[Archive] A present for you all

Hashut’s Blessing:

Now, being the awesome geekosified personalities that we are - we’ve probably all seen the viral craziness from Korea known as Gangnam Style. Well, being a film-maker (generally being in front of the screen, but debuting my choreography this time as well), we decided to make ours Guerilla Style. You can thank me for enlightening you all later :wink:

Lord Aldades:

Two actors dressed as lobsters


Kera foehunter:

Who the sexy guy in the green shirt and sunglasses… He sure can Bust a move

Hashut’s Blessing:

Hahaha, Kera, I’d like to think you don’t know, but I’m fairly certain you do :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@Hashut’s Blessing, re: gift

I hope you kept the receipt… :wink:


I really liked the lobsters!

Ghrask Dragh:

:smiley: really enjoyed that and love the moves too :hat off


Dude, I laughed a lot! I too am a starting cinematographer (still studying on the uni tho) and have never spent more than 200 dollars on a short movie. That guerrilla style… believe me, I dig it :cheers

Hashut’s Blessing:

Ghrask Dragh - thanks very much. My dancing in it isn’t as good as it would be, but I genuinely couldn;t stand because I’d damaged my foot. Manned up and filmed it though :smiley:

Kera foehunter:

Maybe if we throw Tomatoes next time you’re learn to dance better :slight_smile:

Ghrask Dragh:

Ah, they do say we have to suffer for our art :smiley: fair play mate you didnt miss a step.

Let us know when the next one is out mate :cheers

Hashut’s Blessing:

I’ve been teaching people the dance ever since, lol :smiley:

As for next one out, we’ll see how it goes, eh? I have written lyrics for a couple of others.

But if you like this video, check out the Filmonik channel on Vimeo - http://vimeo.com/channels/filmonik#/channels/filmonik/53351358 that first video is the piece I made.