[Archive] 7th edition chaos dwarfs


So was really really bored so decided to try my hand at rule writing.

After a day of bordom I have this pretty dry 22 page book :smiley:

*back to painting

edit: ops to spelling. no more firing bs :cheers

edit 2: changed some points around and thought of a new core unit idea so added v2


I won�?Tt comment any special rules atm, instead I�?Tll look at the list:

Sorcerer Lord

O  Very rare I think to show two very different profiles between levels 3 and 4…?  Are there some typos in there?

O  I wouldn�?Tt make it compulsory to take a mount.

O  One wound for the palanquin seems a bit strange to me.  I know they did it with the nurgling one, but it hardly seems worth taking just as a 1W mount.

O  For the sake of simplicity I�?Td call the palanquin bearers something different.  I doubt they could wear immortal armour and carry it anyway.

Chaos Dwarf Lord

O  Combat monster!  A little too tough considering he can have magic weapons/ armour.

O  Daemon forged Armour should be an upgrade.

O Give him a blunderbuss upgrade option

Bull Centaur Lord

O  Daemon forged Armour should be an upgrade.

Chaos Dwarf Hero

O  Should be T5. I�?Td make him BS4 as well.

O  Daemon forged Armour should be an upgrade.

O Give him a blunderbuss upgrade option

Hobgoblin Hero

O  I�?Td make him 50pts

Priest of Hashut

O  I�?Td make him A2 and S4

Daemonic Engineer

O  Drop the Daemon forged Armour, he shouldn�?Tt really be a combat hero.

O  Give him a blunderbuss upgrade option, maybe a pistol as well.


O  Change unit size to 5+

O  Having all warrior units capable of having a magic standard needs looking at more.


O  Change unit size to 5+

O  Increase to 4pts each (because of poisoned attacks), and increase strength to 3? (Interesting idea that), or keep it as is with no changes.

Bull Centaurs

O  No restrictions on cavalry in a chaos DWARF list is unbalanced, needs looking at.

O  Move great weapon and shield to upgrade options, along with additional hand weapon.  Because of impact hits I�?Td probably keep the cost at 22pts after removing those.

O  Not sure a Boar Centaur is a promotion??? :wink:


O  I�?Td increase pts cost to 15 at least.

Bolt Thrower

O  Increase hobgoblin crew to 3.

O  Clarify if the Poisoned Attacks refers to crew or warmachine .

Death Rocket

O  Could you have the Daemonic warmachine as an upgrade?

Earth Shaker

O  Could you have the Daemonic warmachine as an upgrade?


O  Because of the movement I�?Td keep this as 1 rare slot.

O  Drop the ward save


O  Not sure about this one.  I can see what you�?Tre aiming for, but I think you should either do ranged attacks or close combat specialist.  To do both means his points cost should be more like 400pts.

Overall I think this list needs more balancing, especially the cavalry and warmachines.  There�?Ts not enough core or special choices, and I think you need another hero.


Sorcerer Lord:

-Yeah I really wanted to show the affects of the curse of stone  between a level 3 and 4 wizard. Reason for the compulsory mount is in the fluff I read the wizards begin to petrify from the feet up (so wouldn’t be able to move without a mount). I gave the mounts W1 so they are non monstrous mounts and can’t be shoot out from under the wizard.

And hey is normal dwarf shield bearers can wear armour and carry their lord, so figures chaos dwarfs should be able to also :stuck_out_tongue:

Chaos Dwarf Lord

-I just noticed that must armies that have a special armour tend to have it already on their heros, but yeah definitly should have the cursed blade as an option and not already on them. The lord stats haven’t changed just price more in line with the dwarf lord. Think a bit cheaper since doesn’t have the kingship rule.

Chaos Dwarf Hero

-Don’t see much a point of blunderbuss options since alone would be useles (I like the old rule for it so reusing it :D). pistols would be too easily abusable so don’t want to include them in the army. Though maybe if take away the blunderbusses option to stand and shoot they would be fine

Hobgoblin Hero

-He has the stats or a normal goblin warboss hero except has poison but costs +5pts. maybe 45 would be better


-nah they are the main point of the army. Even if someone goes bull centaur heavy in the special you should have infantry in a chaos dwarf army.

-Also dark elves have magic banners on their basic warriors and so do daemons so seems to be a new trend.


-I wanted these guys to be different from goblins and night goblins. Pretty much merged them and sneaky gits. Hobgoblins are suppose to be more witty than goblins and iirc smaller and weaker than goblins on average also.

Bull Centaurs

-yeah. down to 22 with +3pts for great weapon or +3 for extra hand should be more fair (only the boar centaur inflict impact hits). And the boar centaur might not be a real promotion outside the field of battle :stuck_out_tongue:


-If they cost much more though I don’t think anyone would use them over bull centaur units. Maybe need to nerf something to keep point cost down? They are more or less like grave guard units.

Death Rocket

-Nope :stuck_out_tongue: daemonic warmachines for all.

Earth Shaker

-see above


-yeah. Closest thing in game terms to a Kollossus sounds like the steam tank. Really not sure how balanced this is in current stand.

Thommy H:

Why would basic infantry units have Unit Size 5+, Grimstonefire? I’m not aware of any other existing army list that does things that way - it’s always 10+.


ya 10 plus is good not five… thats what warbands are for…


Dark Elves have many 5+ units, but I would only do that on more specialized units such as immortals.

Bolt thrower really needs claryfying on poision, if on the warmachine, what happens when you roll a 6 to hit, does it autowound the first model only, or all the ranks?

I´d make the Kollossus (spelling seems wrong, shouldn´t it be a C in the beginning?) work more like a giant.

Overall I like your effort, but the list doesn´t seem overly balanced…

Thommy H:

spelling seems wrong, shouldn´t it be a C in the beginning?


Overall I like your effort, but the list doesn´t seem overly balanced....

out of curosity aside from the Kollossus and bull centaurs (which I think now should be 22pts but have great weapons a seperate buy for +3pts) what seems unbalanced?


My intial thoughts were these:

Daemon warmachines, almost impossible to get rid of for many armies Stubborn might work, but unbreakable is imo OTT.

Cursed weapons, while fine as handweapon is really nuts as Great Weapons, why ever buy any other magic weapon at all? Should cost more.

Tenderiser is nuts, 3D3 Impact hits, that´s an average of 6 hits, but possible 9 hits +6 attacks from crew & the tenderizer itself, can break most units by itself. I´d just make it work more like a chariot w. scythes, although a bit tougher than most chariots.

Lower the cost of it as well if you do change it & perhaps move to specialchoices.

& yes the Colossus is very insane, it´s good both in & out of combat, but unlike a hellcannon it doesn´t have any disadvantages at all.

Other things however was very fine & balanced & some ideas were great, so don´t get me wrong, I just don´t want it to be OTT.

& btw you haven´t told me how poison works on bolt throwers yet, it´s very confusing tbh.


its suppose to be crew only (as making it a hobgoblin trait to offset their S2).

guess can make the cursed weapon just single hand killing blow. great weapon seems more fluffy but doubt they would be effective in combat (really only see heros and lords using the great weapon property so maybe just up cost for them)

not so sure on the warmachine, they have 3 wounds and tough and suffer from daemonic instability. against a rank and file troop they will probaly lose by 2-3 each round so a far chance on going poof.

maybe 2d3+1 would work better. The tenderiser should be a monster on the charge for a rare slot chariot

edit: changed some points around and thought of a new core unit idea so added a v2 at the top