[Archive] 2400 list for tourney


Sorcerer-Prophet, lvl4, Talisman of Preservation, Enchanted Shield, Chalice of Blood and Darkness, Lore of Hashut - 400 Pts.

Daemonsmith Sorcerer, Scroll, Lore of Firel - 120 Pts.

Infernal Castellan, Shield, Talisman of Endurance, Dragonhelm, BSB - 172 Pts.

Bull Centaur Taur’ruk, Black Shard Armour, GW, Crown of Command - 220 Pts.

Hobgoblin Khan, LA, Spear, Charmed Shield, Giant Wolf - 63 Pts.

23 Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard, GW, M, S, C, Lichebone Pennant - 392 Pts.

20 Hobgoblin Cutthroates, Bögen, M - 104 Pts.

20 Hobgoblin Cutthroates, Bögen, M - 104 Pts.

6 Bull Centaur Renders, GW, M, S, Standard of Discipline - 330 Pts.

Dreadquake Mortar, add. Slave Ogre - 215 Pts.

Dreadquake Mortar, add. Slave Ogre - 215 Pts.

5 Hobgoblin Wolf Raiders, M - 65 Pts.

Total: 2400

Hey folks, I am planning to attend a tourney here in Sydney with my CD.

the tourney uses a specific comp pack (think its called SCGT) so i am a bit restricted as to what i can bring (not nearly as bad as the ETC though…:cheers).

For the CD i have to choose max 4 out of: Destroyer, lore of hashut, hellcannon, magma cannon, deathshrieker and each model with demonsmith rule after the first. Have not test this list yet, hopefully i will today, thought i might post to get some feedback from other fellow CD players:)

so shoot away!!


Wow, those restrictions are HARSH! and way worse than the current ETC ones! and nowhere near a SCGT pack. (assuming UK one)
I can only feel sorry for our poorer cousins across the Tasman, the banhammer comes down harsh on your rock :hat
Come over to Kiwi land and play a real tournament when you get a chance mate :stuck_out_tongue:

Just a few notes. The charmed shield makes your Hobgoblin Khan NOT fast cavalry.
You NEED a magma cannon at a tournament. They will win you games vs Ogres, trolls and practically any big infantry block
You also need to squeeze in at least one Deathshrieker. They are such a good all rounder when you dont know who your opponent is.
Try fitting a flaming ward on the Taur’uk as well.
Those restrictions really do limit you, and I also know that most of your Auzzie tournaments suffer from the BS “peer comp” crap and suspect that is why you don’t have a K’daai destroyer. Try reconsidering though, as you have no real “hammer” in addition to the Bull Centaurs.


Wow, those restrictions are HARSH! and way worse than the current ETC ones! and nowhere near a SCGT pack. (assuming UK one)
I can only feel sorry for our poorer cousins across the Tasman, the banhammer comes down harsh on your rock :hat
Come over to Kiwi land and play a real tournament when you get a chance mate :P

hahaha will do mate, will do. though I'm pretty sure it is called SCGT pack though i dont know if its the uk one.
Just a few notes. The charmed shield makes your Hobgoblin Khan NOT fast cavalry.
You NEED a magma cannon at a tournament. They will win you games vs Ogres, trolls and practically any big infantry block
You also need to squeeze in at least one Deathshrieker. They are such a good all rounder when you dont know who your opponent is.
Try fitting a flaming ward on the Taur'uk as well.
Those restrictions really do limit you, and I also know that most of your Auzzie tournaments suffer from the BS "peer comp" crap and suspect that is why you don't have a K'daai destroyer. Try reconsidering though, as you have no real "hammer" in addition to the Bull Centaurs.

you have some points here. did not know that about charmed shield, thanks.
magma is a must i agree will see what i can change to fit one in. About the deathshrieker it is ok imo but I prefer the s5 temps over it. The destroyer is the tested but i want to field something different for a change, im tired of the same builds over and over.

I am working on a different list right now will post later on.


After much thought I came down to this.

really I am very confident about the potential of this list (that is the potential to blast away everything it comes in its way hehe) !!

Sorcerer-Prophet, lvl4, Talisman of Preservation, Enchanted Shield, Chalice of Blood and Darkness, Lore of Metal - 400 Pts.

Daemonsmith Sorcerer, lvl2, Ironcurse Icon, Scroll, Lore of Fire - 160 Pts.

Daemonsmith Sorcerer, lvl2, Charmed Shield, Scroll of Shielding, Lore of Fire - 150 Pts.

Infernal Castellan, Ruby Ring of Ruin, Dragonhelm, BSB - 165 Pts.

Hobgoblin Khan, Giant Wolf - 52 Pts.

28 Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard, Hailshot Blunderbusses, M, S - 524 Pts.

20 Hobgoblin Cutthroates, Bögen, M - 104 Pts.

Magma Cannon - 145 Pts.

5 Bull Centaur Renders, GW, M, S - 265 Pts.

Dreadquake Mortar, add. Slave Ogre - 215 Pts.

Dreadquake Mortar, add. Slave Ogre - 215 Pts.

Total: 2395

thoughts/critics welcome!!

Grimbold Blackhammer:

I think you can ditch one of your wizards.  That’s a LOT of points in characters.  And I think your BSB could use more protective gear and not the Ruby Ring (you have plenty of wizards!).  Lastly I’d ditch the Centaurs for K’daii Fireborn.  Centaurs can hold a unit up but they generally don’t grind through things on their own very well.  K’daii are a little more killy.

Good luck!!