[Archive] [27/01/2019] Naboondo, Demon of Ashut


Not a fan of the cow look, but otherwise they look awesome and great bases!!


Hi guys !

Thank you very much for the support !

I know that the cow pattern might look odd, and still I would have done the same if I had to!

At least they will be kinda unique !

Next will be a 25 Infernal dwarf unit composed of Forge World and 1st plus 2nd editions CDs with a rather cool unit filler with “huge” mushrooms !

I’m Looking forward to being done with it !


Mooo! Great conversion, great paintjob, great Bull Centaur unit. Happy new year!


Hello guys !

Here is my standard bearer !

The idea is not crazy but I thought it was pretty cool!

It might not be visible but the miniature looks weird because I used too much undercoat at the end :frowning:

I think it looks ok on the front but weird on the back. Being on the first line might help me forget it I guess !


More pictures here:


Hope you’ll like him !



I think it looks cool, and the colors is great imo!! Great work :wink:


Excellent standard bearer! The dark colours reminds me Starcraft I Terrans, and like Blizzard you’ve pulled off the very dark colours with the right kind of highlights. Well done, sir!


A good idea to place the standard on the backpack! Very nice painted also.

I`ve a litte doubt if he stands out a little in a game when background is darker and other models are around. Would be nice to see if this works some time :cheers.


Hello guys !

Thank you a lot for the feedback !!

Yep I paint with quite dark colours, mainly brown and black without flashy colours like common CD’s with lava base.

It is true the pictures are quite poor sorry !

Here is the brother !

I hope you’ll enjoy it !

The recipe is pretty the same without messing up the last undercoat !

Quite happy with the result !

More pictures here:


Once again thank you a lot for your kind feedback and your support guys !

I guess I will be making up my own Background of a CD’s host lost in a “magical” Night Goblin forest where time and space is overwhelmed by magic winds… Having my army lost in those woods for decades now and trying to find their way back to Zhar Naggrund with a tremendous loot of ores, gold and slaves ! Still… they are lost and forgotten by their own kin where centuries in your world are just minutes for those trapped in this forest !

(Yeah nothing new haha)



Really cool. Love the murky earth tones and the mushrooms!


I think the mushroom is ok. Paintjob is awesome. The look dark and dirty, but the painting looks very clean, so nice work! I especially love how the horn on the last one’s back turned out.


Again a great mini all the way… I guess its a shield on his back with horns… great idea!!


So cool! You’ve mastered the dark and gritty take on CDs. It’s a very hard one to pull off, but you’ve managed it with flying colours.

Fuggit Khan:

You've mastered the dark and gritty take on CDs. It's a very hard one to pull off, but you've managed it with flying colours.

Yep, these are my thoughts as well...you really have a great sense of dark and gritty colors, and despite being so 'dark' they scream out with a vivid look all their own. The blending of the dark tones is masterful
:hat off


Woah :o

Thank you a lot guys, really happy to have positive feedback !

I use dried tea leaves (mainly from industrial tea bags since they are really thin), I then mix them with some wooden glue put them on the base, I use a hair drier to make the process quicker and add another layer of glue + leaves.

For the painting I don’t know how to describe it, I am terribly slow and basicaly keep highliting and shading with a mixture of brown/green, and some purple at the end. I also add black and white dots to add some “texture”.

They look “dark and dirty” since I use a paint called “smoke”, the texture is very strange so if you try it for the first time do it on surface you can easily clean.

But still happy to see that something different from lava and rocks please some of you ^^ !

Some  CDs renegade will be coming next to fill the unit (with the same process) !


Hi guys !

Worked a bit during the last couple of weeks !

Here are the outcomes :

I hope you will like them !

Master of Madness:

Khazek Doomlord:

Pulper Spikehead:

The 3 lads:

First line ready !

More pictures here:


Any suggestions/comments are welcome !

Thanks guys !



Nice work!

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I finally found an artists drawing of a Bull centaur I thought you might enjoy


Nice work here!

And that bullcent art is very nice indeed!

The smoke is glossy so i take it you varnish them with satin when its dry?


Mixing the renegades with the FW Models is a top idea and this blog keeps getting more and more interesting.:cheers

How big to you plan that unit?

@Abecedar: Great Artwork. I`m sure nobody wants to get hammered by that club :o.


His upper body is awesome, but maybe to much of a cow look on the bottom not enough muscles, but it looks great overall nonetheless.

Great find BTW!!!