Pappa Midnight:
Although I haven’t got the 7 sins game I could resist buying the “Sons of Ragnarok” set for use in post apocalyptic games.
I have plans to use them as a Sons of Entropy gang for “Scrappers” ( Osprey Games) with mutant abilities to replicate their god-like powers. I just need to get some clear bases for them to finish them off.
Loki, Odin and Thor
Heimdall, Fenrir, Freya and Tyr
I like them. thanks for showing them
Always a pleasure seeing your work. Top-notch.
They look amazing! Awesome miniatures.
Lol does Thor remind anyone else a little bit of a certain red bearded forum member?
Funny thing, I thought Bloodbeard too upon seeing Thor!
Pappa Midnight:
Thanks gents. I have done two versions of this crew for Scrappers and I am undecided which to use.
The first is using them as �?oSons of entropy�?�
This give me the �?oRoad Warriors�?� ability ( which is good for replicating their god-like ability to
appear on the battlefield) and access to the �?oInfiltrator�?� and �?oAssassin�?� traits ( which LOKI uses).
ODIN Commander Mutant (Wyrd) CBT 6 CMD 6 CON 5 Shadow Mind, Dauntless
Assault rifle, Knife, Leathers
THOR Veteran Mutant (Bruiser) CBT 5 CMD 5 CON 5 Brute, Organic Weapon (Electro Shock)
Machinegun, Bludgeon, Tac-suit
LOKI Veteran Mutant (Wyrd) CBT 5 CMD 5 CON 4 Assassin, Infiltrator
SMG, Auto pistol, Knife, Leathers, Rucksack
HEIMDALL Trooper Mutant(Bruiser) CBT 4 CMD 4 CON 4 Gear Head
Assault rifle, Cleaver, Leathers, Tool kit
FREYA Trooper Mutant (Strider) CBT 4 CMD 4 CON 4 Marksman
Rifle, Knife, Leathers
FENRIR Trooper Mutant (Strider) CBT 4 CMD 3 CON 4 Horrible Stench
Assault rifle, Knife, Leathers
TYR Trooper Mutant (Bruiser) CBT 4 CMD 3 CON 4 Brute
Assault rifle, Cleaver, Leathers
Total of 750pts
As an alternative, using them as �?oGamma Lords�?� gives ODIN access to �?oSuper Genius ( Tactics)�?�
which is brilliant for stopping opponent�?Ts break actions. ( I see this as him being all-seeing, using
his raven to scout the battlefield). This replaces Dauntless.
Unfortunately it also means LOKI loses his Assassin and Infiltrator traits ( as these are Sons of Entropy only).
These can be replaced by �?oRanger�?� and �?oIntoxicating Scent�?� to improve his mobility and make him a pain in hand-to hand.
These changes do not effect over-all points cost for the crew.
Anyone not familiar with “Scrappers” by Osprey should give them a look. Excellent little rule set for post apocalyptic skirmishing.