What should i use for my group of 10 nobz? PK’s or big choppas?
What should i use for my group of 10 nobz? PK’s or big choppas?
BC’s. The extra S increase from the PK is not worth the draw-backs.
Mix, take advantage of their ability to take more PKs than some other squads, but overloading on them will leave you with an expensive squad that will always strike last. Your PK weilders can’t be singled out in combat, and taking only a few gives you the massively effective can-opener quality of the Power Klaw with a few other nobs that can strike with normal effectiveness. The Ignores Armor Saves ability of PKs is the best defense orks have against MEQs (Marine Equivalent Armies) in combat.
Mix, take advantage of their ability to take more PKs than some other squads, but overloading on them will leave you with an expensive squad that will always strike last. Your PK weilders can't be singled out in combat, and taking only a few gives you the massively effective can-opener quality of the Power Klaw with a few other nobs that can strike with normal effectiveness. The Ignores Armor Saves ability of PKs is the best defense orks have against MEQs (Marine Equivalent Armies) in combat.Definitely, you want to have completely different equipment on all the Nobz.
If you really want to take advantage of wound allocation, equip each nob completely differently. thus allowing for 10 wounds to be allocated to each model individually, then the next wound of course would kill one.