[Archive] 9th age rosters


Hi everyone :smiley: What do you think about this roster for 1200points? I want to play with this in local tournament in cracow next weekend.
General will go to smal dwarf unit but i don’t know which lore i schould give him… BSB will be in big dwarf unit

1 Hero: Magus @ 160.0 Pts
General; Magic Level 2; Path of Forge???; Infernal Armour
Dispel Scroll [35.0]
Gemstone Amulet [15.0]

1 Hero: Vizier @ 132.0 Pts
Infernal Armour; Shield; Battle Standard
Lucky Charm [5.0]
Mask of the Furnace [30.0]

9 Citadel Guard @ 175.0 Pts
Flintlock Axe; Infernal Armour; Standard; Musician

1 Champion @ [10.0] Pts
Infernal Armour

18 Citadel Guard @ 328.0 Pts
Flintlock Axe; Infernal Armour; Standard; Musician

1 Champion @ [10.0] Pts
Infernal Armour

23 Hobgoblins @ 139.0 Pts
Bow; Light Armour; Shield; Standard

1 Champion @ [10.0] Pts
Light Armour

1 Infernal Engine @ 225.0 Pts
Shrapel Guns

3 Crew @ [0.0] Pts

1 Light Artillery - Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower @ 40.0 Pts

2 Crew @


Sorry that I will be no help (no familiarity with 9th and only a little with eigth)

So thats 1 Sorcerer, 1 Hero, 2 units of “Fireglaives?” 10 and 20 strong with Full Cmd, 1 unit of Hobgoblins, a shrapnell ( ? grapeshot) cannon and a Bolt Thrower.

Sounds like a reasonable force for the points. How do you intend to play them?


Infernal engine with shrapnel guns is old iron daemon with cannons :wink:

How i want to play by this roster? In first 2/3turn i’ll shot to my opponent by everything and if i need charge kr i will be charge i’ll try to go to fight by iron daemon, big dwarf unit with BSB and hobgoblins which are cover for my small dwarf unit with mage general. I played with something like this or previous tournament for 1000points but i havent got bolt thrower and hobgoblins then. I preety like this roster but i’m not a realy good general so i lose two games 20:0 and one 12:8 :confused: but i tahink i will play better now. I hope :smiley:


Having played a couple of 9th Age games lately, Path of the Forge worked well for me in both of them, especially considering one can make an enemy unit Flammable, and the unit buff spells are pretty useful.


Hi there,
this is sure a army which is playable. The small flintlocks can be used for objectives and as a carrier for the wizard. The infernal engine is a bit of mobile and hard to destroy at that points range.

I would consider hardened shield/duskstone on the vizier bsb and a magical banner (+1 move or nezibkesh) on the 20 flintlock. +1 move would increase mobility which the army lacks a bit otherwise. And it would help to get the wizard in casting range if you need it.

I read some discussions in our local forum regarding low point sizes. The balancing of the books is directed at 2500 pts. Maybe playing at 1000 or so shifts the external balance a bit. This was already so at 8th edition with chaos dwarves because we have a lot of relatively expensive choices.


How did your list work out? Im starting a Infernal Dwarf army and will start small and slowly build it. Escalation style growing the army.