[Archive] 1K please comment

Arakagaan Calasson:

As a longtime (3 years approx.) Dwarf player with about 3k (points) of models I doubt I’ll be making a full switch model wise, but I though I’d have a look at how my nefarious cousins form the east play. I’m playing as a test (not sure who against) on wednesday, so I’d like some feedback.

Note we have houseruled in +1 lord, +1 hero, +1 spec and +1 rare at 1K (our normal points size at club).

The list;


CD Hero - General Arakagaan Calasson (60)

+ HA (4)

+ Shield (2)

+ Sword of Battle (Probably actually a hammer) (25)


CD Hero - Brakaal Xerxis (60)

+ HA (4)

+ Battle Standard (25)

+ Banner of Slavery (50)

TOTAL; 139

Sorceror - Darax Chalissan (65)

+ Lvl 2 (35)

TOTAL; 100


20 Dawi Zharr (180)

+ Command (30)

TOTAL; 210

30 Hobbos (60)

+ shields (30)

+ standard (10)

TOTAL; 100

30 Hobbos (60)

+ shields (30)

+ standard (10)

TOTAL; 100


10 Sneaky Gits (50)


5 Bull Centaurs (100)

+ HA (5)

Additional Hand Weapons

TOTAL; 105

Earthshaker (110)

The plan is to tie the main enemy force up with big tar pits of hobbos, disabling the serious shooting witht the earthshaker, so my gits and Centaurs can get on with the real work of pwnzing in flanky charge style. The two heroes will go in the main CD unit, the general is there to get some killing done, and with the banner bearer clearly gives the hobbos Ld10 rerollable pyschology and break tests as long as they stay close - easily enough to use them as a very successful tarpit considering there are 30 of the little blighters.

My main opponents are likely to have greenies, High Elves, or lizardmen (although brets, vamps, dawi, or a houseruled hobbo force are possible).

Thanks in advance, the more advice the better!

I am in your capable hands,



I’d lower the Hobbos to 25 per unit, and ad 3 Chaos Dwarf Warriors so that they have 25 US with the 2 characters.

I’d try to up the Sneaky gits to 14, 7x2, for maximum attacks. The Banner of Slavery doesn’t really look necessary with your leadership 10 hero around, you have your BSB too, so the banner seems like overkill.

Otherwise it looks good, maybe get a dispel scroll for your caster.

Nice stuff.

Arakagaan Calasson:

30 hobbos means 8 deaths required prior to panic tests.

Basically the idea of the banner is re-rolling fear tests as well - the number of times I screw up with regular dwarfs is bad enough, but when I’m going combat and need to hold I’d rather have the re-roll.

What lore would you suggest I take? Fire would give me some genuine offensive at range, shadow might give me a chance to let the dwarfs keep up with the rest of the army or do some nasty tricks, death has some quite pwnzorly spells too… I doubt I’ll take metal, but unsure otherwise.


Death has some potent spells, and you can always default to the Magic Missile.

25 Hobbos means 7 death for panic. :wink: And enough points to fix up your CD unit to 25.

What does the Sword of Battle do again?

Arakagaan Calasson:

+1 attack. I coudln’t think of a better use for 25 points… althogh actually I could buy my 2 extra CDs (still takes it to 25 if I bung the sorceeror in there) with it I guess.

Tweaked version;


CD Hero - General Arakagaan Calasson (60)

+ HA (4)

+ Shield (2)

+ GW (4)


CD Hero - Brakaal Xerxis (60)

+ HA (4)

+ Battle Standard (25)

+ Banner of Slavery (50)

TOTAL; 139

Sorceror - Darax Chalissan (65)

+ Lvl 2 (35)

TOTAL; 100


23 Dawi Zharr (Arakagaan’s Destroyers)(207)

+ Command (30)

TOTAL; 210

29 Hobbos (Minons)(58)

+ shields (29)

+ standard (10)

TOTAL; 100

29 Hobbos (The other bunch of Minons)(58)

+ shields (29)

+ standard (10)

TOTAL; 100


10 Sneaky Gits (Stabbies!)(50)


5 Bull Centaurs (Calasson’ Stampeders)(100)

+ HA (5)

Additional Hand Weapons

TOTAL; 105

Earthshaker (Fist of Hashut)(110)

TOTAL; 1005

Out of interest…

- Is there ever a reason to take blunders? 1 round of shooting max against most troops seems pathetic for 12pts/model, even if it is s5.


Blunders can be really devastating. But in 1000 points I’d probably avoid them. I run my Blunders in units of 17 housing a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer and arranged 6x3.

No way to fit a scroll in there huh?


3 characters in such a small game is a bit much, but it isn’t easy to say which one should go for your personal playstyle. Blunderbusses should get a couple of shots off against infantry, and likely a couple against most heavy cavalry unless the player is good at judging distances.

Arakagaan Calasson:

How much are scrolls?

Arakagaan Calasson:

I dunno if I’m allowd to doublepost, sorry if I’m not…

The test (VS O&G) went well, we got cut off before much real combat happened though. I earthshakered his great shaman (205pts) on the head, but then had the wyvern he had been sitting on at the time charge my already weakened by 2 models (darned Doom Diver) Bull Centaurs, who proceeded to do 2 wounds before being reduced to a pile of slightly fatty beef.

to be continued when I get up tomorrow.


I think the list is alright. At this size, a unit of blunderbuss isn’t bad, but it’d be fighting for other units. 2000+ points is where the blunderbuss are awesome In My Humble Opinion.

I like your list, it’s pretty good overall. You run the way I run Bull Centaurs, but I run with 6 (larger game size though).

One point to consider is, at 1k I thought you could only take one rare… am I wrong?

Arakagaan Calasson:

Houserules, it’s at the top of the OP.

Arakagaan Calasson:

I’m against Lizardmen on wednesday…