[Archive] Alternative daemoneater model


My Deamoneater Muhahahahaha


these look a bit like evil steam tanks without the armour save on their profile. a bit too much metal IMO

Da Crusha
Well they DO have a 3+ save! Just as much as those metal golems!


Thorne, how does it “grind” its enemies once it’s in CC?


Thorne, how does it "grind" its enemies once it's in CC?

Oh dear Spikes it grinds the enemies under its tracks dear Spikes under its tracks


I like them. They don’t look too 40k to me, pretty much at the same tech level as any dwarf or Empire engineering, just bigger.


@ Thorne: Your Daemoneater is very cool :hat off… just a bit too modern for my liking!

               Nonetheless great work! It fits well in your army!

               It is a Grendel model … isn’t it?



               It is a Grendel model .. isn't it?

Indeed it is a Grendel model I do like it but i know it isnt up ot much peoples tastes, I think ill go more bestial next time I do one.