[Archive] 2 1000 points list for new blood


Heya Fellas
So I made another list,and I need your opinions on which list is a bit better,
Personally I havent play with Chaos dwafs,since they all are still in transit to my domain :cheers.

The models that I have:
1x Daemonsmith
20x Infernal guards with CCW and shields,Full command squad
1x Skullcracker

Models that’s on the way:
2x Deathshrieker
1x Magma Cannon
1x Hellcannon

1st list,Shooting heavy (999 points)

Daemonsmith Sorcerer (155)
Dispel scroll,lvl 2

Infernal Guards (289)
FC,20 guards,gleaming pendant

Magma Cannon (145)

Deathshrieker (100)

Deathshrieker (100)

Hellcannon (210)

2nd list (994 points)

Daemonsmith (155)
lvl 2,dispel scroll

Infernal Guards (289)
FC,20 guards,gleaming pendant

Hellcannon (210)

Skullcracker (340)


In order to get some advice please share what models you will habe available.


In order to get some advice please share what models you will habe available.

Eya,sorry about that.I'm editing the post now


Heya Fellas
So I made another list,and I need your opinions on which list is a bit better,
Personally I havent play with Chaos dwafs,since they all are still in transit to my domain :cheers.

The models that I have:
1x Daemonsmith
20x Infernal guards with CCW and shields,Full command squad
1x Skullcracker

Models that's on the way:
2x Deathshrieker
1x Magma Cannon
1x Hellcannon

You need to order more troops then. Because of the minimum 25% core rule. Your core will only go as high as 20*12+32+5+45 = 322 pts.
That's 20 IG, full command, naptha bomb and razor banner. And only enough for 1200 point games. You'll never fit all the other stuff in that.
1st list,Shooting heavy (999 points)

Daemonsmith Sorcerer (155)
Dispel scroll,lvl 2

Infernal Guards (289)
FC,20 guards,gleaming pendant

Magma Cannon (145)

Deathshrieker (100)

Deathshrieker (100)

Hellcannon (210)
Stay back, shoot as much as you can. Hellcannon on line with the IG. Other machines behind them. Put the daesmonsmith so he can reach all warmachines.

Real boring list in my opinion. Will lay waste to pretty much all opponents at this point level. But only 1 daemonsmith re-roll to four machines is not really enough, you will loose machines to miscasts. Make sure to fire the hellcannnon first, as his misfire might kill you sorcerer.
2nd list (994 points)

Daemonsmith (155)
lvl 2,dispel scroll

Infernal Guards (289)
FC,20 guards,gleaming pendant

Hellcannon (210)

Skullcracker (340)
Better list for sure. Real nasty as well. I don't really get the point of the skullcracker - but the model is really cool! You pay extra points for a d6 extra impact hits. ... next to nothing. And you loose the ability to shoot with it - real good for taking out monstrous cavalry.

I say at this point level you field your cool skullcracker as a hellbound Iron Demon instead. The ekstra points can be used on some protection for you daemonsmith.

At 1000 pts that will be a real nasty list indeed. Go Lore of Metal and hope for Enchanted Blades of Aiban. Make the iron demon much more dangerous when shooting and the IG deadly in close combat.


1st list,Shooting heavy (999 points)

Daemonsmith Sorcerer (155)
Dispel scroll,lvl 2

Infernal Guards (289)
FC,20 guards,gleaming pendant

Magma Cannon (145)

Deathshrieker (100)

Deathshrieker (100)

Hellcannon (210)
Stay back, shoot as much as you can. Hellcannon on line with the IG. Other machines behind them. Put the daesmonsmith so he can reach all warmachines.

Real boring list in my opinion. Will lay waste to pretty much all opponents at this point level. But only 1 daemonsmith re-roll to four machines is not really enough, you will loose machines to miscasts. Make sure to fire the hellcannnon first, as his misfire might kill you sorcerer.
I made this list in mind of a siege type battle in mind, I always like shooting stuff from afar cause of playing Mark of Chaos too much :hat off
2nd list (994 points)

Daemonsmith (155)
lvl 2,dispel scroll

Infernal Guards (289)
FC,20 guards,gleaming pendant

Hellcannon (210)

Skullcracker (340)
Better list for sure. Real nasty as well. I don't really get the point of the skullcracker - but the model is really cool! You pay extra points for a d6 extra impact hits. ... next to nothing. And you loose the ability to shoot with it - real good for taking out monstrous cavalry.

I say at this point level you field your cool skullcracker as a hellbound Iron Demon instead. The ekstra points can be used on some protection for you daemonsmith.

At 1000 pts that will be a real nasty list indeed. Go Lore of Metal and hope for Enchanted Blades of Aiban. Make the iron demon much more dangerous when shooting and the IG deadly in close combat.
This list is actually made by a friend of mine,when I say I wanted to play Chaos Dwarf,so I dont really know how it works in terms of units and models.

Also since I have some excess cash from Chinese New Year,what models do you recommend Bloodbeard to get for expanding the force to 1500 points?


For extra models some bulls and kdaai fireborn maybe? Try to build your Destroyer using the maulerfiend.

If planning for go for even more points in the future you can be a dick and use 2 hellcannons, but the opponent might flip the table.


Well you need more core troops. You have enough machines.

20 IG with fireglaives to as either that or blunderbusses. Get a command group as well. To work good blunderbusses need to be 24+.

I often run 24 or 29 IG with HW/S. So ten more of those guys would be good.

At 1500 pts I always bring a Castellan with BSB. And at 2000 pts you will have 2 daemonsmiths/prophet and a castellan. So buy the 3 hero pack.

Depending on skill you could make some unitfillers to save money.

You should decide what to use as hobgoblins. They are cheap core and often needed.


For extra models some bulls and kdaai fireborn maybe? Try to build your Destroyer using the maulerfiend.
If planning for go for even more points in the future you can be a dick and use 2 hellcannons, but the opponent might flip the table.

Ok,I was thinking of using the Slaughterbrute but Maulerfiend seems fine!
quick question,why is bringing 2 Hellcannons a dick move?
Well you need more core troops. You have enough machines.

20 IG with fireglaives to as either that or blunderbusses. Get a command group as well. To work good blunderbusses need to be 24+.

I often run 24 or 29 IG with HW/S. So ten more of those guys would be good.

At 1500 pts I always bring a Castellan with BSB. And at 2000 pts you will have 2 daemonsmiths/prophet and a castellan. So buy the 3 hero pack.

Depending on skill you could make some unitfillers to save money.

You should decide what to use as hobgoblins. They are cheap core and often needed.

For Hobgoblins I will probably use the Night goblin box,I love the look on those buggers.

So based on all your suggestions I should get:

1 Iron Daemon war engine
1 pack of Infernal guards with CCW and Shield
2 pack of infernal guards with Fireglaives (20 man in total)


And a hero pack. At 1500 points you need more than one hero.

The slaughterbrute is cool! Go for him.

Hellcannons are crazy good in 8th edition. But it’s really fine. No bad play in that.


And a hero pack. At 1500 points you need more than one hero.

The slaughterbrute is cool! Go for him.

Hellcannons are crazy good in 8th edition. But it's really fine. No bad play in that.

Ok cool! Thanks BB,you sure reply fast!

Can you explain to me how good the Hellcannons are?

Also is this deplyoment quite right?