Wow, Zanko - great find :hat off - Think it would be perfect with a bit of conversion.
The Kollossus is described as a “great mechanical giant” with the head of a bull. It is powered not only by machinery, but by the daemonic powers of bound-souls. It is made up of plated and riveted iron constructed in the shape of a great bull-headed man. It is crewed by Chaos Dwarfs, who ride within the armoured body. On its shoulders are firing platforms where additional Chaos Dwarf crew man flame-throwers which incinerate their enemies. Inside the mouth of its bull-head lies a rapid-firing cannon. The Kollossus also uses its heavy feet to crush its foes.
So a bull head, and maybe a turret on the shoulders - and you are pretty much done.
I actually bought one of these golems at a GothCon this weekend for 2$, not this exakt one thou but a similar. So before I get any ideas of what to do with it what are the rules and fluff for a Kollossus? Is it a demonic machine of crewed but CDs? What are the weapons and so on... :)