[Archive] 2000 point list(2)

Knight Of Awsome:

Chaos Dwarf army - Total: 1999pts

Chaos Dwarf Lord - Black Hammer of Hashut, Armour of the Furnace, Enchanted Shield, Great Taurus,

Total unit cost 450pts

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer - 2 dispel scrolls, Level 2,

Total unit cost 150pts

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer - 2 dispel scrolls,

Total unit cost 115pts

Chaos Dwarf Warriors x20 - Heavy armour, shield, full cmd,

9 pts/model, Total unit cost 210pts

Chaos Dwarf Warriors x20 - Heavy armour, shield, full cmd,

9 pts/model, Total unit cost 210pts

Blunderbussers x20 - Heavy armour,

12 pts/model, Total unit cost 240pts

Hobgoblins x21 -

2 pts/model, Total unit cost 42pts

Hobgoblins x21 -

2 pts/model, Total unit cost 42pts

Hobgoblins x20 -

2 pts/model, Total unit cost 40pts

Bolt Thrower x2 -

30 pts/model, Total unit cost 60pts

Bolt Thrower x2 -

30 pts/model, Total unit cost 60pts

Death Rocket -

Total unit cost 80pts

Death Rocket -

Total unit cost 80pts

Earthshaker -

Total unit cost 110pts

Earthshaker -

Total unit cost 110pts

C&C will be enjoyed!:cheers


personally I would get some bull centaurs. And also, isn’t your hero just a lil bit pricy? I would drop the taurus, and maybe a dispel scroll, or two, and I would get (some how get by re aranging points and stuff) another group of BB but thats just me. I t looks great so far, The two Earth Shakers and 4 Bt look great. The two death rockets will be fun, (though you could always trade those for more BT, fun for you, not your enemy) Looks good though :slight_smile:


your lord is illegal you can’t have the armour of furnace and the enchanted shield.

thats alot of warmachines. definitly not going be a friendly game