I think it has to be a stone thrower. It’s all fine as it is, it just needs to use the 5" template. Firing every other turn is also better than the 3+ thing, actually, and just have the Ogre remove that rule.
I think it has to be a stone thrower. It's all fine as it is, it just needs to use the 5" template. Firing every other turn is also better than the 3+ thing, actually, and just have the Ogre remove that rule.
Thommy H
I agree, just the above changes would make it a great warmachine to include for its points cost. With all the fuss about how large the cannon is and how large the mortar shells are, it's very unfluffy to be only a 3" tempalte. Or perhaps paying a points upgrade to better shells that would use the 5" template instead?
I'm a bit disappointed for the DQM though as it stands now. As I've eluded to in other posts, the rules, points cost and price of the model mean that only die hard CD fans are going to purchase one. With it being such an expensive model it really needs to do something special to warrant people buying one... and by special I don't mean the DQM being a 200pt warmachine that can take down a Bloodthirster in one shot.
I’d be happy to keep it as a 3" template, but only if the strength went up to at least 8 for the whole template. It’s meant to be a seige weapon primarily, so making it able to bust walls is fluffy. Having an alternative ammo will make it nice against regular troops.
I think S10/5 stone thrower, pie-plate, 2D6" quake zone from point of impact preventing marching, Ld test for affected models to declare charges, black powder misfire chart.
Then charge appropriately high points. It should be an absolute monster, the terror-weapon of the CDs.
At the moment its an unreliable, substandard version of a runed Grudge Thrower.
I don’t mean the DQM being a 200pt warmachine that can take down a Bloodthirster in one shot.
A normal cannon can do that fairly easily, and they aren’t 200pts. I one-shotted a Bloodthirster with a cannon last time I played against one with my counts-as Dwarfs. He wasn’t happy
I like the idea of it having some special effect against buildings. There’s a maxim in writing known as the conservation of detail: don’t say something if you aren’t going to do something with it in other words. I think one of my issues with the Dreadquake at the moment is that it disobeys this. The fluff says all this stuff about it being this massive siege gun and the rules don’t back it up.
The fluff says all this stuff about it being this massive siege gun and the rules don't back it up.
Thommy H
That's totally my feeling about it as well, there's a real disconnect there. The optional siege rules (which I don't have to-hand at the moment) require S5 or better to be able to damage a building, IIRC. The template for the DQM just eeks in at that strength.
That’s my biggest problem too - it doesn’t fit its fluff, it doesn’t fit its model, it doesn’t fit its role, it doesn’t fit its common sense (ammo so big an ogre struggles to lift it).
I like the idea of it having some special effect against buildings. There's a maxim in writing known as the conservation of detail: don't say something if you aren't going to do something with it in other words. I think one of my issues with the Dreadquake at the moment is that it disobeys this. The fluff says all this stuff about it being this massive siege gun and the rules don't back it up.
Thommy H
Yep, got to agree with you there. Even if they hadn't made it a siege weapon the thing still splits the earth open! You'd have thought a building would be the least safe place to hide from it.
I wonder if the quake should actually be the main attack, so that the area under the impact point gets a very strong hit while the surrounding area gets a much lesser quake hit and after effects. So S10 D6 wounds at the point of impact, 5" template and S2 hit with no armour save. Plus the following for every unit touched (not just wounded) by the template: dangerous terrain test if unit moves, -1 modifier for shooting, -1 to spell casting. Any structures hit receive an additional D6 wounds at centre of template and D3 wounds everywhere else under the template.
S2 sounds pretty weak, but ignoring armour makes it a lot more useful against things like knights that would still get a 4+ save after a S5 hit, whilst having a wide effect area makes it good against cheap infantry blocks. Archers will also be a more viable target. I wondered about making it also cause Panic tests, especially in cavalry, but I’m not sure if that would just be too much overall.
Everything under the template taking D6 hits is fairly useless unless you play against ogres all the time or in storm of Magic games a lot. Also, there’s no real reason that I can think of as to why it would. I think it doesn;t fit it’s fluff and either its rules or fluff/model need changing to fit in with the other.