[Archive] 2000pts General RTT Play


1 Chaos Dwarf Lord - General, Black Hammer of Hashut, Armour of Gazrakh
1 Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer - Level 2 Upgrade, Power Stone, Dispel Scroll
1 Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer - Level 2 Upgrade, Staff of Sorcery
1 Bull Centaur Hero - Heavy Armour, Great Weapon, Shield, Gauntlets of Bazhrakk the Cruel
23 Chaos Dwarf Warriors - Full Command, Heavy Armour, Great Weapons, Shields, War Banner
23 Chaos Dwarf Warriors - Full Command, Heavy Armour, Blunderbuss
23 Chaos Dwarf Warriors - Full Command, Heavy Armour, Blunderbuss
10 Hobgoblins - Shields
1 Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower
1 Death Rocket
9 Bull Centaurs - Full Command, Heavy Armour, Great Weapons
1 Earthshaker

What does everyone think, Any Suggestions.

Its designed to pretty much take anything… the Hobs are pretty much there for filler points and a small screen for my Warriors. The Bull Centaur Hero would seem to be an oddity being he would have a good chance of killing another Centaur. but in our area we have a house rule which negates this effect in the event of a challenge (Basically no items or abilities which effect anything other than the Challenging combatants will do so.) and he is more there for taking out a few chariot heavy armies we have around here.


well your lord is easily avoided… and you are right the BC hero is out of place…

switch them around… make it a BC lord kitted as the lord is… and a CD hero to be the general…

your BC lord will get S7 hits without the gauntlets… give your general HA and enchanted shield for a 2+ save…

i’m not sure i like the staff or the levels on the sorcerors here… it ties up a lot of points…

rather see the warbanner with the BC unit…

i’d drop the great weapons for points… warriors rarely get the charge so a 3+ save is choice… and free…

drop the shields and use the GW points for more hobgoblins…

the best armor for hobgoblins is more hobgoblins…


Ill try out those suggestions… though on the Hobs… really 10 is all i need or want… anymore and it increases their staying power… they are pretty much a charge draw/speed bump to get the enemy closer to my dwarfs really. Im not too sure on putting a lord in the centaurs… while this increases their hitting power. its also almost 600 points in VP if i loose them in combat. But ill try it out.

:hat off to ya. Thanks… Any Other Suggestions from anyone?


Ok Based on the Suggestions of Metro here is what i have.
1 Bull Centaur Lord - Heavy Armour, Great Weapon, Enchanted Shield
1 Chaos Dwarf Hero - General, Heavy Armour, Shield, Black Hammer of Hashut
1 Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer - Level 2 Upgrade, Power Stone, Dispel Scroll
1 Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer - Level 2 Upgrade, Staff of Sorcery
23 Chaos Dwarf Warriors - Full Command, Heavy Armour, Great Weapons, Shields
23 Chaos Dwarf Warriors - Full Command, Heavy Armour, Blunderbuss
23 Chaos Dwarf Warriors - Full Command, Heavy Armour, Blunderbuss
10 Hobgoblins
1 Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower
1 Death Rocket
9 Bull Centaurs - Full Command, Heavy Armour, Great Weapons, War Banner
1 Earthshaker

I kept the Great Weapons as i have the models and have yet the money or time to invest in making another unit of dwarfs. I did move the Banner, remove the shield off the hobs and in the end dropped the Armour of Gazrakk.

What do you think?


List looks good.

The Changes I’d make are as follows:

BC Lord: Armor of Gazrakh, GW…that’s it. Unless you’re concerned with a Ward, then I’d go with Armor of the Furnace

Chaos Dwarf Hero: Heavy Armor, Great Weapon, Armor of the Furnace: Str 6 with a 4+ Armor and 5+ Ward. Gives him some slaughtering and staying power

2 Level Sorcerors: These are fine. Good to go there as far as I can see. Though I usually never give my Sorcs items and just use the 100 pts elsewhere.

Warriors look good…blunderbusses look good.

Hmmm…I can’t help but feel like you don’t have enough there though. With 3 units and 1 shield unit you are going to be outnumbered on the battlefield, and that leads me to a concern of alot of flank charges. Reason why I am saying this is because I’d imagine your bull centaurs are going to be off on their merry own slaughtering everything that even looks at them cross eyed. That leaves you kind of vunerable to your line, but then again this seems like a more ‘offensive’ list as you have two very large unit of blunderbusses.

My advice? Drop 3 of the chaos dwarfs from each blunderbuss line down to a 5 frontage unit of 20. You can use manuevers to turn, and then reform, and still shoot with your blunderbusses with a nice large frontage.

Death rocket: Looks good, keep it.

1 Hobgoblin bolt thrower…throw in another. These are nice…very nice. If your hobgoblins aren’t drunk they’ll manage to hit something and do some serious damage.

Bull centaurs: These are okay, keep these.

1 Earthsaker: Again, good deal. Seems good.

Overall your list is decent, but you can free up some points for other things that I can see.


Change the Warrior units to 20 each, and use the points you save to buy more Hobgobs.

Lepreh Khan:

I disagree with catbarf. Keep them at 23 or even better boost them up to 24.

The enchanted shield with a GW is silly. Either give him the Black Hammer or give him the armor of gaz.

Way too many points invested in 2 lvl 2 wizards. I would personally drop one of these guys in order to free up more points. Get some more Bolt Throwers or naked hobbos with the points. Trust us, slaves are some of the best units at our disposal…



You have 46 blunderbusses in 2 units. I think 3x of 15 would be much better. I don’t care who you put it on, but every CD army needs one model with the armor of gazrakh. I only use the black hammer of hashut on a bull centaur mounted CD lord. It’s quite expensive, and might not be worth it. You could replace the hammer with a GW and then throw on the armor of the furnace. I think 2 dispel scrolls might be better than 1 (I usually have 3 in a 2000pt game).

