[Archive] A friend's distinction between different prostitute classes in an RPG


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Today I bicycled over to a friend to help him out with writing out a lot of little flavour texts for a reverse-engineered RPG system he’s cooking for his mates. It’s a Swedish fantasy game apparently known as Eon, which is getting converted into science fiction duty.

A lot of professions had to be replaced or updated (how relevant is a nomad cowherd in an urbanized sci-fi industrial setting?), and then got some lines of explanation.

However, one group of professions were just copied straight over without change, because it was the oldest profession, after all.

I was at a loss at how to distinguish between some of the subcategories, but then my friend solved it in one fell swoop. Three words per line. It’s got to be seen to be believed…


  1. Brothel worker - Whore in house

  2. Harlot - Whore in street

  3. Escort - Whore with nobles

Let’s call him Zephyr


Considering it�?Ts for a sci-fi setting, I�?Td say Cortesan should be the �?~whore for nobels�?T one; Escort is more �?~whore who pretends to be your girl/boyfriend�?T.

Side note: on the �?~oldest profession�?T comment; apparently prostitution has been documented in other species. There was one group of scientists who were trying to teach monkeys a rudimentary monitory system; nothing fancy, the monkeys were provided with metal discs for coins and were taught they could trade them in to the scientists for food. The monkeys, unprompted by the scientists would do things like hoard the coins, but also the males would trade them with the females in exchange for sexual favours.