I’ve recently been playing in a warband league using my newly modeled/painted Chaos Dwarfs, and have had a blast. My list started as follows:
10 Chaos Dwarfs/standard/champion(Commander-Fred the Unruly)
8 Chaos Dwarfs/BB
4 Hobbos/Bow
4 Hobbows/Bow
Game 1 VS High Elves (3 units of 3 Seaguard, 3 White Lions, 7 Phoenix Guard w champ as commander).
My objective was to assassinate his commander which was the phoenix guard champ. I started the march across the board on the right flank with my champ’s unit, aiming for his phoenix guard, and sent my hobbo-bows and BB’s along the left, facing off vs white lions and seaguard. My BB’s couldn’t wound anything and ended up getting run off the board by the White lions, while my hobbo-bows traded shots with seaguard and came out ahead. At LD 6 test I was luckily passing panic checks (lose 1 guy=panic). My Champ’s unit locked with Phoenix Guard, and fought for 3 rounds of combat before the Elves ran away. I couldn’t get through his ward save, and he couldn’t get through my Armor and banner/rank/outnumber. That banner will continue to save me in every game I’ve played to date. I ran him down, got my objective and took the win. I used all the points I earned to buy back the stuff that didn’t come back plus 2 Bull Centaurs with Hvy armor.
Game2 VS Warriors of Chaos (hero on disk w/ flail, 3 hounds, 3 warriors w/ shields & xtra wpn, 2 marauder horse w/ flails).
My objective was to control more table quarters, so I deployed defensively, one unit of hobbos on a hill and the other behind a wall. Chaos BB’s were behind a wall as well, and main CD unit and centaurs set up in the center of the board. WoC came straight at me, and I braced for impact… that disk could hit anyone, anywhere. My hobbo-bows did nothing, my BB’s stayed put, I faced my Champ’s unit at the disk, and I hid my bull centaurs behind a forest. WoC charged my hill hobbos with marauder horse, and I offed one in my stand and shoot. The disk charged my BB’s who took it. His warriors moved up with his hounds. My Hobbos and BB’s held from the charge, locked in for another turn. My march-blocked champ’s unit dilly-dallied, my bull centaurs came to try and save the BB’s (revealing their rear to hounds), and my hobbo-bows killed a chaos warrior (ha!). His hounds charge and kill my Centaurs (lame) and my BB’s run and die to the disk guy, but my hobbos on the hill kill off the marauder horse, so I charge his disk with my main unit, kill off another chaos warrior and hound with bows. I win against his disk dude, who proceeds to run off the table, and he can’t recover while I pick his wolves apart with bows. I win (barely). But my Centaurs don’t come back and I don’t have the points to replace them.
Game 3 vs Orcs/Goblins (Orc Hero, 5 Black Orcs/shields, 2 Boar Boyz, 3 Orc boyz w/2 choppas, 3 Orc boyz w/2 Choppas, 3 Arrow boyz, 3 arrow boyz).
I forget what my objective was (but I didn’t get it). In this battle we just go at each other, with my stuff lumped together except my BB’s who take the left to try and hold off the Boar Boyz, who try and sneak past me. Hobbos and arrow boyz shoot each other into oblivion, while my BB’s chase and shoot at his Boar Boyz, who won’t commit to battle or running, they just go back and forth getting shot at. Lucky for him I can’t kill anything with the BB’s (who I run 4x2 until one dies, then I bring them all forward in a line). My main unit meet his Black orcs and hero, who whiff their attacks and wounds save 2: I armor save one and lose one, plus I kill a Black Orc in return. My rank and outnumber and banner win me the combat. I continue to chase him until he flees off the board. He ends up charging my BB’s with the Boar Boyz, we each kill one of the others and boar boy left runs away. A big win for me (his double choppa boyz don’t see combat). I buy 3 wolf riders w/armor+shield).