Hello once again everyone. I know this is probably my third or fourth thread on here (so apologize if I am getting annoying!) but I just have alot of questions as I really am just starting out and want to run these guys effectively. To make it so I dont post multiple threads I will just list a few questions I have been wanting to ask here in this thread, and as usual thank you for your help guys! :cheers
1-Is it necessary to take Hobgoblins in your army? Was going for a pure CD list but have been told that it is vital to take some Hobgoblins, is a pure CD list just not very competitive or easy to do? And if I do need to take Hobgoblins what are some good ways to?
2-Had multiple people on other forums tell me that x2 K’daai destroyers in one army is overkill, to many points, insane ect. and would cause people to not to want to play me, is this really the case as I thought their high point cost countered this? And if it is what would be a good unit to run with the one I will be taking to support it?
3-Read over the fireglaives and blunderbusses posts a little bit and though I love the models, is it basically practical to not take any of either due to their high points cost?
4-Characters on Bale Taurus/Special Character Drazhoath worth taking? Just curious as to everyones opinions and thoughts on this and effective ways to run them as I have never really used a monster flying character before.
Hello once again everyone. I know this is probably my third or fourth thread on here (so apologize if I am getting annoying!) but I just have alot of questions as I really am just starting out and want to run these guys effectively. To make it so I dont post multiple threads I will just list a few questions I have been wanting to ask here in this thread, and as usual thank you for your help guys! :cheers
1-Is it necessary to take Hobgoblins in your army? Was going for a pure CD list but have been told that it is vital to take some Hobgoblins, is a pure CD list just not very competitive or easy to do? And if I do need to take Hobgoblins what are some good ways to?
2-Had multiple people on other forums tell me that x2 K'daai destroyers in one army is overkill, to many points, insane ect. and would cause people to not to want to play me, is this really the case as I thought their high point cost countered this? And if it is what would be a good unit to run with the one I will be taking to support it?
3-Read over the fireglaives and blunderbusses posts a little bit and though I love the models, is it basically practical to not take any of either due to their high points cost?
4-Characters on Bale Taurus/Special Character Drazhoath worth taking? Just curious as to everyones opinions and thoughts on this and effective ways to run them as I have never really used a monster flying character before.
1- I always take hobbos... they provide me with cheap bodies that can delay a flank for a turn or two, giving me time to redirect my forces if needs be. Also, they're excellent for protecting the flanks of your main units from side-charges. I they run... well, you're dawi won't care. I haven't tried wolfriders yet though.
Khans on wolves are great for attacking warmachines and lonely wizards.
2- Eventually, I'll run 2 K'Daai, but only in armies of 4000+ points, because they do get a lot of complaints.
3- For the price of 10 blunderbusses or fireglaives, you can buy a deathrocket, which has a better damage-output, or more bang for buck if you wish. Fireglaives are expensive, but if you're playing agressively, they are quite good to hobble along with your troops and delivering fire support where needed... Otherwise, just leave them out. I used them twice, and I was disappointed in both cases.
4- If you want a flyer, I'd suggest a Lamassu... I'm not a big taurus fan, but that's more of a personal issue.
Hope that helps! :)
Hello once again everyone. I know this is probably my third or fourth thread on here (so apologize if I am getting annoying!) but I just have alot of questions as I really am just starting out and want to run these guys effectively. To make it so I dont post multiple threads I will just list a few questions I have been wanting to ask here in this thread, and as usual thank you for your help guys! :cheers
1-Is it necessary to take Hobgoblins in your army? Was going for a pure CD list but have been told that it is vital to take some Hobgoblins, is a pure CD list just not very competitive or easy to do? And if I do need to take Hobgoblins what are some good ways to?
2-Had multiple people on other forums tell me that x2 K'daai destroyers in one army is overkill, to many points, insane ect. and would cause people to not to want to play me, is this really the case as I thought their high point cost countered this? And if it is what would be a good unit to run with the one I will be taking to support it?
3-Read over the fireglaives and blunderbusses posts a little bit and though I love the models, is it basically practical to not take any of either due to their high points cost?
4-Characters on Bale Taurus/Special Character Drazhoath worth taking? Just curious as to everyones opinions and thoughts on this and effective ways to run them as I have never really used a monster flying character before.
1-I wouldn't say is necessary to take Hobgoblins. They can fufill a few roles that other units can't. Mainly just being cheap(although I still think they should cost a point less) is their benefit along with not affecting other units with panic. They're good to send in first to distract and annoy the enemy and can occasionally do something good.
2-Destroyers are generally regarded to be underpriced/overpowered (along with Magma cannons). Chaos Dwarf Core are generally seen as overcosted(especially with their weapon options). So with these two facts any army high in Destroyers or Magma Cannons will be overpowered and probably not fun to play against whereas any unit with more than the essential Core units will start to become underpowered. Try playing with two though using proxies and you'll find out for yourself! Also Destroyers can quite happily dance around the battlefield on their own without support being so powerful, but i suggest some Bull Centaurs for support as they're also very tough and can keep up with him!
Check out this for a recent discussion on the Destroyer
3-As I said in point 1 Core and their weapon options are expensive, however they can work very well in the right situation. Standard Infernal Guard are a safe bet. Fireglaives are more situational and you will need to use better tactics to get the most out of them. Same with blunderbussses which are most effective in large expensive blocks.
4-I don't use my Characters mounted as I think it's a little too dangerous for your general/Leve 4 to be flying around unsuported. But they are tough and could be used in a points denial role or something but I wouldn't charge it into combat unless I was certain I would win.
Hope these answers help, feel free to ask any follow up questions in this thread everyone on the site is pretty friendly with anyone new.