[Archive] 25th aniversary box sets


Hm, on closer inspection some of these actually seem to be pretty good deals… The Hordes of Chaos one saves $90 american, for example. And the Beasts of Chaos one with all the minotaurs is kinda neat. Last I checked the Canadian site minotaurs were 30 dollars each, so 21 of them for 350-odd isn’t all bad. Interesting that they are putting these sets together with large quantities of monster-type models, for those armies that have them.

Not that I’ll buy any. :frowning:


30 Chaos Knights? 10 Pegasus Knights?! What are they planning? Apocalypse?


wtf, 30 chaos knights is a bit to much of the good stuff and gamewise to pricey


@cornixt, furrie

There was some rumour on Dakka Dakka about GW publishing some sort of Apocalypse scale rules in WD later this year (perhaps summer time). The discussion naturally led to the fact that WHFB already scales better than 40k with the rules already in the game.

This would lend some credibility to these weird box sets, IMHO. From a casual gamer PoV, there is little in these boxes to get me excited.


The rules in WD for large scale fantasy games was discussed on Warseer here:

fantasy apocalypse


Well IMHO WFB works well on a large scale anyway, and if its a case of huge armies, just play scaled up Warmaster


I agree with AGPO

what is needed are new siege rules…


The content of some of the bundles are dubious as best. Might make some sense though, with the apoc fantasy thing. Aside from that, I think the harry model and limited edition rulebook fits and saves their face somewhat.



i think ill pick up the beast and the hordes

just to not exagerate when i say i have 10k point of chaos

Kera foehunter:

i think they should have more skermisher rules 500pt or less. So that the can sell there smaller box sets.


i think ill pick up the beast and the hordes
just to not exagerate when i say i have 10k point of chaos



I’m still trying to figure out just what is the value of these boxes…


Maybe the thinking was that as it was the 25th aniversary, they’d try and make a box for veterans with big armies for whom the thought of an extra four core units would be off-putting


I'm still trying to figure out just what is the value of these boxes....
well the BoC one saves you nearly $100 over buying these minos seperately...


And since I’m not planning a BoC army…


I’m planning on buying the BoC box


And since I'm not planning a BoC army...

merely pointing out the "value" of the boxed set... nearly $100... which you seem to have missed...
looks like the "what army is willmark making?" research wing of GW really messed up this time...


Or I can continue to buy the [[BFSP]] which is still

the best deal going for chaos dwarf conversions which does interest me.

Kera foehunter:

Here here i have to get another box set bfsp