Hey guys, I have finally obtained a copy of the new Chaos Dwarves and would like to start putting together a strong list. I’m open to any recommendations you might have but just know I am a big fan of war machines and not a big fan of green skins.
2200 point list
Lord: Sorcerer-Prophet Lvl 4 (lore of Hashmut) w/ chalice of darkness and Talisman of protection
Heros: Castellan w/ BSB and Mask of the Furnace
Castellan w/ Stonemantle and Black Hammer
Demonsmith Lvl 2 (lore of fire) w/ dispell scroll
Core: 26 Infernal Guard w/ banner and musician
26 Infernal Guard w/ banner and musician
21 Infernal Guard w/ banner and musician
Special: Death Shrieker
Death Shrieker
Magma Cannon
By my calculations this is a 2199 list. Let me know what you think?
I personally find it solid the only thing i would consider is making your deamonsmith a level 1 in order to hellbound one of your war machines to deal with those ethereal units you may come across occasionally.
Other than that it looks like a mobile brick.
Hey guys, I have finally obtained a copy of the new Chaos Dwarves and would like to start putting together a strong list. I’m open to any recommendations you might have but just know I am a big fan of war machines and not a big fan of green skins.
2200 point list
Lord: Sorcerer-Prophet Lvl 4 (lore of Hashmut) w/ chalice of darkness and Talisman of protection
I’d give him an enchated shield as well, for a 2+ armour saveHeros: Castellan w/ BSB and Mask of the Furnace
Give him either a shield for a better armour save or a great weapon so he can kill stuffCastellan w/ Stonemantle and Black Hammer
Interesting. I presume he’s here to make another block of guard stubborn? Demonsmith Lvl 2 (lore of fire) w/ dispell scroll
Fine, but you could drop to level 1 to make the changes suggestedCore: 26 Infernal Guard w/ banner and musician
26 Infernal Guard w/ banner and musician
21 Infernal Guard w/ banner and musician
You don’t need all these blocks. You could drop one and get something else eg bull centaurs that would add a different dimension to your list.Special: Death Shrieker
Death Shrieker
Magma Cannon
By my calculations this is a 2199 list. Let me know what you think?
Why not try to push it to 2500 as is the standard point value. Unless this is for a tournament?
Eitherway you have a lot of infernal guard, I would drop the unit of 21 and boost your units to 29 (30) with your heroes, get crown of command on your prophet, then try to add some fireborn,centaurs or some more warmachines. Even a destroyer if you can fit it.
So I took some of your guys’ advice and dropped the block of 21, the chalice and the extra level on the Demonsmith. I then added a Destroyer.
Upon testing this list out against Dark Elves, I got totally destroyed. Part of it was bad luck, part of it was the amount of Dark Elf cheese and part of the loss was do my inability to protect my warmachines.
This list is for a tournament, hence the 2200 instead of the much more flexible 2500 but thankfully I have plenty of time to perfect my list. Any suggestion are still welcome.
ps: Have people had much success with the Bull Centaurs?
So I took some of your guys' advice and dropped the block of 21, the chalice and the extra level on the Demonsmith. I then added a Destroyer.
Upon testing this list out against Dark Elves, I got totally destroyed. Part of it was bad luck, part of it was the amount of Dark Elf cheese and part of the loss was do my inability to protect my warmachines. :(
This list is for a tournament, hence the 2200 instead of the much more flexible 2500 but thankfully I have plenty of time to perfect my list. Any suggestion are still welcome.
ps: Have people had much success with the Bull Centaurs?
I have played 5 games and each time my bull centaurs always die and never make their points. Then again I only use 3.
For me my BC’s are my ‘go to’ unit. They are tougher then almost anything else in the entire game and they can pack a real punch. I never leave the fortress without at least 2 units of them.
It’s very important to note that I play CD’s very aggressively. I have at most 1 or 2 war machines (Lately I’ve been playing without any of them). The rest are: bc’s, carpet hero, hoblgoblin khans, taurus lord, Big solid block of stubborn dwarfs with different equipment depending on my opponent, destroyer, kdaai etc.
Everything except my core moves at least 10 inches per turn.