[Archive] 1K tournament army

The Raven:

Hey all,

So my club is hosting a tournament in a couple of weeks and I’d like to ask you fine generals for some practical tips in using this army. Note that this army includes all the models I have, so I cant easily change it. Though ideas for later improvement would be apreciated.


Zharan Blackhand ~ Hero

hand weapon, great weapon, armour of gazrakh

Yarbluk Khan ~ Hobgoblinn hero

hand weapon, heavy armour, shield, wolf


19 warriors @ hws, gws, heavy armour, shield, FC

2X 15 blunderbussiers

2X 10 naked hobbos


10 Orcs Arrerz @ Choppa, la, bows

2 Bolt Throwers


Earthshaker Cannon


The set up idea is the following:

Zharan and the warriors form the center of the battleline with blunderers on both flanks. The Blunders are screened with hobs until they can unleash their deadly hail of lead. The ES and the bolters are deployed where they can be of best use, depending on the battlefield and are guarded by the Arrerboyz (chew on that great eagles!) Yarbluk is there with the task of march blocking and wizard/warmachine hunting.


Hi - I have posted some comments below - but a lot is down to your play style

hope it helps



Zharan Blackhand ~ Hero

hand weapon, great weapon, armour of gazrakh

- Good solid General choice - although heavy armour would be nearly as good and cheaper

Yarbluk Khan ~ Hobgoblinn hero

hand weapon, heavy armour, shield, wolf

- I would drop him and try and get in a sorcerer (ideally level 2 with 2 dispel scrolls)


19 warriors @ hws, gws, heavy armour, shield, FC

- I would drop the G/W - the hero will do the killing for you - and you will get charged where the 3+ save is a lot more helpfull

2X 15 blunderbussiers

- I would give them a standard each - that Gives you a combat res of 3 to start with - so should mean fast cavalry / light troops think twice - plus its only 10 points

2X 10 naked hobbos

- I would use 1 unit of 20 to get 3 ranks but thats my preference


10 Orcs Arrerz @ Choppa, la, bows

- I dont use them but for your plan they fit the bill

2 Bolt Throwers

- Cant go wrong with these


Earthshaker Cannon

- I would prefer 5 bull centaurs to give you some speed and flanking power - but if you don’t have the models this is a good solid choice. Use it to fragment his battle line so it hits you in bits and pieces rather than a coherent mass


drop the GWs on the warriors…

put the enchanted shield on the wolfboz for a 2+ save…

and I’d consider the sword of might on him… pretty killy for 86 points…

put the hobgrotz together in a single unit…

you are vunerable to magic…

The Raven:

Thanks guys. I am considering it to drop the great weapons in favour of some magic stuff for my Hobboss. Now…to the tournament! war horns