a little bit disappointed with WDP:CD.  The background info in it is fairly sparse (although still interesting to read).

What were you expecting?


the rulebook is on the net, if I remember correctly you can download it via emule

yes, downloading rulebooks from the internet is commonly known as pirating. I don't care if the book is 40 years out of date.

I know the younger generation is known to pirate everything, but sometimes I just want to reach out and smack someone..


not all young ppl is illeagaly downloading just the ones with internet


not all young ppl is illeagaly downloading just the ones with internet

It was a general statement, not directed at any one specific person, but rather at everyone in general..


not all young ppl is illeagaly downloading just the ones with internet

that was a joke.
a bad one when i think about it...



Piracy was as big a hallmark of our generation as it is of today’s. As a teen, everyone I knew who was into computers and video games, were also heavily into pirating software. I knew crack teams, I knew warez BBS rings, I attended copy meets - it was very common. Times haven’t changed much for most people. For me, its no longer worth it, especially as a developer.

RPG materials weren’t immune either. If someone bought a copy of an RPG, then five others would photocopy it…



Piracy was as big a hallmark of our generation as it is of today's. As a teen, everyone I knew who was into computers and video games, were also heavily into pirating software. I knew crack teams, I knew warez BBS rings, I attended copy meets - it was very common.  Times haven't changed much for most people. For me, its no longer worth it, especially as a developer.

RPG materials weren't immune either. If someone bought a copy of an RPG, then five others would photocopy it...

That is a very good point. About as long as its been possible to make copies pirating has been done. VHS and tapes was the rage in the 80's. Then you'd record songs playing on the radio. I'm almost too young to have missed it but not quite.

FWIW it isn't like the companies are helping the matter. I bought Vista on my new computer and now I hear there's a Windows 7 coming which apparently would fix every beef I've had with Vista, not many years after I "invested" in Vista. Gee. Thanks so f***g much MS. I honestly and deeply regret I paid for Vista. They basically ripped thier customers off. Smart. In fact I was getting into the age/position that I can actually afford this stuff and now I am suddenly finding my self motivated not to.
And don't get me started on music... I'm not a big "consumer" but having caught part of an cribs or life of or whatever on MTV where some rapper had Nike shoes that were only available in this one colour for her I completely lost any and all scruples when it comes to music. There's absolutely no rational argument that will move me any longer.




Piracy was as big a hallmark of our generation as it is of today’s. As a teen, everyone I knew who was into computers and video games, were also heavily into pirating software. I knew crack teams, I knew warez BBS rings, I attended copy meets - it was very common.  Times haven’t changed much for most people. For me, its no longer worth it, especially as a developer.

RPG materials weren’t immune either. If someone bought a copy of an RPG, then five others would photocopy it…

Again you are about 5 or 6 years my Junior… photocopies, where still 20 to 25 cents a copy and you had to sit there feeding coins into the copy machine. Video games werre just the Atari and HBO and MTV were hitting their start ups about the time I was 16 or so. Computers were full basements full of punch card spitting boxes that were hotter than hell itself. the first tabletop Apples were being tested in schools, I know cause I tested some. They used a 10 inch disk that could carry 100k or was it 10k memory on them.

What you are talking about occured in the mid to late 80’s… my teenage years were late 70’s to mid 80’s… that 5 years had themost change since the change over from steam engines to gas engines… lol

did people copy and cheat back then, yes, was it as common, perhaps, but it wasn’t as point and click easy as it is now… :P:P


i try not to download stuff becuase in the end you are just hurting yourself (the makers get more money = better thing) but who would say no to free stuff

(i belive steam is the future coping those games is like walking on fire, if you want online functions)


There is so much stuff out there that is completely unavailable, but is still in copyright. It’s not worth it for the publisher to produce more copies because the market is so small, but it is almost impossible to find, even second hand. In this case, you wouldn’t even be denying the maker any money. So is it still bad to copy such an item? I don’t think it is so clear cut.