[Archive] 2000pt List(1)

Time of Madness:

Quick attempt at putting together a new LoA list using vintage big hat models.


Castellan (General)

- Mask of the Furnace

- Shield

= 172pts

Castellan ( BSB )

- Talisman of Preservation

- Enchanted Shield

= 180pts


- Level 1

- Dispel Scroll

= 120pts


24 Infernal Guard

General Here

- Full Command

- Razor Standard

= 365pts

24 Infernal Guard

BSB Here

- Full Command

= 320pts


4 Bull Centaurs

- Standard

- Great Weapons

= 210pts

4 Bull Centaurs

- Standard

- Great Weapons

= 210pts


= 100pts


= 100pts



- Slave Ogre

= 215pts

TOTAL POINTS = 1992pts

Quick break down of the models used.

Castellans - Big hat hero’s (2 different models, one converted with bsb)

Daemonsmith - Big hat wizard

Infernal Guard - Big hats with hand weapon/shield

Centaurs - Centaurs

Shriekers - Death Rockets

Dreakquake - earthshaker

Without converting anything it leaves me a bit limited unless I start investing in hobgoblins. Alternatively I could drop a unit of guard and pick up a couple of units of hobgoblins. Not sure which approach I like better at this point in time.

The plan is to use a unit of centaurs as a flanking force for each guard unit. The smith hangs back near the dreadquake to make it useful.

Time of Madness

Obsidian Muse:

I would free some points in order to get the Daemonsmith a lvl 2, perhaps by axing one of the Bull Centaurs. In my own opinion an extra spell and +1 to cast/dispel goes underestimated by too many people.

Time of Madness:

I would free some points in order to get the Daemonsmith a lvl 2, perhaps by axing one of the Bull Centaurs. In my own opinion an extra spell and +1 to cast/dispel goes underestimated by too many people.

Obsidian Muse
I appreciate the comments.

I'd actually love to make him level 2, I just don't have the hero points. I'm capped out at 500pts for hero and am pretty close to that.

I'd have to give up some protective gear on my general/bsb to make my smith a level 2.

So for the time being I'll keep the smith cheap and hope that he helps out the dreadquake a bit.

Time of Madness

The Besieger:

Great setup here :slight_smile:

The 2 X 2 , 4 safes to protect the chars i the best setup :).

I like the 2 X 24 IG units and the 2 X 4 bull centaur units.

The 2 Deathshriekers are also good vs the big monsters on a big 100mm x 150mm bases also vs chariot bases

(str 8 and D6 wounds).

But when you remove the dreathquake and replace its for a magma cannon  + Hellbound

Remove the Razor Standard and replace it with the Standard of Discipline  (IG unit with your General).

Shields for the 8 bull centaurs.

Dragonhelm , Warrior Bane , extra for the Daemonsmith.

So he do magical attacks and AS 3+ and 2+ WS vs flaming.

For bull centaur unit 1 the Banner of Eternal Flame.

For bull centaur unit 2 the Banner of Swiftness .

Dreathquake and Razor Standard = 260 points

Points left in your list = 8 points

New extra upgrades and items = 265 points

And you have some extra magical attacks , some extra flaming attacks , LD 10

Nicodemus Explicit points listings for individual things removed.


Dragonhelm , Warrior Bane , extra for the Daemonsmith.
So he do magical attacks
He already has magical attacks thanks to his ensorceled hand weapon...
For bull centaur unit 1 the Banner of Eternal Flame
For bull centaur unit 2 the Banner of Swiftness .
Only one unit with magic standard (the same with IG).

Ensorceled shield on your level 1.
Standard of discipline on the IG.
One Ld test reroll standard on one unit of BC.
You can put the extra level on your level 1 with only dragon helm on the BSB. And I'll get the ironcurse icon on one of the characters.

Nicodemus: Explicit points costs removed.

The Besieger:

Ok my bad about the banners and the magic weapon :slight_smile:

magma cannon  + Hellbound

Standard of Discipline (IG unit with your General).

Shields for the 8 bull centaurs & musicians for both units

Dragonhelm , Seed of Rebirth , extra for the Daemonsmith.

One unit bull centaurs with the Banner of Eternal Flame


Guys, please watch the explicit listing of points costs. There was some pretty blatant listing above.

Thanks ToM for sticking with the preferred points listing method.

Take a look in this thread for clarification of what is OK and what isn’t.