[Archive] A solid 500 points of Chaos Dwarfs


First of all, I’ve been an active reader for a while now, so I thought now would be a good time to post something.

I’ve been painting/converting some CDs now for a while too, and I’m soon ready for my first game! I made this list which I think will work against any opponent for a start. I might be wrong so I gladly accept comments, suggestions and advice.

Chaos Dwarfs - 500 points

Master Jaakko’s Own Household


Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer

*Level 2

*Lore of Death/Fire

Points: 100


14 Chaos Dwarf Warriors

*Full Command

Points: 156

10 Chaos Dwarf Warriors


Points: 120

10 Hobgoblins


Points: 50

22 Hobgoblins

Points: 44


1 Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower

Points: 30


Points: 500

Please give me feedback! I’d appreciate if you would come up with a name for this 500-points force. I might even write a battle report!




Why the lore of shadows, if I can ask ? The first spell will not be useful, and since at so little points you can count on (at least) one of your two spells being dispelled, you might end up with a useless spell passed.

Magic at so small a level is generally of little use, and I am surprised not to see the warrior hero, with something like armour of Gazhrak + great weapon.

You have 4 points left, you could go with two more hobgoblins ? One more is useful for the panic tests, since you will need one more hobgob dead to test. You will not have a neat 5x4 block tho.

That’s all the feedback I can come with now ! I like the list overall and I wish you good luck.



Why the lore of shadows, if I can ask ? The first spell will not be useful, and since at so little points you can count on (at least) one of your two spells being dispelled, you might end up with a useless spell passed.

Magic at so small a level is generally of little use, and I am surprised not to see the warrior hero, with something like armour of Gazhrak + great weapon.

I've always been a huge fan of magic and that's why I use the sorcerer hero. I might switch to another lore now when you mentioned it. I might also try one or two games with a warrior hero.

As with the remaining points, a few more hobgoblins wouldn't hurt at all!
Thanks for the feedback, Jaakko


I would recommend the fire lore as even one spell passed will be able to do enough damage and as all the spells are useful. Death spells seems to have too high a casting value and metal ones are too situational (maybe even useless, like Law of Gold) at this level. I don’t like Shadows because the first spell will be of no use for your list, and it seems many of the spells have a high casting value. But I don’t have the rule book under my hand so I work on what I remember.

Overall try to stick with low casting value spells, so that way you can give two dices for each spell. You can change one of your spells for the first one of the list, and I think you should do this almost if not all the time as it gives you a 5+ spell you will be sure to cast. Ideally you will have a 5+ spell and a 7+/8+ one. Cast the first spell (which should be easy to do) so as to make the enemy hesitates on either let it pass or dispel it and have the second one, more deadly but less certain to be cast, do more damage if it is cast. But maybe other will give you better counseling, after all I’m a beginner too :wink:

Edit : the sorcerer goes in the warriors units, right ?


Edit : the sorcerer goes in the warriors units, right ?

I'm going to try my first game with death and see how it goes; if it doesn't work out I'll change it to fire. Thanks once again Ancre.


Very nice list- I would swap Shadow for Death… Get more wounds!


Personally, for small games and army fluff, I would always take fire lore. It works very well against mummies!

My list wouldn’t be so different than yours… maybe swap some hobbos and the thrower for a death rocket, for fun’s sake!:stuck_out_tongue:

Call it Master Jaakko’s Own Household!


My list wouldn't be so different than yours.. maybe swap some hobbos and the thrower for a death rocket, for fun's sake!:P

Well, the Death Rocket is fun, but kind of random in a game of this size, so I'll prbably stick with the thrower and some naked hobbos.
Call it Master Jaakko's Own Household!

Haha! Love that name!
