[Archive] Advice Wanted For Background Compilations


Alright folks, input wanted!

The below is a rough cobbling-together of all WHFB compilations. Names have been inserted, and AoS stories which I could remember from the top of my head has been moved to another AoS draft.

Before i polish it, I need your input again. Do you want to see descriptive background blurbs in among the lists (as per the original compilations), or should those be hidden? E.g. linked-to in threads of their own, but not taking up a lot of space in the list (if the forum software ever gets updated, or we switch platform, then any removed blurbs can be re-introduced within spoiler tags, but this isn’t an option now).

Is leaner better? Or are accompanying descriptions better?

Please help decide direction for it. Also, any other thoughts from seeing the rough draft? :slight_smile:

Chaos Dwarf Proverbs

Chaos Dwarf Monumental Inscriptions

Chaos Dwarf Quotes

Chaos Dwarf Religious Texts

Akin to their uncorrupted western kin, Chaos Dwarfs have been writing for as long as their collective memory can remember. The cataclysmic events, leading to the coming of Hashut and their salvation from certain doom, cleaned their culture to a blank slate whose contents was to be determined by the Father of Darkness and His chosen Sorcerer-Prophets.

Great was the change wrought upon the harried survivors of the settlers in Zorn Uzkul, for the new decrees of the fiery Bull God demanded nothing less than complete dedication. This the Dawi Zharr gave to Hashut, and as the oral teachings of the first Prophets and cult founders grew in mass and sophistication, they began to be carved into stone and bone, or written on parchment made from beast or Orc skin.

The very first writings of the Chaos Dwarfs were frantically carved inscriptions left behind in their shallow tunnel networks beneath the Great Skull Land. These are generally short pieces of writing, often hidden and with clear signs of the Chaos at hand during that turbulent time of the Great Incursion. Some are obvious works of Dawi with challenged but largely intact values from their World’s Edge Mountains origins, yet even these seem to contain hints of Hashut.

Many of the subterranean inscriptions speak of the painful transformation phase, when the world fell apart for the beleaguered Dwarfs, and when Daemons and lesser gods of Chaos started to whisper to them. Those carvings often contain runic letters or even logographic symbols of strange shapes and unknown origin, sometimes reminiscent of the Dark Tounge script which later arose amongst the Marauder tribes in the far north. Some of these new characters are entirely unintelligible, whilst other symbols clearly are the beginnings of the future Chaos Dwarf writing system.

Such transition period script do more often than not contain seemingly mad or nonsensical talk of supernatural beings, the praise of the Ascendant Bull and the final doom close at hand. Simple picture carvings occassionally accompany the letters, proving a new adoration of fetishes, beliefs in magical charms and horrifying events of insanity and carnage unfolding in the dark underground. Out from this torment grew the Dawi Zharr religion and world view, one obsessed with the domination of everything from creatures and landscapes to the Daemons of the Empyrean.

The final phase of the Zorn Uzkul carvings bear all the hallmarks of the Cult of Hashut, where the old ways are clearly being forgotten and where Chaos is to be served. They might have damned their souls forever by doing so, but the Chaos Dwarfs possessed a ruthless drive to survive at any cost. This they did, thanks to Hashut.

As Chaos Dwarf society grew and developed in the coming centuries, so did their religion and its body of sacred texts. These early versions of Khaozalid script soon began to show signs of the great wars against Orcs and Goblins being waged on the Plain of Zharr and beyond. Contempt for such lesser creatures was declared to be Hashut’s will. The religious formalization of creating new technologies for the sake of the Father of Darkness also stems from this time, as does the earliest allusions to Daemonsmithing. Fire, cruelty and craftsmanship was at the core of Dawi Zharr religion from the very start. Visions of doom, and prophecies towards that end, was likewise present in the beginning.

Sorcerer-Prophets and holy men have, throughout the centuries, constantly added to this increasingly massive body of religious scripture. Chaos Dwarf religion have never changed fundamentally, yet it is also a living religion in the sense that new texts of varying holiness are constantly added to it, especially by those wishing to leave their mark upon the world beneath Chaos before petrification overcomes them.

Hordes of scribes working in different languages toil endlessly with this corpus of scripture, which have acquired a level of mysticism undreamt of in the lands of short-lived humans. Many of the texts would be scarcely intelligible if translated to outsiders, especially those based upon numerology or other esoteric methods of interpretation. Texts which would have been seen as philosopical, historical or even scientific in other cultures are here very much religious (if not written for the Dawi Zharr public’s popular belief system), since Chaos Dwarf thinking is utterly permeated by their god, their mythology and their service to, and exploitation of, Chaos.

As such the religious texts of the Chaos Dwarfs are immensely varied, written as they are over several millennia by thousands upon thousands of different authors, most of which have claimed to be divinely inspired, all of which added their particular twist to the sacred lore. Some teachings in some texts led to the creation of sects and schisms, of which there have been a great number in Zharr-Naggrund’s long history. The number of writing styles in the Dawi Zharr scripture is almost as numerous as the number of Sorcerer-Prophets that ever lived. Many of the texts were clearly written in bouts of madness, or otherwise intentionally made into cryptic works which have kept the mystics busy through the centuries.

They are texts about the Father of Darkness and his role in the wider Chaos pantheon, they are texts about mythological figures, Daemons and accursed villains. They are texts about the moral and right in strength, cruelty and oppression, and they are texts about insanity and approaching doom. Above all they are the scripture of the downright malevolent worshippers of an evil god, and they are not for those weak of heart and mind.

These are the holy writings of the Blacksmiths of Chaos.

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Chaos Dwarf Prophecies

1. The Cannibal-Core - Audio (MadHatter)

2. What will the tool do without its wise hand? (Admiral)

3. Lament for Mingol Zharr-Naggrund the Great (Admiral)

4. Predictions, Three Times Three, of An Ending of All (Admiral)

5. Prophecy of the First (Abecedar)

6. Rebirth and/or Resurrection (Abecedar)

7. Fragment of the Unbreaking Cycle (Dînadan)

8. The Beginning of the End Times (Enjoysrandom)

Chaos Dwarf Myths & Legends

1. The Twelve Trials of the Two Bull-Spawns (Admiral)

2. The Eight Trials of the Two Centaur-Spawns (Admiral)

3. The Cursed Ore of Grimdur Gutwrencher (Admiral)

4. The Walled-In Bricklayer (Admiral)

5. The Obsidian Fort (Admiral)

6. The Black Wanderer’s Meatchest (Admiral)

7. The Sinful Stone Carver (Admiral)

8. The Fate of Death Rocketeer Ukkad Firebrow (Admiral)

9. Origins of the K’daai Oracle of Daemon’s Stump (Admiral)

10. The Hanging Fire Fields of Hashkunezharr (Admiral)

11. The Changeling’s Time Loop (Admiral)

12. The Breaking of the Three Spell Keepers (Admiral)

13. The Soil-Prophet (Admiral)

14. The Chaos Star Fort (Admiral)

15. The Two Winannas (DAGabriel)

16. The Grim Fate of In’kari the Damned (Admiral)

17. The Stormforged Axe (Admiral)

18. The Damned Riveter (Admiral)

19. The Acolytes Progress, and the Four Slanders of Hashut (Beloss)

20. Lordship in Heaven (Admiral)

21. The First Soulfurnace (Admiral)

22. The Bastard Son of the Bull God (Admiral)

23. The Will to Make Power Over Life (Fuggit Khan)

24. Dirge of Awakening (Roark)

25. F’Kari and the Eternal Flame (Ikkred Pyrhelm)

26. The Fall of Karak Zorgelam (Admiral)

27. The Mask of Madness (Admiral)

28. The Poison of Pessimism (Admiral)

29. The Folly of Nebirudnuzhak (Admiral)

30. A Tale of Three Ships (Admiral)

The Khaosiad

The Khaosiad is a collection of various myths, legends and ancient texts collated over centuries. It is not one single text but rather a catch all name given to this eclectic legendarium and is written across countless scrolls, tablets and books. The authors are unknown, but it is believed that they all lived before the founding of Zharr-Naggrund and the oldest surviving copies all originate from Uzkulak and from that time. The Khaosiad covers a wide variety of subjects but a common theme found in almost all of them is presenting the Chaos Gods and many of the most renowned daemons as having lives akin to mortals. Being a collection of various disparate texts, the Khaosiad is highly inconsistent in details with Gods, Daemons and other characters appearing in one myth only to be born or created in a different one set later. Many scholars have been driven mad trying to comprehend the truths behind the myths.

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1. The Infernal Artificer (Dînadan)

2. The Serpent Within (Dînadan)

3. The Twelve-Hoofed God (Dînadan)

Descriptions of Chaos Dwarf Religion

1. Brotherhood of Hashut (Admiral)

2. The Shackled Consorts of the Bull God (Admiral)

3. The Sacred Fuel of the Altar’s Sacrificial Fire (Admiral)

4. The Great Thunderbull (Admiral)

5. The Great Firebull (Admiral)

6. The Dark and Fiery Heavens (Admiral)

7. On Fire and Water (Admiral)

8. The Temple Marriage Market (Admiral)

9. The Sacred and Unholy Dark Lands (Admiral)

10. The Pillar Mystics (Admiral)

11. On Hats and Masks (Admiral)

12. The Barren Shrine (Admiral)

13. The White Archives of Zharr-Naggrund (Dînadan)

14. The Hanging Gardens of Zharr-Naggrund (Dînadan)

15. The Azure Devils (Dînadan)

16. The Cartographers’ Guild (Dînadan)

17. Excerpt re “The Doom of the Stonebreaker” from Jedak’s “Tome of Betrayals” (Jackswift)

18. Up North (Admiral)

19. The Stonetrap Mysteries (Admiral)

20. Excerpt from the Azzgorragead (Dînadan)

21. Zharkanul’s Overview of the Lesser Races of Mortals (Admiral)

22. Faces of Hashut (Braided Beard)

23. On Daemon’s Stump (Revlid)

Chaos Dwarf Metaphysics

1. Liber Chaotica: Hashut (Grimstonefire)

2. The Wheel of Chaos (Dînadan)

Chaos Dwarf Religious Instructions

1. The Sacred Ziggurat (Dînadan)

2. Gorgothian Maxims (Admiral)

3. The Way Past Death Sermon of the Slaghoof Sect (Admiral)

The One Hundred and Forty-Four Commandments of Hashut

1. The First Commandment of Hashut (Dînadan)

2. The Second Commandment of Hashut (Dînadan)

3. The Third Commandment of Hashut (Dînadan)

4. The Fourth Commandment of Hashut (Dînadan)

5. The Fifth Commandment of Hashut (Dînadan)

6. The One Hundred and Forty-Fourth Commandment of Hashut (Dînadan)

The Writings of Karzh Akkadur

Sorcerer-Prophet Karzh Akkadur the Builder was one of the most influential Prophets during the time of the founding of Zharr-Naggrund. Though some of his works have been soaked up by Chaos Dwarf folk culture as succinct sayings, well-known prophecies or popular stories, most of his writing actually deals with theological and philosophical questions not normally this attractive to the wider Dawi Zharr populace.

The partial popularity of his teachings amongst the masses is in no small part due to Karzh Akkadur’s unusually simple writing style, which was relatively easy to follow and relatively free from the mystical formulations which riddles almost all other Chaos Dwarf scripture. As such he is regarded by most Sorcerer-Prophets throughout the ages as an overvalued simpleton.

This simplicity, for Chaos Dwarf religious writing at least, was in part due to his busy life as one of the founding fathers of the ziggurat city of Zharr-Naggrund. The magically aided construction of this titanic structure, with all its hidden vaults and catacombs, drained his days and left precious little time for prophecies and teachings.

To outsiders, Karzh Akkadur the Builder’s texts would perhaps be some of the best shortcuts to fathom the enigmatic Dawi Zharr psyche, should they ever be translated for others than a few choice demented Human sorcerors from the north.

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The Seven Times Seven Ways of Karzh Akkadur

1. The One Credo of Karzh Akkadur (Admiral)

2. The Three Pillars of Karzh Akkadur (Admiral)

3. The Five Wills of Rule of Karzh Akkadur (Admiral)

4. The Six Cruelty Reflections of Karzh Akkadur (Admiral)

5. The Seven Laws of Karzh Akkadur (Admiral)

6. The Eight Commandments Ritual of Karzh Akkadur (Admiral)

7. The Nine Fire Rules of Karzh Akkadur (Admiral)

8. The Ten Principles of Karzh Akkadur (Admiral)

9. The Thirteen Wisdoms of Karzh Akkadur (Admiral)

10. The Seventeen Spokes of Might of Karzh Akkadur (Admiral)

11. The Twentyfour Seductions of Power of Karzh Akkadur (Admiral)

12. The Twentyseven Origins of Power of Karzh Akkadur (Admiral)

13. The Thirtythree Cracks of Perfidy of Karzh Akkadur (Admiral)

14. The Fortyfive Springs of Madness of Karzh Akkadur (Admiral)

Writings on Chaos Dwarfs Among Foreign Races

1. Grungni’s Pained Anger (Admiral)


1. Entering Zharr-Naggrund (Dïnadan)

2. Bread and Circuses pt1: The Father’s Quarter Begins (Dïnadan)

3. Bread and Circuses pt2: The First Game (Dïnadan)

4. Harvest Time (Dïnadan)

5. On Diet and the Infernal Guard (Admiral)

6. Excerpts from Dawi-Zharr Law (The_Penguin)

7. The Black Lammasu (Miasma)

8. The Smith’s Prophecy (Dînadan)

9. The Keys of Rebirth and Eternity (Fuggit Khan)

10. Time of the Dawi Zharr (Miasma)

11. Entering Uzkulak (Dînadan)

12. The Binding of the Daemon Lugg-Hazh (Admiral)

13. The Enemy’s Offer (Admiral)

14. Tales from Ostermark Vol. II (Axtklinge)

15. The Rat and the Bull (Ikkred Pyrhelm)

16. Prince Robu (Darkmeer)

17. Random Ramblings (Enjoysrandom)

18. When Even the Stones Become Echoes (Ikkred Pyrhelm)

19. The Cattlewagon (Forgefire)

20. “I will tell you this: There is no afterlife.” (Fuggit Khan)

21. The Unwritten Tablet of Zharek Kadeshak (Jackswift)

22. A Lost Rune (Ikkred Pyrhelm)

23. To Carve One’s Fate (Carcearion)

24. A Left Turn at Albakhar’ri (Carcearion)

25. The Ambush (Slavemaster Hod)

26. Forged in Brass, Cursed in Stone (HPN)

29. Chaos Dwarfs vs Kingdoms of Ind (ashur)

30. Chaos Dwarfs vs Kingdoms of Ind - The Dragon Isles (ashur)

Chaos Dwarf Fables

A fable is a short and straightforward tale with simple characters and a strong moral point. In many cultures, fables are generally thought of as tales for children, even when they are aimed as much to an adult audience as to a juvenile one. Fable authors are rare among Chaos Dwarfs, not least because the highly developed cognitive abilities in uncorrupted and corrupted Dwarf children alike place high expectations on young offspring to take part of adult folk culture. Yet still the Dawi Zharr has produced a few fable authors, most of whom were excentrics and alone in their generation. This has not stopped their fables from gaining popularity and spreading to become part of the oral folk culture of the worshippers of Hashut.

Akin to other cultural expressions, Dawi Zharr fables mirrors the convoluted and cruel mindset of the children of the Bull God. They are both stories and testaments of a world view steeped in mysticism, sacrifice, heinous cruelty and slavery, as well as domination, warfare, rigid hierarchy and eternal toil to mine, quarry, forge and build in the name of the Father of Darkness. These are not narratives of good and just deeds rightfully rewarded while wicked deeds are punished, and only rarely do they have happy endings. These are tales of a world where might makes right, where strength and cruelty are signs of greatness, and where the capricious will of the Dark Gods can bring about doom upon you at any moment. They are spoken witnesses of a world where the wicked may triumph so long as the Dark Gods wills it, and are appeased through adulation and sacrifice. The underlying world view is fundamentally different to that of most Human societies. For these stories are not bereft of moral. Instead, they are permeated by a morality utterly abominable to lesser races devoted to gods of order.

They are dark tales of a harsh and mysterious world, where blood runs and fire rages as mortals doom themselves by their shortcomings.

These are the fables of the Blacksmiths of Chaos.

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The Fables of Uhr-Kulmbizharr

Daemonsmith Uhr-Kulmbizharr the Blind was one of the most renowned Dawi Zharr authors of fable stories ever to have lived. His life of infamous craftsmanship, devious trickery, capricious cruelty and eccentric writing of children’s stories have become part of the stock legends surrounding the foundation of Mingol Zharr-Naggrund the Great. Unlike virtually every other author of the Chaos Dwarf race, every single one of his stories have entered the oral culture of the people, and only the deaf and insane amongst this malevolent race have not heard most of his fables.

Dawi Zharr authors of children’s stories are rare indeed, not least because the cognitive abilities of Chaos Dwarf children develop stronger than in Human children, and every youngster who is not a toddler amongst the Dawi Zharr is expected to comprehend, learn and recite stories aimed at an adult audience. As such, Uhr-Kulmbizharr the Blind was a most peculiar man to even attempt to write simple fables when most other similar stories produced by Chaos Dwarf scholars were, and are, elaborate mythologies.

The success of his popular work cannot be denied, however. The niche he fills is equally permeated by the fundamental, Chaos Dwarf worldview as are the more advanced Dawi Zharr narratives. This is a mindset where strength and cruelty conquers; where the weak have no other place amongst the living than as downtrodden slaves; where devious deception is a sign of ability; where utter devotion to superiors is a fact; and where survival and domination at any cost is the leading moral principle.

To read these fables is to gain a brief glimpse into the hellish thoughts, expectations and beliefs of those who sacrifice to Hashut.

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1. The Ram and the Bull (Admiral)

2. The Ox and the Cowherdess (Admiral)

3. The Goblin and the Lammasu (Admiral)

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5. The Slave and the Blacksmith (Admiral)

6. The Hobgoblin and the Hellsmith (Admiral)

7. The Nehekharan and the Arcane Engineer (Admiral)

8. The Tightwad and the Temple Acolyte (Admiral)

9. The Sculptor and the Stone Golem (Admiral)

10. The Sacrificer and the Oracle Fire (Admiral)

11. The Shipwrecked Sailors (Admiral)

12. The Bull Chariot and the Goblins in the Gorge (Admiral)

13. The Weaveress and the First Wife in the Harem (Admiral)

14. The Romantic and the Love of His Life (Admiral)

15. The Bargeman and the Misfortunes (Admiral)

16. The Storm Cloud and the Volcano (Admiral)

17. The Condemned and the Sorcerer-Prophet (Admiral)

18. The Bull’s Eye and the Blue Tooth (Admiral)

19. The Greedless Man and the Mad Fimir (Admiral)

20. The Orc and the Chaos Dwarf (Admiral)

21. The Gold and the Iron Ingot (Admiral)

22. The Wheel and the Cut Stone (Admiral)

23. The Slavedriver and the Bull God (Admiral)

24. The Items of Subjugation (Admiral)

25. The Impious Tanner (Admiral)

26. The Potter’s Slaves (Admiral)

27. The Bodyguard and the Sorcerer-Prophet (Admiral)

28. The Doomsayer and the Feral Goblins (Admiral)

29. The Slapdash Carpenter and the Apprentice (Admiral)

30. The Absentminded Hatter (Admiral)

31. The Goblins (Admiral)

32. The Malarkey Coppersmith Roofer (Admiral)

33. The Negligent Slave Owner and the New Taskmaster (Admiral)

Apocrypha Uhr-Kulmbizharr

The Apocrypha Uhr-Kulmbizharr is a collection of writings attributed to the renowned Uhr-Kulmbizharr the Blind, but believed by all right-minded scholars to instead be the work of a lesser author using the ancient Daemonsmith’s name to try and spread his own works. Anachronistic proof of the these fables’ later date asie, parts of the Apocrypha do mimic the style of Uhr-Kulmbizharr closely, while many of the apocryphal fables are known for their sophistication or remain as popular as the fables of the actual Daemonsmith of ancient times.

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1. The Sword and the Shield (Dînadan)

The Fables of Utnipishzim

Utnipishzim the Proselytizer was a Sorcerer-Prophet in the early days of the Dawi Zharr when the worship of Hashut had yet to cement itself. He made his name during this time becoming known for his extremely active approach to spreading the new faith. Later he was one of the many contributors to the construction of the Great Temple. Though a deep thinker, he was a mediocre sorcerer and turned to stone before the Temples completion. His statue stands to this day, crumbling and nearly anonymous near the doorstep of Zharr-Naggrund.  

Writing in the days before the establishment of many latter conventions, and following a cult of Hashut which became defunct, the majority of Utnipishzim’s writings have not stood test of time. A writer of much longer narratives, these volumes were considered obsolete by the Sorcerer Prophets who emerged after his petrification, quietly declared heretical, and destroyed, taking much of his biography with them. To this day little survives of him outside his story’s intended for a tiny fraction of a tiny race at the barren edge of the known world. A cruel fate for one so obsessed with eternal legacy, and so devout in his belief that Hashut was the all powerful arbiter of it.

Seeing good value in many of his passages however, and not wishing to disown a Temple founder completely, the Acolyte Shim-Izdur was charged with taking excerpts from his stories and converting them into a shorter format to preserve his more acceptable messages. What remains are the Fables of Utnipishzim, heavily edited, yet still reflective of the ruinous zeal which drove those early devotees of the Dark Father down their dolorous path.  

Due to being intended for study by the priests, many of Utnipishzim’s fables are taught to the Novices and Acolytes of the Temple, with a common emphasis on the trials of those who are destined to command magical power. As the original author was unaware of the great degree to which Dawi Zharr society would become inundated with bound Daemons, that many of his works now apply to the common Dwarf is an (un)happy coincidence.

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1. The Pious Warrior (Beloss)

The Fables of Zhargonidus

Despot Zhargonidus Doombeard of clan Boruzzik is the only renowned Chaos Dwarf author of fable stories alive in the current day and age. The first famous fable author to emerge in centuries, Zhargonidus’ infamy as an eccentric, cruel savage, and his reputation as a battlefield genius skilled in the arts of psychological warfare (i.e. striking terror into the hearts of the foe through vicious and very visible acts of cruelty) far outstrips his renown as an author. The style of his stories mimics that of preceding fable authors, not least Uhr-Kulmbizharr, and much of his work have already entered into the oral folk culture of the Dawi Zharr.

Characteristic of the majority of Zhargonidus’ fables, is the use of themes not available to the fable authors of ancient times. During the foundation of Mingol Zharr-Naggrund the Great, scarcely no knowledge of distant races like the Lizardmen existed amongst Chaos Dwarfs. Likewise, Ogres had yet not migrated into, and conquered, the Mountains of Mourn, and most Humans were but savages armed with weapons of stone, wood and bone, with the exception for Nehekhara of the Pyramids. Back then, Black Orcs did not yet exist, and Hobgoblins were but one of many Greenskins to be enslaved.

Most importantly, however, have been the advances in Chaos Dwarf engineering and Daemonsmithing. Though such crafts and arts were quite formidable even during the foundation of Zharr-Naggrund, millennia of progress have propelled the Dawi Zharr mastery of machinery and Daemons to unsurpassed and fearful heights of ingenuity and insanity.

All these modern themes are frequent in Zhargonidus’ fables. One thing is clear above all others, however: The downright evil and twisted mindset of the Blacksmiths of Chaos have remained constantly dark and cruel throughout the ages. Empires rise and fall, yet the hellish realm of the Chaos Dwarfs and their demented minds endure.

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1. The Ogre Tyrant and His Bull Calf (Admiral)

2. The Two Iron Daemons (Admiral)

3. The Reed Boat and the Inflated Hide Raft (Admiral)

4. The Infernal Castellan and the Night Goblin Fanatic (Admiral)

5. The Daemonsmith Engineer and the Great Eagles (Admiral)

6. The Cycle of Weakness (Admiral)

7. The Taskmaster and the Slaves (Admiral)

8. The Famished Salpetre Slave (Admiral)

9. The Bolter and the Daemonforged Golem (Admiral)

10. The Cheeky Hobgoblin (Admiral)

11. The Shapeshifted Scout (Admiral)

12. The Famed Slaver (Admiral)

13. The Cocky Marauder and the Foreign Traders (Admiral)

14. The Beardless Daemonsmith (Admiral)

15. The Furious Driller and the Spiteful Hobgoblin (Admiral)

Chaos Dwarf Songs

In their mystic rituals, in monotone labour and in the rearing of their children the Chaos Dwarfs of Zharr Naggrund, and all its domains, sing. Be they doomladen dirges, rattling recitations of religious script or just simple work verses, songs are part of Dawi Zharr culture just as they are for other races.

The nature of Chaos Dwarf songs reflects their cruel nature and experiences in life. These are not songs about innocent joy, and very rarely about romantic love or homesickness. Instead they bear the grim worldview of the songs’ composers and everyday singers.

These songs have very often a moral aim which would appear twisted if not sickening to many other peoples in the Warhammer world, as is the case with all lore of Chaos Dwarf folk culture. These are stanzas of death and slavery, of exploitation and heinous ritual. They record in the public memory of Chaos Dwarfs the dramatic high points in their long history filled with strife, suffering and ruthless drive for dominance and power.

Often these songs are partially or wholly undecipherable to outside listeners, even if they were to understand the Dawi Zharr language. So embedded are Chaos Dwarf life and thinking in mysticism that most cultural expressions through song would be difficult to interpret at best should any translator and scholar wish to do so.

Instead it is usually through the formative world of Chaos Dwarf childhood that their culture’s values and expectations can be uncoded via stories and songs.

Chaos Dwarf children, just like most other children in the Warhammer world, live like “little adults” to quickly mature and get prepared for their often predestined adult life. Many of the songs and stories which surround the youngest are complicated adult works shared by all in family or clan gatherings. This is fundamentally no different from other races’ way of life.

Even so, there exists a flaura of Chaos Dwarf children songs, who are relatively simple and generally taught to the youngest by their mothers. These are rhyme songs which, if translated, can be understood well by outside observers, since they should be intelligible to Dawi Zharr children in relatively early development.

Some parts of Chaos Dwarf children songs may be advanced enough to be lost on Human children’s ears. This is because both western Dwarfs and eastern Chaos Dwarfs are intelligent races with lives of longevity and slow maturing periods. As such, many Dwarf beardlings possess more knowledge and skill in the crafts than most Human elders.

Even small Dwarf children are often able to grasp concepts which would be complicated for young Human adults. Chaos Dwarfs are no different in this regard from their distant kin. The contrast with Dwarf verses lies instead in the songs’ content.

One have to understand that Chaos Dwarf songs at an early age helps instill a moral sense where greed, domination, contempt for others and complete submission to hierarchy all vie with each other and combine to create the merciless character of the Chaos Dwarf people and their monstrous empire.

These are songs of bloodshed and hardship, of carnage and conquest, of failure and damnation. They are glimpses into the psyche of these enigmatic slavers and engineers. And they are not for those weak of guts and heart.

These are the songs of the Blacksmiths of Chaos.

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Chaos Dwarf Cult Songs

1. The Cannibal-Core - Audio (MadHatter)

2. What will the tool do without its wise hand? (Admiral)

3. Lament for Mingol Zharr-Naggrund the Great (Admiral)

4. A Hymn to the Great Taurus (Malificant)

5. Break or Be Broken (Admiral)

Chaos Dwarf Military Songs

1. All for Hashut - Audio (Admiral; audio by MadHatter)

2. Kill, maim, burn - Mantra Audio (Admiral; audio by MadHatter)

3. O Hashut in Thy Power (Admiral)

4. Hashut, crush us not (Admiral)

5. By the River of Ruin (Admiral)

Chaos Dwarf Adult Songs

1.The Passionate Axeman (MadHatter)

2. Nest’s pest (Admiral)

3. What a Chaos Dwarf mother told her daughter (Admiral)

4. To war (Admiral)

5. Shovel Coal (Admiral)

6. Run! Run! Run! (Admiral)

7. Gate of Contempt (Admiral)

Chaos Dwarf Children Songs

1. Might’s right (Admiral)

2. Math’s half (Admiral)

3. Mast’s ghast - Audio (Admiral; audio by MadHatter)

4. Mind’s grind (Admiral)

5. Man’s lance (Admiral)

6. Slave’s cave (Admiral)

7. Meat’s feat (Admiral)

8. Mound’s hound (Admiral)

9. Hat’s cat (Admiral)

10. Mold’s gold (Admiral)

11. Moan’s throne (Admiral)

12. Beware the Skaven my Son - Audio (Dînadan; audio by MadHatter)

13. My hat it has a steelspike (MadHatter)

14. Zharn’s craving (Admiral)

15. Fourteen Daemons times unholy twelve (Admiral)

16. Twelve Little Hobgoblins (Admiral)

17. The Unruly Idol (Admiral)

18. Zharr-Naggrund is Burning Down (Dînadan)

19. Slaves Are Plenty Useful (Admiral)

Hobgoblin Songs

Greenskin speech and language are crude, as are their legends and music. Their songs are usually as much an affair of screaming, grimaces, spitting, motions, stomping and violence as they are words, rythm and accompanying music. This is especially true for Orcs, whose stanzas around the campfires are not much different from their warcries. The short, thuggish songs of Orcs reflects their brute and thick nature, whilst Goblin songs are full of spite and malice, just as Goblins themselves are.

Both Orc and Goblin songs are simple and boastful, though Goblins and their Gnoblar cousins might boast mostly of cunning and torture whereas Orcs prefer to laud fell deeds of raw strength. Hobgoblin songs are, on the other hand, often longer, more coherent and more advanced than the verses of other Greenskins.

Hobgoblins are arguably the most intelligent of the Greenskin races, as is evident in their clothing, saddles, tools, armour and weaponry, all of which are more carefully crafted than the works of Orcs, Goblins, Gnoblars and Snotlings. In Hobgoblins, relatively high intelligence corresponds directly with an extremely murderous, cunning and treacherous nature. This is to be expected from Greenskins, for whom brutality and selfishness is at the core of their essence.

To some extent, the souls of Hobgoblins may be gleaned from their songs (if they had souls). More sophisticated than their Orc and Goblin counterparts, these songs are part of an oral tradition in which the Dark Lands Hobgoblins’ origins on the Eastern Steppes has not been forgotten, akin to the steppe title Khan which is still very much in use.

These songs are also a reflection of the Hobgoblins’ precarious middleman position as the elite slave cast of the Chaos Dwarf empire. They are the taskmasters and slave soldiers for whom service to the Dawi Zharr was a better option than wild free-for-all Greenskin freedom in the Dark Lands.

This was a devil’s bargain, for once struck it may never be broken if the Hobgoblins are to survive in the Dark Lands. So hated have they become amongst the other Greenskins for their acts of treachery and servitude to Zharr-Naggrund that if the Chaos Dwarfs were to fall, or if the Hobgoblins were to strike out on their own, they would be hunted down and slaughtered
en masse by vengeful Orcs and Goblins. Hobgoblins are already killed on sight by their free Greenskin cousins.

Thus it is that the Hobgoblins of the Dark Lands thrive under the Dawi Zharr’s dominion, ever fearful of their ruthless masters and the hateful Greenskin hordes that roam these harsh landscapes. They are expendable cannon fodder, subject to the cruel whims of their overlords, and repeatedly suffer cullings of Khans and even tribes who become too powerful for their own good. Their songs are verbal witnesses of this reality in which they live as the detested henchmen of the Chaos Dwarfs.

Yet above all they are stanzas of paranoia and malice, of plotting and cunning, of treachery and assassination, of bloodshed and pillaging. They are just like the Hobgoblins themselves: Cruel, murderous and insidous to the core.

These are the songs of the Slaves to Damnation.

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Hobgoblin Songs

1. Dere iz eight wayz ta stick an orc (Admiral)

2. Slice an’ dice (Admiral)

3. Watch yer back for sneaky gitz (Admiral)

4. Big ‘at tells ya (Admiral)

5. Da Luckee Stabba-Git (Admiral)

6. Shush! Sneak! Vicious streak! (Admiral)

7. Blood in da Mud (Admiral)

Foreign Songs About Chaos Dwarfs

When the ravenous armies of the Chaos Dwarfs conquer, devastate, raid and enslave in distant lands, they leave scars upon the minds of their surviving enemies and victims which may not be visible, yet still lingers long after the Dawi Zharr have departed with their armoured cohorts, mutant beasts and winged monsters, and with their hellish war machines, slave soldiers and shackled fire Daemons. Tales and songs about such encounters are retold and sung from the Old World to Cathay.

War may be strangely exhilarating to experience, but it is also terrible. Glory is only won amongst the moans of dying enemies, lest the most brilliant stratagems and marvellous feats of engineering would be for nothing. Yet to face the fell hosts of the Chaos Dwarf empire is to come face to face with one’s own raw, primal fear.

Chaos Dwarfs are the ones who trample and enslave Greenskins on a large scale. It is they who routinely quench menacing Warbosses and thus conquers the most barbaric race in the whole world. The Dawi Zharr shy from nothing to dominate and enslave. Not only mortals are found toiling in backbreaking labour for the sake of Zharr-Naggrund’s might and production, but even Daemons have been made into fettered thralls.

Theirs is a dread reputation, and the Chaos Dwarfs do everything in their power to stimulate and uphold it. After all, fear is in itself a potent weapon and deterrent, and the psychological warfare one can find in a Chaos Dwarf army is as sickening as it is deliberately wrought to inspire terror in foe and slave alike.

Their hosts are adorned with trophies from ritually skinned, mutilated and burnt victims, and the very shapes of the Chaos Dwarfs’ helmets and bound Daemons are intended to cow and frighten. Live slaves with cut-off limbs, gouged eyes, opened guts and flayed or scorched skins decorate giblets, war machines and even banners in most Dawi Zharr battle lines. These make a grotesque sight, yet to hear their wails and moans is possibly even worse.

The musical instruments of the Chaos Dwarfs are often possessed with bound Daemons to further increase psychological impact. Both Iron Daemons and such monsters as Lammasus and Bull Centaurs increase the terrifying impression of Zharr-Naggrund’s armies. Dark sorcery, crushing artillery bombardments and cruel deeds all add up to strike fear into the hearts of the Chaos Dwarfs’ foes.

Many of the verses sung about Chaos Dwarfs amongst other races stands as scattered testimonies to the dark dread experienced by enemy warriors and civilians alike. Behind these songs often lurk a grim trauma inflicted upon the minds of those enemies who composed the lines in the first place. These were men and women whose dreams were cast into nightmares by what they saw during war with the Dawi Zharr.

Although Ogres, uncorrupted Dwarfs and many Greenskins are resistant to such scars of the mind, the same cannot be said for the Skaven or the human multitude who time and time again find themselves confronting the Chaos Dwarfs’ armies. Even hardened northmen have been left shaken by the sights, sounds and smells emanating from a Dawi Zharr battleline.

This is the stark reality behind most of the sagas and verses sung about the mysterious Chaos Dwarfs in foreign lands. Bear in mind the trauma and horror visited upon those who survived to tell the tale.

These are stanzas of war and slavery, of blood and arsonry, of darkness and madness, and of monstrous cruelty. Above all they are testimonies of a grim dread born out of hell itself, for to face the Blacksmiths of Chaos is to gaze into an abysmal hunger to dominate all and everything, and to break the will of every single living creature.

These are the songs of the Survivors.

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Foreign Songs About Chaos Dwarfs

1. An Ode to the Asscannon - Audio (MadHatter)

2. Stunty tusks (Admiral)

3. Deeds of Ragnar (Admiral)

4. Hell on Earth (Admiral)

Chaos Dwarf Melodies & Sound Impressions

1. Zharr-Naggrund (MadHatter)

Chaos Dwarf Songs Youtube Channel

Compilation Draft A