[Archive] 500pts CD "It's a start"

Jubai Jones:


Some friends and I are starting new Fantasy armies and we’ve decided to start out with 500pts and gradually built up the army, adding around 250pts every second month or so (hopefully, Projects tend to drag out:~)

And so here is my idea of a 500pts CD armylist:


CD Scorcerer Hero = 100pts

Lvl 2.


15 CD Warriors = 195pts

Great W, command.

10 CD Warriors = 120pts



Deathrocket = 80pts

Total = 495pts

Please let me hear your opinion.

Thanks:hat off Cheers!


Hi welcome to the forum .At 500 pts you may find the deathrocket isnt that useful if you have the models i suggest changing it for 2 bolthrowers and 20 naked hobgoblins .You could use the hobgoblins in 2 groups of 10 for redirecting or one group of 20 for static CR.

Another good option is to swap the DR for a BT and 10hobgoblin archers :hat


Hi Jubai Jones welcome to the forum,

your 500 points is very good but i agree with Canix about the death rocket, in such a small points game it is not likely to cause much damage as with less units on the table that annoying scatter (which you will get from time to time) is more liky to miss than land on another unit.

When you get in to higher point games 1000-2000 then add the death rocket back in i use 2 in my 2000 point army and i love them i have used them every game and they have always served me well making at least double their points back some times more, they single handily wiped out about 1000 point of dwarfs i never made it in to combat with any troops as my appoint gave up on turn 3, all down to death rockets,

Hobbos are very good in small points games as they are so cheep and get you can get in some nice flanks if you use them right and if you flee with them they can cause failed charges in your enemys units and leaves them open for a nice counter charge :slight_smile: thats if the hobbos dont get run down that is :h

Jubai Jones:

Thank you:hat off

You both sure have a point there, and I agree that the Deathrocket will have to wait, damn I really like the idea of those unpredictable rockets flying around the battlefield:)

Unfortunantly i dont have those 20 Hobgoblin Warriors, but i do have at least 10 “Bowhobs” and a Bolt Thrower so i will try that, I had a feeling that that Deathrocket was more of a “risky” choice.

Here is the updated Armylist:


CD Scorcerer Hero = 100pts

Lvl 2.


15 CD Warriors = 195pts

Great W, command.

10 CD Warriors = 120pts


10 Hobgoblin Warriors = 50pts



Hobgoblin Boltthrower = 30pts

Total = 495pts



Good work mate that list will serve you well at that points level and its good to have another death rocket fan here as well :hat off they really are the gift that keeps on giving, i guessed short one time (does not happen often ) and was able to scatter from hitting nothing to getting it smack bag on the head of a grey sear who then failed his look out sir roll and was well and truly squashed flat :slight_smile:

Jubai Jones:

Ha ha ha priceless!:slight_smile:


Hi there - pretty solid list goign on there - the only change i might suggest is to drop the greatweapons on the warriors and add another 2 blunderbusses. that gives you 12 that you can field in 4 * 3 to get strength 5 shots. This is a massive advantage against T3 5+ armour save (high elf, dark elf, skaven, empire, goblins) troops as you are killing them on a to wound roll of 2+ with no armour save.

I might well be tempted to drop the bolthriwer as warmachines in general in 500 points struggle to be effective (maybe the organ gun and the hellblaster are notable exceptions) - you could up your hobgoblins to 20 and give them a standard as well with the points saved which gives you 3 reasonable sized units a good chunk of firepower and an effective magic phase.

Jubai Jones:

Yeah i agree that with three ranks it will add a nice boost, however the chaps i’m playing against have large chunks of infantry, and if i position the BB unit in three ranks it will not be wide enough to cover the whole oncomming unit.

I will keep the GW’s, as it is my experience that Dwarfs with GW’s are a really hard unit to mess around with. Magic is not something i will rely on with only 500pts to spend, so i think ill keep the BT.

I will however test your suggestions, but i think my starting point will be the above armylist to begin with.




You have to what you feel comfortable with as we all have different play styles and that affects the advice we give.

We al lhave broad shoulders though - if its helpful great, if not ignore or tell us what you disagree with - that way we all become better generals :slight_smile:

Jubai Jones:


I just thought I should explain why I would keep/replace some of my choices, I see that it looks like i’m saying that i’m open for anymore suggestions.

But that is not the case, i’m still open for suggestions, I really like the second list that was suggested and I would like to test it out and see how it works, before I change it again, else I could just keep changing the list with all the opinions on the forum:cheers



I’m glad I caught this thread I just made a 500 pt list Identical to Jubai’s first one but the bolt thrower is much better :slight_smile: