Would it be worth having a seperate area/sub forums for Age of Sigmar, or is it going to be so overlooked by people here that it won’t be worth it/will just be a ghost area?
Would it be worth having a seperate area/sub forums for Age of Sigmar, or is it going to be so overlooked by people here that it won’t be worth it/will just be a ghost area?
Good point. Let’s see what happens when i launches for real on saturday and what FW does regarding to the chaos dwarves.
But it might be worth it to have an AoS subforum. Or at least start compiling army rosters, tactics, etc somewhere by itself.
Agreed, don’t think we can get anything actually done until it releases, but it’s worth people start spitballing ideas to lay the groundwork. So, anyone got any ideas?
We’ll wait for the launch to see how isolated AoS topics need to be.
The staff are discussing this. The main issue lies with the fact that we’ve always been a site dedicated to one game system - Warhammer Fantasy Battle. Depending on what the take up is like for AoS there could now be two versions of the game in popular circulation. Ultimately any reorganisation of the site will depend on site activity and the community. If the majority buy into AoS, stick to 8th ed or take up Kings of War, or any mix of the above then we’ll need a different response.
tl;dr It depends what people end up doing. We’ll give things time to settle before rejiging the site.
I wouldnt mind to see subsections for WFB, AoS and KoW rules/tactics. Other than that shouldnt be needed?
Edit: I mean under the “Gaming” area. :hat off
In my humble opinion a single subsection of Main is required for all AoS discussion outside painting and modelling.
It’s going to be interesting to see how every wargame forum plays this out. As far as we all know WHFB is a specialist game now.
Staff are talking it through. But everybody should feel free to share any ideas for Forum Updates they might. Thinking about CDO in general and the situation with AoS, 8th edition and the player migration to KoW 2nd edition.
Glad to have your inputs gentlemen.
Hmm, looking at what we currently have, I’d say (at most) we could do with:
Add a KoW sub forum to the Wargames News forum.
Add an AoS sub forum to the Wargames News forum
Add a KoW sub forum to the Showcase forum
Add an AoS sub forum to the Showcase forum
Add a KoW sub forum to the Amry lists forum OR implement a tags system whereby people tag their lists by which system it’s for
Add an AoS sub forum to the Amry lists forum OR implement a tags system whereby people tag their lists by which system it’s for
Add a KoW sub forum to the Tactics forum
Add an AoS sub forum to the Tactics forum
Add a KoW sub forum to the Battle Report forum OR implement a tags system whereby people tag their lists by which system it’s for
Add an AoS sub forum to the Battle Report forum OR implement a tags system whereby people tag their lists by which system it’s for
Add a KoW sub forum to the Rules Development forum OR implement a tags system whereby people tag their lists by which system it’s for
Add an AoS sub forum to the Rules Development forum OR implement a tags system whereby people tag their lists by which system it’s for
Now this is what we’d need at most so we can probably pare them down somewhat, possibly by using tags (eg someone doing a battle report would put ‘[WHFB] 2000pts CDs vs Ogres’ as the thread title for a Fantasy battle rep, or '[WHFB] or [KoW] or
As a general rule, I am against adding sections. I find they only serve to divide and isolate content. Age of Sigmar, for all intents and purposes, is Warhammer. I think our current sections will serve us fine for now. And unless something totally batty happens, things will probably remain as they are.
As I said, those divisions are the maximum that should happen, and most, if not all can be avoided by implementing a simple tag system. Personally I don’t think it’s inherently a bad thing having extra sub-sections because it divides content up as that means it’ll be easier for people to sort through topics and for those not interesting in system X to avoid threads on that system; they’re a bad thing as they can make the site look cluttered
Might it be worth having a trial period of, say three months, of leaving things as they are (or at most implementing tags) and if after that period the forums are starting to get cluttered, then sub forums/extra forums can be added?
Still being discussed. We don’t have that much traffic, so multible sections might be overkill.
In the meantime start tagging your posts with [AoS], [8th] and
Hi there,
I don`t think it is necessary to create more sub sections at this time. Tagging the threads will be a good idea if the necessity for other structures would show up later, good idea :cheers