[Archive] 2000pt Army no greenskins

Time of Madness:

Decided to put my taurus away for a battle or two and surprise my opponent with a bit of a magic heavy list.


Sorceror Lord (general)

- Level 4

- Black Gem

- Talismen of Protection

- 2 Power Stones

= 325pts

Hero (bsb)

- Armour of Gazrakh

- Sword of Might

= 135pts


- Level 2

- 2 Dispel Scrolls

= 150pts


- Level 2

- Chalice of Darkness

= 150pts


23 Warriors

Sorceror Lord here

- Full Command

- Warbanner

= 262pts

23 Warriors

BSB here

- Full Command

= 237pts

15 Blunderbuss

= 180pts

15 Blunderbuss

= 180pts


Death Rocket

= 80pts

Death Rocket

= 80pts



= 110pts


= 110pts

TOTAL POINTS = 1999pts

Casting Dice = 10

Dispel Dice = 6 + 2 Scrolls

The list packs a fair amount of fire power bordering on a gunline. I dislike greenskins and prefer to take as much T4 CD’s as possible.

The general idea will be to move forward slowly peppering my opponent with magic/shooting.  

I have a feeling I’m going to miss my taurus :frowning: It will be nice to have some decent magic defence though.

Time of Madness


Whilst all of the units are solid with only 4 line units and 2 of them being semi-soft (blunderbusses) I think that you will have issues with flanks - whilst magic & shooting will control movement to some degree some of the faster armies will still be able to get down your flanks and into your backfield and will cause you all sorts of problems. Plus you have almost nothing to control the movement phase and are reliant on people engaging your warriors for them to contribute to the battle. Hobgoblins would help a lot but if you don’t want to use them then thats cool.

At the end of a day use whatever works for you as we all have different preferences and play styles

Time of Madness:

Thanks for the comments.

The general idea was to suck my opponent in and make him come to me to engage. With the magic and war machines he won’t be able to sit back.

I plan on running a refused flank and castling up a bit so it makes it harder to be flanked. I realize I don’t have any flank protectors and have thought about adding a unit of bull centaurs to fulfill that role.

Time of Madness


Ah Okay if you are going to castle up bolt-throwers would be better than death-rockets plus they are great at taking out things like dragons, bloodthristers, chariots and all cavalry - you could crew them with dwarfs to avoid the greenskins if you wanted to just remember that they will have to use gobbo stats. Combined with an Earthshaker (or 2) 4 bolt-throwers can be fantastic

Time of Madness:

Thanks for the comments Ubertechie.

I think you were right in your first post. My list as it stands lacks speed and the ability to protect the flanks.

Another problem I am going to run into is how one dimensional the list is. I have yet to play any games with or against chaos dwarves but I’m not sure I’m too keen on the magic/shooting heavy approach.

I’ve come up with a better list that still fits my theme “no slaves/greenskins”. The list features a little more speed which I think is going to be key when taking a “pure” chaos dwarf army.



Chaos Dwarf Lord

- Taurus

- Armour of the Furnace

- Black Hammer of Hashut

- Shield

= 443pts

Chaos Dwarf Hero (General)

- Heavy Armour/Enchanted shield

- Black Gem of Gnar

= 109pts

Chaos Dwarf Hero (bsb)

- Armour of Gazrakh

- Sword of Might

= 135pts

Chaos Dwarf Sorceror

- Level 1

- 2 Dispel Scrolls

= 115pts


21 Chaos Dwarf Warriors

General here

- Full Command

- Hand Weapon/shield

- Warbanner

= 244pts

21 Chaos Dwarf Warriors

BSB here

- Full Command

- Hand Weapon/shield

= 219pts

15 Blunderbuss

= 180pts

15 Blunderbuss

= 180pts


Death Rocket

= 80pts

Death Rocket

= 80pts



= 110pts

5 Bull Centaurs

- Great Weapon

- Shield/heavy armour

= 105pts

TOTAL POINTS = 2000pts

Casting Dice - 3

Dispel Dice - 3 + 2 scrolls

The addition of the taurus and the centaurs really allows me to play a bit more offensively. They also give me some good flank protection. The taurus has the ability to take out marchines and small units on his own.

The downside to the list is my lack of magic defence, however I think overall it is fairly well balanced.

Time of Madness


I like your second list better, but I might go with a bull centaur battle standard bearer (tougher) and more attacks. If you absolutely have to like against a chariot you can charge out of the unit.

I think you probably won’t be all that happy with two death rockets. If you are absolutely trying to avoid green skins I understand, but bolthrowers are far far far more effective and they are cheap as chips. You could get 5 bolthrowers for the same point an still have 10 points lying around.

I like 6 bull centaurs in squad that way it is harder to get to below half and give-up victory points.

If you must avoid slaves I would consider the following:

1. drop a death rocket (80 points back)

2. change the BSB to a bull centaur (40 points used up)

3. add a bull centaur (21 points used-19 left)

4. Drop the black gem and add the sword of battle (saved 10 points-29 points left)

5. I would buy a musician for each of my blunderbuss units (20 points, wouldn’t you hat to loose them because you did not have one)

6. Buy one more dwarf for any of you your dwarf warrior units.

That is my 2 cents. I have a similar list just with slaves.