[Archive] Alternative Kollossus


I think this “mini” could be a cool Kollossus!

What do you think about it? Cause I don´t read the book where a Kollossus is described, will this one fit?



Tarrakk Blackhand:

That’s awesome!

Yeah, I’m also wondering where the juggernauts come form, rule wise.

Kera foehunter:

lol that a guy one isn’t it??? because of it being blue color lol

that is a nice figure too


It’s a nice model, big and smashy, but it dosen’t scream collosus on first glance, due to the lack of bull-ness…and flame throwers:)

still, nice base to build upon


Give it a curly beard and a big hat! :slight_smile: It’ll be good to go with either.


Wow, thats awesome I am just immagining it with a little work it would be perfect.


know that mini,i also had that thought…


Wow, Zanko - great find :hat off - Think it would be perfect with a bit of conversion.

The Kollossus is described as a “great mechanical giant” with the head of a bull. It is powered not only by machinery, but by the daemonic powers of bound-souls. It is made up of plated and riveted iron constructed in the shape of a great bull-headed man. It is crewed by Chaos Dwarfs, who ride within the armoured body. On its shoulders are firing platforms where additional Chaos Dwarf crew man flame-throwers which incinerate their enemies. Inside the mouth of its bull-head lies a rapid-firing cannon. The Kollossus also uses its heavy feet to crush its foes.

So a bull head, and maybe a turret on the shoulders - and you are pretty much done.


It’s not like Kolossi need to be identical - but stick a bull’s head and some chains on that baby and you’d be ready to go.


Pretty cool. Wouldn’t be too hard to convert it to have a bull head.

Nice find.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

What about the big bone animal head found in the Ogre Kingdom’s sprue that they use on their banners?


This would be a perfect excuse to use the flattened Goblin bit from the Giant sprue too. A little bit of flavor for the base.

Kera foehunter:

and the peasant running away !! (from the giant box set)


What about the big bone animal head found in the Ogre Kingdom's sprue that they use on their banners?

Tarrakk Blackhand
Yeah, that could work. I was thinking of the head from the Hellcannon.


Not bad its a bit too squat for my liking, should be taller too :wink:


I agree with Wallacer

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Actually, Wallacer made the comment. :smiley:


That’s OK, i’m too lazy to enforce copyright :wink:


Sorry about that!! I noticed that and fixed it.


I actually bought one of these golems at a GothCon this weekend for 2$, not this exakt one thou but a similar. So before I get any ideas of what to do with it what are the rules and fluff for a Kollossus? Is it a demonic machine of crewed but CDs? What are the weapons and so on... :)

Any links/input would be usefull!