[Archive] Akuma Ashbringers Evil Band

Hashut’s Blessing:

Yeah. It could be done, but it’d take a lot of work. Might be easier to use dragon ogre bodies instead of fat cold ones, but they increases th expense loads. Even so, looks good! 10 and a character. All in one unit? That’s a lot of punch!


Yah I put up my army list but no one has responded yet :frowning:



dude nic3 on3 th1ng th0ugh j00 g074 l0053 73h 0rk15h 84nn3rs 4nd 57uff

*dude nice one thing though you gotta loose the orkish banners and stuff

caos dwrf
Have to ask R2 to translate Binary for me :rolleyes:

Hashut’s Blessing:

I’m not one for reading amry lists as I’m not a veteran player of CD. I’ve had a few and collected for a while etc, but not had much chance to play with them.

WIlmark, would it not be better to get 3PO to do it, since he also speaks Basic?


Nother update…

And thanks for all the kind words!!

Some painted spiders (counts as goblin wolves (I HATE THE WOLF MODELS) )
I am painting them up to be targets… *still need some bits painted but you get the idea…

OHH OHH kill the things that make my eyes bleed!

And some shots of the taurus…

Hit me up with your comments, and yes I have moldlines to clean on the horns :slight_smile:

first prototype of my Chaos dwarf warrior…


Those spiders are very bright and terrifying. But your Taurus looks great! The head kind of reminds me of the maneating sheep from that New Zealand movie appropriately titled “Black Sheep,” but in a good way! Like, in a “good gods its going to eat me” kind of way. Anyways, well done!


Nother update…

12 warriors done now. Worked on the standard, musician and great weapons…more to come

I am getting good at this updating thing. Really only need 3 more raptorcs, (one of them a bull centaur hero) and 28 more warriors. Then all I have to do is painting /scared

Ghrask Dragh:

Those helms look real good, forgive my ignorance but where are they from?

:hat off for the taurus aswell by the way! I to hate the wolf models, they are at a disadvantage I feel by not looking anything like a wolf :mad!!! spiders are a cool substitute, are you using the spider rider miniatures aswell?


They are from old chaos warriors. I am also using the spider riders, I have an alternate paint scheme for my hobs. Thanks for the complements !!


Nice work, although you would have saved a good bit of cash if you had gotten the plastic heads as opposed to the metal ones.

Kera foehunter:

Dude the spiders creep me out!!! as i thought of all the color a spider could be you shure prove me wronge… but i like them!!! the tauras look great and so do the warriors


thanks for all the comments!

Small Update:

last 2 raptorcs for my 10 man unit, one trial super chaosy warrior

still need to finish up the raptors but most of them are done


More stuff! 9 more warriors done: