Will la tete rouge:
I have been playing around with Chaos Dwarfs under LOA rules for a while and know what I like but unfortunately they don’t work well at tournies (fireborn, llamasu etc)
I have come up with this list and want some advice. Basically, I don’t want to change the feel of the list too much but more interested in what people think of my choice of magic weapons etc.
A couple of points, for the purposes of this tourney I am going to, Max 4 war machines. Kdaai Destroyer counts as 2 WM and the Hellcannon counts as a WM. Also no unit can be more than 400points.
Sorcerer Prophet, level 4 Hashut, Talisman of pres, e.shield, scroll of shielding, healing potion - 400pts
2+ Armour, 4+ Ward, D6 wounds back, give 4+ to a unit targeted by a spell.
Castellan, Black Hammer of Hashut, Dragonhelm, dawnstone, shield, BSB. - 202pts
2+ Armour, rerolls, 2+ ward vs fire, +2S and kill anything flammable
Daemonsmith, level 1 of fire, Opal Amulet - 110
4+ Armour, 1 off 4+ Ward
Daemonsmith, Level 1 of Metal - 95
Daemonsmith, Level 1 of Death, Dispell Scroll - 120
Khan, Wolf, Dragonbane Gem, Shrieking Blade, Charmed shield - 72
5+ Armour, ignore first hit on 2+, 2+ Ward Vs flaming, causes fear
24 x Infernal Guard, Great Weapons, Full Command, pistol for Champion - 394
17 x Infernal Guard, Fireglaives, Full Command, Gleaming Pennant - 326
Magma Cannon - 145
Hellcannon - 210
Kdaai Destroyer - 325
Basic plan is.
General and BSB go with the great weapons making them stubborn and bloody hard to shift. Depending on the army we either go forward or sit back and wait for them to come to me.
One of the wizards (depending on the opponent, could be death, fire or metal) goes with the fireglaives and either supports the main block or goes up a flank to cause mischief.
The other 2 wizards go with a WM each so they can benefit fromt he rerolls.
The Kdaaii just runs off and causes havoc.
The Khan will be sent after opposing War Machines or annoying redirectors but is perfectly suited to facing a Kdaai (2+ fire ward and a Magic weapon) - Will hold it up for a while and could possibly kill it.
That’s the basic plan. What do we think? Any advice? Would you change any magic items?