[Archive] A Tale Of Exile - Army Fluff


…or also know as How It Came To Be That Overlord Zaramuskharaz Doesn’t Live At Zharr Naggrund Anymore And Other Strange Tales…

         Once upon a time, not long ago, High Priest Astragoth (May He Never Turn To Stone Completely!) was the most powerful servant of Hashut in the Tower of Zharr, and had immense prestige, being the oldest living sorceror of the entire Dawi’zharr race! Imagine that, even with the Stone-Curse over him, he ordered to the best artisans to break his turned-into-stone members and exchange then with arcane machinery!

         Overlord Zaramuskharaz (May Hashut deem him worthy!) was one of the most devoted friends of the Great Astragoth. And, as time passed, one sorceror emerged to surpass Astragoth as the most powerful sorceror at the eyes of Hashut. He, Lord Ghorth (May he turn to stone slower than his father did), took the power from Astragoth and moved to the Temple Of Hashut.

         As Zaramuskharaz was a supporter to Astragoth, High Lord Ghorth ordered to have Zaramuskharaz tower sealed, his forges closed, and that he couldn’t left his section of Zharr, being a prisioner in his own home.

         Zaramuskharaz them sacrificed his stronger slaves to Hashut, who granted a vision upon his son. As the sorcerer-lord left his sactum, he ordered all his subjects (and slaves) to gather at his tower’s inner plaza. There, he revealed the Hashut (praised be his holy name!) granted him a vision. Lifting his hammer, the mighty Kharazaramtatûl, over his head, the sorceror annouced: -“I won’t be staying in Zharr Naggrund for no longer!” - his household and slaves started mumbling.

         And saying this, he gathered his strengh and throwed the hammer over the Dark Lands. With Hashut’s help, the hammer went so far and so fast that some hobgoblins said that a star was falling on the south.

         Kharazaramtatûl fell next to The Gates of Zharr, opening a burning crater on the ground. Zaramuskharaz then annouced that they all were moving to “Wherever the Hammer Felt”. No one tryed to stop nor dissuade him. He marched for days, not stopping to eat nor drink, or even sleep. He just marched, and his relatives and slaves too. His home at Zharr was left open, and hollow it is until today.

         The legend says that, when Zaramuskharaz reached the crater “Where the Hammer Felt”, a black Great Taurus (some say it was an avatar of Hashut himself) touched the sorceror, and said - “The Father of Darkness is unpleased with you, fire-sorcerer. So he gives you the Strenght to became worthy, but he takes away your blessings”. And the sorceror was then blessed with an unholy strengh, but also cursed. He couldn’t cast ANY spells anymore! And more, the stone curse started, so sudden and fast that his feet were turned to stone instantly! “You will be strong, but you need to prove yourself worthy of Hashut’s blessing. Once you do so, you shall return to Zharr Naggrund”

         The Taurus then vanished in the air. Zaramuskharaz ordered the building of a ziggurat over the crater. The Fortress of Hammerfell, just outside of the Gates of Zharr, on the west. Even today Zaramuskharaz live in there, with his slaves and dawi’zharr. Weird thing, his feet still stony today, but the stone-curse stoped. He’s called Zaramuskharaz Heavy-Feet even today! A cursed-blessed sorcerer, such are the mysteries of Hashut’s will. HASHUT BLESS US!


Of How The Black Spider Tribe Started To Work For The Hammerfell Dawi’zharr…

Overlord Zaramuskharaz had two apprentices. Ashu’ahe, master of fire, and his twin brother, Ashu’atama, master of alchemy. Twice a year, the twin-brothers would travel to Zharr Naggrund, to buy any things needed and hear the news of what have been happening lately.

On one of this travels, Ashu’ahe received a hobgoblin’s report about a spider-riding tribe of goblins wandering the Blasted Wastes. Thinking about fighting the goblins and taking them as slaves, he mentioned his plans to Ashu’atama. The alchemist said: -“Don’t worry, brother. I’ll know how to take the goblins into our service without killing any.”

The twins went with their warriors to the goblin encampment. There, the goblin chieftain Short-Nose chalenged the brothers. -“Mesa hav a challenge for yousa! If yo can guesses how fast my best rider can go, we will let you live! Otherwise, I’ll pluck yor eyes outsa!”

The goblin rider prepared himself to start. Short-Nose said that the goblin could reach a hollow stump, 100 meters far, in 8 seconds. Ashu’atama said the goblin would only reach it after 12 seconds. When a goblin cryed “Start!”, Ashu’ahe set the spider’s back on fire. The spider started running in circles, droping the goblin and rolling to cease the fire.

-“Doesn’t count, you cheaties!”- said Short-Nose. -“Then let’s have it again. This time, If you lose, your tribe will come with us, working for us without any questions.” - replyed Ashu’atama. All the 20 goblins started talking, worried. Short-Nose accepted.

When the goblin-riders started running, Ashu’atama saw that he would reach the stump in 8 seconds. So he transmutated the stump into a frightening large bush. The spider, caught off guard, stopped in terror and runned away.

This way, the brothers returned home with 20 goblins servitors. HASHUT!